IMO YES a woman needs to have a man to first and foremost view herself as successful but also be viewed as successful by others. I'm not sure if some of you dudes are new to the game, never were taught game by anyone, or just don't interact with woman like that.....not little girls that have nothing going for them but real woman. Also everybody is "unhappy" with their partner at some point in time
so you missed or purposely missed the point champ. I'm sure Michelle has been "unhappy" with Barack at some point in time during their marriage and vice versa but she's successful having him by her it with him being the former President or not.
Let me chop it up with the family to help dudes out in here. Hopefully nobody takes offense or let's their emotions think I'm attacking them or a female family member that they have with my thoughts. At a certain age, it is a bad look if a woman doesn't have a man by her side. You don't necessarily have to be married but if you don't have a man that you can claim or more importantly have a man claiming you it's a bad sign. Take Oprah for example with all the mega money she has. Folks would look at her funny if a man wasn't by her side, and rightly so. In her case its Stedman. Take a look at some of those reality shows like Real Housewives of Atlanta. When those chicks be arguing with one another what's one of the first things they say to a woman that doesn't have a man..."Well at least I got a man". They say that LOUD and PROUD too. This is other women saying this to other women so trust me when I tell you that it means something. Even a women will tell you dudes just have to talk to women and pick up game and know how to move and operate around them. Too many naive, lack of game dudes running around wondering why they aren't getting any positive results with the ladies out here.
It's real out here if as a woman you are in your mid 30's or so and aren't in a committed relationship. Marriage isn't for everyone but at least have someone to share your life and experiences with. Nothing worse than a woman doing the walk of shame to the front of the floor to Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" at wedding to catch the bouquet. I've seen many chicks walking with their head down hanging low going up to the front of that floor.....Angela Yee and her so called "riches and success" would not be immune to this stench of failure. Having a man changes all of that.