***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Dame is putting on an act. I did feel like 10% of what he said...however this guy contradicts himself every other sentence, and is a disrespectful dude.

It's hilarious.
Contradicts himself so much. And when you ask him about it he'll ask you a question or somehow say it's different :lol:
Dame Dash: Only black man who can cuss out white people in a corporate enviornment in a white tee and the white dudes dont say *************!!


lol this guy is horrible. And he wonders why nobody returns his calls.
Will is an actor though....you were better off saying be a Tyler Perry and not a Lee daniels

only person from a Tyler Perry movie that used his platform to elevate their acting roles is Tyler Perry :lol: ....None of the young talent have gotten on to bigger platforms after their start on his **** ....that Lance dude might be the most successful and all he was doing was club appearances from his Tyler Perry film/show exposures....

And nobody can fire Tyler from his **** but if his stuff don't get the views channels can drop his shows and lion gate can stop distributing.

Tyler also seeks bigger roles beyond his platforms ....even he knows his films won't get him respect as an actor

I give him tons of credit for banking off the "girllllll oh no he didn't" crowd ....its lucrative
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You what the **** happened in here? :lol:

So much dumb **** being posted. Dame brings out the animal in some of y'all I see.

Dudes really saying LeBron and ye ain't doing it because they're employees and don't have their names on things? what? If those ****** stopped doing what they did tomorrow there's not a single thing their kids wouldn't be able to have. They're horrible, awful examples of why being an employee is bad. :lol:
athletes are usually broke 5 years after their sports career is over

most don't own anything to sustain the lifestyle they continue to live

Lebron is not a partner of anything, he gets a super small percentage of what the city brings in because he plays there and a small percentage of what nike brings in

and most businesses fail because the same 5 families own everything

if you have a small grocery store that's booming they'll put a walmart right next to it

it's countless sheep in this thread alone, how could you expect the playing field to be level when people don't take themselves serious?
:rofl: @ How Damon Dash got some of tall thinking. He's a prime example of how the rug could be pulled out from under you when you have that mentality.

And I'm kind of sick of hearing him dictate what men do and do not do.
Ok so if I get paid 50 mil a year to play basketball, drink sprite and shake some fans hands, should I be upset that I'm not making more because the guys who gave me this spot are making more?

That small percentage is exponentially larger than what these guys would have with restaurants and low grade production companies in arguably less time.
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G Will - What's your real screen name? You joined yesterday simply to back Stacey Dash cousin?


What kills me about y'all pyramid scheme fanboys is what y'all gonna do when 5linx goes under? :lol: Wake Up Now dissolved this year.
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I think we can all agree that Dame is abrasive and his message isn't packaged well, whether it be his wording or his defensive attitude and offensive remarks. And obviously you need capital to start a business and it won't just materialize out of thin air. Grown men get it, no you can't flip your way to a million (legally) unless you're an extremely rare case. And of course, you should save money for a rainy day.

But let's break down what couldn't be articulated and what he was trying to say.

I'm not a financial analyst, but aren't you losing money when the rate of inflation from one year to the next is greater than the interest earned on a savings account? If that money makes money (greater than the % you get from savings) instead, aren't you coming out ahead?

Of course you can't go make a t-shirt from scratch and then flip those until you see millions, but the artists that he was directly speaking to (Envy is a DJ and CTG is a comedian and probably a writer) CAN create their own intellectual property and sell it directly to their audience. Can everyone? That's debatable, but the point is why get a cut when you can at the very least share the pie and leave part of it to your family after you're gone?

Should any man be ashamed of working a 9-5? No. I work one and took no offense from what Dame said. I'm in sales and duck 1099 gigs like the plague because there's no safety net in those. There's no benefits package or paid sick days either. And to be out there solo to sell someone else's product with the drive it takes EVERY DAY is tough when realistically, I know I have an "off" day every once in a while. HOWEVER, I do kill what I eat and I am an artist and have worked professionally as one before so I can take some of what Dame said and apply it to myself.

I don't think anyone in their right mind hears Dame and thinks he has ALL of the answers, but did anyone who helped you in life? He's on to something when he asks why aren't we the main ones profitting from our culture? Why are we being told what to do when the culture depends on our input for success? And no, music sales aren't gonna make millionaires today, but is Hip Hop only music? Isnt it more the style in which something presented? Anybody can rap, dance, DJ or paint, but the way it is done by us and that style that has evolved over time is OUR input and we give it away. :smh:

Ryan Leslie and Childish Gambino also touched on similar themes in their interviews and I don't agree with everything they said either, but if you can read between the lines, there is a lot of truth to that theme.

Can a man who wants to be a cop go start his own PD? Nah. It's silly to even think Dame's message applies to situations like that. And there's NOTHING wrong with making an honest living, getting a steady check and being comfortable taking a cut of the collective work of a group. But if you can teach your child to not have to go that route if that child has that spark to be his/her own boss, why not encourage that drive and tell him or her there's nothing wrong with that either?
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Lebron nmshould go to the dyckman and start a league. That way he can charge for popcorn, tickets and water and be able to say ***** I'm the boss. Slow and steady wins the race. If he plays for 60 years and do that he could make 1/15th of his sprite contract and Lil lebron can take over. If u got an idea and have money put up to invest in yourself and plan properly, u can be very successful if everything is right. But just like that boss can say your fired, like most businesses, u can go under. Hell its a dude I work with had his own business for 15 years, went under and his wife left with him. Dude who did the cleaning, decided to get a job driving 18 wheelers and go clean and clean hard wood floors on the weekends. Multiple incomes, that's where its at, son has money coming from everywhere.
Son said he isn't a partner in anything tho and can't use his name. I don't think anyone with that kind of money will mind. What happens when dame dies? What does his children get? He uses his money for his next flip right? Why doesn't his son, who is a DJ start up a breakfast club type platform? What happens when famous Amos puts a factory right down the street from his son girl scout cookie stand? Then what. He's preaching everything but the bad that can happen but preaches everything bad about working for someone. Sir San Diego Sir San Diego made some good points but that's just not what he said. We can argue over what he meant but 90% of that message was clear.
all the things attached to Lebron are based on other people

if they don't like what he does he could lose all his endorsements for one "mistake"

and to the other dude I wasn't even talking about his management group I'm talking bout people acting like he's partners with nike
Why are you sitting here tryna discourage ppl from bossing up? It don't matter who's doing the motivating as long as it pushes somebody to better themselves. If it sparked a person to think and make a power move for themselves, WHO ARE YOU to tell them otherwise? It's more ways to be your own boss than just outright owning a business.

You the same wack *** DJ ***** that claim you discovered Waka, **** outta here with them wack *** mixtapes and them wack *** artists you tried to develop. You tried to be a boss at something Dame did and failed miserably, now you just sound salty. Like it's been said over and over in this thread, everybody can't be a boss and you're the living proof.

MY GOD :rofl: :rofl:
Lebron has the opportunity to be a free agent, work for any organization & demand the most money, dj envy cant do that & the avg citizen cant

I don't know how we define "the avg citizen", but I'm pretty sure when Envy's contract is up, he can play the open market, field offers from other stations/radio chains, and negotiate a higher salary from them or from iHeart.

That's basically what Big Boy just did.

And as far as I'm concerned, if you are great at what you do in business, people will notice and attempt to hire you. If you are great at what you do, you can negotiate the best salary for yourself.

Lebron is actually locked into a contract. He can't leave if he wants to. He can't negotiate more money tomorrow if someone else comes calling.

The "avg citizen" can. Though contracts are not uncommon in other fields, they don't always exist.

Lucian Grainge (CEO of Universal Music Group) doesn't own. But I'm sure he's doing just fine, has PLENTY to leave to his children (real estate etc. since you seem to think an art gallery is something major to pass down to your child), and anything you can say about Lebron would likely apply to him.
Envy is easily replaceable, i doubt any other station is gonna pay him a higher salary than what hes currently getting, charlamagne is the valuable piece to that breakfast club brand, without him breakfast club wouldnt be what it is today

OK. But that's not a function of the actual job then.

But moreso how well they do/don't do it.

So my point still stands.

Yet you still found a way to miss it entirely :lol:
I've never seen so many people get their feelings hurt over someone telling them their personal philosophy on how to grab your nuts and boss up.

Disagreeing is one thing, not every one feels like Dame does and thats alright. but for some reason people are ad hominem attacking Dame and those of us who agree with him. That shows insecurity.

Complaining about his 'approach' is BS because no one trying to upgrade your mentality owes you nice words.

But it's like others have said ITT, not everyone is qualified to receive good game. Everyone doesnt have the mentality to be a boss, and thats ok because bosses need workers to help in the sale of their products.

Here's a tidbit: post-slavery, black folks in this country controlled .5% of the wealth. Today, in 2015, can you guess how much we control?

One half, of one percent. .5%. The standard of living and the American wealth cache has increased which gives the illusion of progress. But We haven't moved one iota percentage wise and the reason is because we don't own and control our own assets. It's extremely obvious why were stuck on the hamster wheel of poverty when you read some of the brainless, emotional comments on here about Dame and his concept of ownership.

And Whoever really just compared owning your own business to WakeUpNow is going to be a worker bee for life. What you don't realize is that WakeUpNow and other scams use phrases like 'own your own business' to mimic legitimate entrepreneurs, not the other way around.
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Mane the funny thing is that I can't find anyone who is a business owner myself included that agrees with Dame's philosophy.

It's the dudes that never even seen a 1099 cheering him on. So that worker bee notion is stupid.

The fastest way to starting any venture is OPM. This dude Dame telling you the opposite.

He clowning people with 9-5s but Warren Buffett says the opposite. And most experts tell you a stable job is the best way to supplement a business until u can replace your job with your business.

I haven't had a "real job" in 10 years and I was offended. How are yall motivated by him calling hard working people lazy & less of a man?

When you own a business you own a job. You own a 9-5. This dude Dame got yall thinking it's simple when the truth is the average ROI is 20%. And 80% of businesses fail in the first year.

He ain't telling you that. He keeps talking about these pseudo companies he "owns" but they really just hobbies. Fool buys private label motor oil & sells it online & says he's an oil tycoon.

So I'm not mad at his "philosophy". I'm mad that he's lying & a lie to people who don't know any better looks like the truth.

I actually give a **** about people. So instead of just laughing it off like most people who know better who don't care if u learn poison as long as you stay out of their way. I actually try to share information.

I don't even think he was trying to teach he was just trying to flex his nuts cause CTG had on a Jay stan starter kit.... and then he said "black ownership" and that got ya'll ears pointed up ready to eat whatever he fed you.

He ain't preaching black ownership or black entrepreneurship he's preaching hustling. That mentality don't work on the other side of the fence trust me.

If you never thought about or pursued black ownership before this interview it's probably not something you really are interested in but if you want to start a business or be an "owner" the information been out there go get a Amazon Kindle account or something.
Jordan8 Jordan8

I don't have a dog in this race so I appreciate your perspective as well as dudes who don't see it your way. Speaking of, this really shouldn't be an emotional discussion because none of us were in that room and no one was being directly spoken to.

As far as black ownership, I came up around my Pop's business. He had two Ford dealerships at his peak and was a member of the AA Dealer's group (I think it was NAMAD). He took me to one of the conventions in Vegas and it felt good to be in a room of black business owners. Even before that, seeing him go from sales, to management to owner was inspiring. At a young age I even approached Master P and No Limit to try to gain their support for a black owned dealership the best I could at 18. :lol:

Eventually, due to building too big for his market, hate from his white competitors and their affiliates and hate from "brothers" in the organization, things fell apart. Katrina didn't help either. I say all that to say, I've been on the other side. I know the sacrifice it takes to make it to having something and I know what it's like to see it fail too. :smh:

However, we should all take from this, no matter what side you line up on, we need MORE black businesses and just as important, black folks supporting black businesses.
Yea but how many of us bought Loisaidas?


Funny thing is, the thing he went there to promote, is the thing he talked about the least.

Dame was putting on a show. Like I said, he was on defense the minute he saw CTG's outfit and overcompensated.

Daniel seemed to be the only one with his head on straight.

YO, how did the new guy's posts all disappear? Mods vaporized ole boy?
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