***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

THey both dont own their names.. Ask Lebron or Jordan to name a restuarant in their name.. and watch them "try".. its like "Famous Amos".. hell Tiger Woods couldnt even do it neither..
other peoples money works for white people cause they work together

you take other people's money as a black business owner the money is usually coming from white people

they typically find a way to buy you out or short you one way or the other unless you're in the business of perpetuating stereotypes or your product harms black people more than doing my good

I know black business owners and black people who own land and they get stalled out on paper work and other things because white people realize the potential of what you have and try to get the property from you one way or another

not all white people, I'm talking the people destroying the country

the people you speak of who own businesses who don't agree with dame essentially work for white people and are still going along to get along for a hand out
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other peoples money works for white people cause they work together

you take other people's money as a black business owner the money is usually coming from white people

they typically find a way to buy you out or short you one way or the other unless you're in the business of perpetuating stereotypes or your product harms black people more than doing my good

I know black business owners and black people who own land and they get stalled out on paper work and other things because white people realize the potential of what you have and try to get the property from you one way or another

not all white people, I'm talking the people destroying the country

the people you speak of who own businesses who don't agree with dame essentially work for white people and are still going along to get along for a hand out
what ? its clear you have no idea what you're talking about
:rofl: dudes actually believe Dame's guide to business success.

The guy who doesn't save money, so instead of handing his kids money and liquid assets, all he's going to hand them is a bunch of bills, bad business investments and poor performing businesses.

The guy who is getting sued by his ex wife for child support, had a couple of houses foreclosed on, and several liens against him for nonpayment of taxes.

Are ya'll going to follow his lead on paying bills and taxes too?

I've told ya'll for the past year ya'll were being hustled. He's from Harlem. :smile: Don't listen to what you're hearing, pay attention to what you see. And not just what he's wearing or driving. Every couple of months you'll see stories of him being sued for nonpayment. Do you see that with Jay-Z, Lebron or Will Smith?


This dude sat there and acted like people who are their own bosses don't work as hard. I can pick up my son from school? I don't know about ya'll but I know anyone who has their own business(es) works harder than the person on the average 9 to 5. Once Chatty Patty leaves work his job is pretty much over, besides the appearances. He doesn't have to sit and think about work.
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ENVY 9-5 Look like its paying off to me....
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Dude says he's happy with what he's doing and he's getting paid handsomely. Why take the risk trying to become "a boss"?
other peoples money works for white people cause they work together

you take other people's money as a black business owner the money is usually coming from white people

they typically find a way to buy you out or short you one way or the other unless you're in the business of perpetuating stereotypes or your product harms black people more than doing my good

I know black business owners and black people who own land and they get stalled out on paper work and other things because white people realize the potential of what you have and try to get the property from you one way or another

You ain't lying....

They love stalling or they'll look for any way to **** you over
Watch Dame's movie(hopefully you won't have to pay), and then listen to how he talks about his movie. You'll think it was Shawshank Redemption Pt 2.

And you'll see why you shouldn't believe a damn thing Dame says.

For example how he says, people need to stop asking about Jay-Z, yet most of what he's talking about on his youtube channel is Jay related.

Jay-Z and Flex, Jay-Z and La Reid, Jay-Z and 2Pac, Jay-Z and LL, Jay-Z and informants, Jay-Z and BK's Finest

Where are all these chick discussions?
Yea but how many of us bought Loisaidas?
I bought it.  Paid In Full is one of my favorite movies and I don't mind contributing back to someone who's given me a lot of knowledge. 

Plus...we need to practice group economics and back each other with dollars.
The funny thing is if anyone but Dame gave similar advice, people would be eating it up. His message isn't new or groundbreaking, it's just that people can't stand Dame and Dame isn't the best at articulating his idea.

Sorry, But Saving Money Won't Make You Rich


Recent years have shown just how misleading and harmful homilies like “work hard. Spend a little. Save the difference. Let your assets work for you,” from the Motley Fool, are: misleading because saving is not the primary way wealth is accumulated; harmful because people when saving fails, people think they are the failure.

NEWSFLASH: You Will Never Get Really Rich Working For Someone Else


The bottom line? You won't get rich without taking risks, and you probably won't become obscenely wealthy working for anyone besides yourself.

Dude says he's happy with what he's doing and he's getting paid handsomely. Why take the risk trying to become "a boss"?

I don't see how having a boss would be frowned upon.

Envy is living good and providing a life of happiness for his family. He's not divorced, struggling to get his business back off the ground, and living off the fumes of the people around him a decade ago.

Envy is good. Dame lost.
NEWSFLASH: You Will Never Get Really Rich Working For Someone Else

The interesting thing here...

Is that the wealthy basically operate under the same mentality Dame does to a degree. Not everything he believes...but just the overall concept for being a producer instead of a consumer.

That's why I said ****** is running to both sides of the extreme here. Dame said alot of ******** in that interview but ****** is lining up to take shots because he's an easy guy to target.

If Elon Musk went on The Breakfast Club and said "strive to be your own boss eventually"...nobody could say **** about it.
The funny thing is if anyone but Dame gave similar advice, people would be eating it up. His message isn't new or groundbreaking, it's just that people can't stand Dame and Dame isn't the best at articulating his idea.

Sorry, But Saving Money Won't Make You Rich


Recent years have shown just how misleading and harmful homilies like “work hard. Spend a little. Save the difference. Let your assets work for you,” from the Motley Fool, are: misleading because saving is not the primary way wealth is accumulated; harmful because people when saving fails, people think they are the failure.

NEWSFLASH: You Will Never Get Really Rich Working For Someone Else


The bottom line? You won't get rich without taking risks, and you probably won't become obscenely wealthy working for anyone besides yourself.

hedgefund managers have a boss. some get paid hundreds of mills a year.
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