...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

*!$....they anwsered you like 10 times fam....YES you can send via text...etc...my boy has a curve from sprint.

No I guess im NOT saying my question right or you guys dont understand . People with with older SIDEKICKS CAN NOT TEXT PICTURES , they have to SEND PIC to peoples EMAIL . NOW with the BB I asked them if I can send PICS in a TEXT ? They sold NO .. you have to EMAIL pictures ... I said like the SIDEKICK , they said YES .
its cause you're saying text. a text sms is diff from a picture message mms. and to be honest just cause they answer the phone when you call t-mobile or whatever doesnt mean they know anything really. most the time they typing what you say in a box and searching for a pre-made script

NO one said anything about calling ... I said I went in and asked about the BB's ... OK so now when I send a MMS PICTURE MESSAGE can I send it with a TEXT SMS or do I have to send it via email ???
you can include text in the mms message.
Good grief.

YES, you can send pictures to someone's phone number--you do not have to send pictures to their email address like you do with a Sidekick. If you want tosend them to an email address, you can. And yes, you CAN send text and a picture in the same message.
My BB Collection, first BB was the 8800 back in early 2007. Once I got accustomed to true push mail and GPSbuilt in, I was ruined for any other phone. I bought the 16GB iPhone, liked it a lot, but was missing too many key functionalities (sp) so now I just use it asa music and picture storage "server", and a portable internet device when I'm around wifi. Also the apps are fun, but as a PHONE...IMO the iPhonesucks.
ILLIONAIRE...yeah it was a 3 year contract and I ported over from Fido and gave up a sweet retention deal. But I've had a cell phone for 8 years...I doubtI'm going to stop using one anytime soon or would want to give up my number or BB.

It also helps to have ways to get out a contract if I wanted to.
I may be late but I dont feel like going through 176 pages on this thread but does anyone know when the Javelin (8900) is released what Network will it carry.I hope its Sprint but Im not holding my breath
For my T-mobile blackberry heads, you can pretty much call in and upgrade to a 8900 right now, if you're contract is up or within a month of being up. Its$300, with a $100 rebate. For people who are currently in the middle of the contract, you can still scheme your way to the full discount. The partial discountfor a 2 year contract is just $70, making the phone $460, which doesn't make sense at all to do that. I still have 7 months left on my contract but Idon't plan on leaving T-mobile anyway. I called in a bunch of times to ask for the full discount despite not being eligible for it, claimed I was gonnacancel my contract, etc. and they weren't bulging for anything but finally this worked for me...

Off the bat as soon as I got a rep on the phone, I said I want to upgrade to the 8900 but I am not eligible for the full discount. Then I said it would be moreconvenient for me to go to at&t (even with the termination fees) since I have a Citibank discount of 55% on all blackberry's and a 22% discount on allplans (this is a legit discount for Citibank employees although I am not actually one
) and she transferred me to the customer loyalty department. The ladythere though I was dumb and tried to pedal the 8320 curve on me and when I asked for the 8900 she said they aren't being sold yet. I told her thats funnybecause I have friends who already received theirs and after checking again all of a sudden it popped up on the screen and I got her to bypass the partialdiscount and give me the full
. Unfortunately I couldn't get the rebate because she said a different department handles that but I was so happy just toget the full I wasn't gonna push it. I'm sending in my 8320 for $75 using the T-mobile trade in program so that pretty much covers the rebate anyway.With 7 months left on my contract I can't really complain...

So basically don't give up trying to upgrade if you have T-mobile. They kept telling me to call back on the 11th to see if I can get the full discount thenbut I'm way too impatient and finally made up a story good enough for them to bulge
Originally Posted by meth68

Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

Originally Posted by JD161616

Originally Posted by meth68

I got a storm on verizon. It was ok, hardware wise great software wise "ok". But the new leaked os .90 is pretty damn pimp. I am happy

Truth right there. I actually really love my Storm. I'd say in terms of overall practicality, something the the bold is better...but the storm is the perfect phone for what I need

with the updated operating systems leaking on the net, all the lagging is practically gone (for me at least)...and as far as I can tell from reading around, lag issues and minor glitches are what have turned people off from the Storm the most

I disagree. I had the storm for 2 weeks and returned it. It didn't have that "crack" to it that every blackberry owner falls victim to. The "crack" is of course the push, push everything (work email, personal email. SMS, MMS, blackberry messenger, etc) in combination w/ the trackball and full QWERTY keyboard.

With the Storm. It just wasn't efficient. And blackberries are blackberries because they are efficient. If I'm waiting on an important email from a client or my boss, the idea that I have to answer it via a touchscreen didn't make any sense to me. I was twice as slow, sluggish, and innefficient w/ it. Ya, as a multimedia device, the full screen was sorta nice
, but most people who really use blackberries don't have time to watch an episode of Entourage on their phone. Just give me a decent music player, I'm good. And I actually like broswing the web using a trackball over my finger on a touchscreen.

With that said, the BOLD is the greatest blackberry ever made since the 8700.
Again I agree with you, but you summed it up by saying you had it for 2 weeks. There is a learning curve with the storm right out of the box no doubt. So that takes some getting used to, But what was worse was they had to release it with .65 which was a horrible os, since then there has been about 6 leaked updates and I swear you would think you had a completely different phone with .90 compared to your .65. I use my storm in a corporate environment including texts/emails/calls all day long and I won't lie I hated my storm for my first 2-3 weeks, but now I am very happy with it. The touchscreen is so much more responsive now I am just as close typing wise as I was with my pearl and moto q.

People are so quick to judge. We all went through the same issues. It takes time to learn and adjust to the blackberry storm. Now I type faster texts/e-mailsthan I did with my LG Voyager. At first we all dealt with the frustrations, but with patience and the new software upgrades, its a breeze. I love my storm todeath. Hottest phone I have ever owned.
i'm sprint and i upgraded my 8330 to the pre-release of 4.5

idk if you all have, but im not reading through all the pages. haha
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