Official Bulls VS. Celtics Game 5 Post....

Guess Del Negro will finally learn not to leave Miller in the game in crunch time, but it may be too late. He just is slow and not decisive, there isabsolutely no reason why he should be on the floor instead of Ty Thomas, none at all.
flagrant or not. game six start Big Aron and knock rondo on his a**.
bulls should of had this. lost our cool when we had that lead.
Vinny failed us again... This dude calls a time out every five minute but when the C's cut our 10 point lead down to 3 he doesn't call one?? WTH??

For heavens sake when there are 26 seconds left in the game and the score is tied you don't shoot the ball until the last second in the shot clock! @#% isBEN doing shooting that BS! Don't matter that it went in you just don't leave any time for the HOME team you FREAK SHOW! VINNY NEEDS TO GET EVERYONE ONTHE SAME PAGE!

And where is the Bulls basketball IQ... Brad you should KNOW you can't throw that ____ off the backbaord without it touching the rim.

I know the Refs have sucked it both ways but when Derrick got that rebound and tried to put it back and Perkins not only went over the back on the initialrebound but then fouled Derrick on the put back where is the call 2 opportunities to make one and they don't. Early on in the game Derrick and Big Baby hitthe floor and are getting up then the Ref blows the whistle and calls Derrick for a charge????? Wow man just WOW.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

anybody else thinks, because the way doc rivers conducts himself, he looks like a bad coach?

Dude is absolutley pathetic IMO

Average coach in a supreme position.

Dude cries ALL GAME LONG to the referees and conducts himself like a cheerleader.


Yea lets just call a flagrant and give them the game.

The guy had his chance. Was more worried about a little blood in his mouth.
Great job by the Cs to fight their way back into the game, even though they look defeated early in the 4th. The champs will not go away quietly.

This series should be burned onto Blu-Rays and sold as an NBA Box set by itself. Great stuff.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall cant be serious wantin a flagrant.

u can go for peoples heads now in bball?
you ever watch the bad boy pistons play basketball?
Are you seriously comparing the Bad Boys to this #@@#?
i know you're upset the celtics won, so i'll give you some time to calm down.

I stand by what I said.
Originally Posted by JStar25

Vinny failed us again... This dude calls a time out every five minute but when the C's cut our 10 point lead down to 3 he doesn't call one?? WTH??

For heavens sake when there are 26 seconds left in the game and the score is tied you don't shoot the ball until the last second in the shot clock! @#% is BEN doing shooting that BS! Don't matter that it went in you just don't leave any time for the HOME team you FREAK SHOW! VINNY NEEDS TO GET EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE!

And where is the Bulls basketball IQ... Brad you should KNOW you can't throw that ____ off the backbaord without it touching the rim.

I know the Refs have sucked it both ways but when Derrick got that rebound and tried to put it back and Perkins not only went over the back on the initial rebound but then fouled Derrick on the put back where is the call 2 opportunities to make one and they don't. Early on in the game Derrick and Big Baby hit the floor and are getting up then the Ref blows the whistle and calls Derrick for a charge????? Wow man just WOW.
ah come on, they fouled out ray with a couple touchy calls.....gimme a break..... it's even
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Anyone else scared to watch tonights because of the likely hood of a high level of stress ?

For real though. I would rather see a blowout like in game 3 than seeing another game like how we lost in game 2. I think i've had like 5 or 6 near heart attacks thanks to these games

No way man....I agree close games are stressful, but blowouts are harder on the soul.
I take it back......losing this game has left me drained, hollow, and sadder than an orphan on Christmas.
^^^ LOL i feel bad for Chicago right now. Yall have to win the next 2 game to advance. GOOD luck
Originally Posted by SCuse7


Yea lets just call a flagrant and give them the game.

The guy had his chance. Was more worried about a little blood in his mouth.
Might as well get rid of the rule then, while your at it get rid of the restricted area too.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Anyone else scared to watch tonights because of the likely hood of a high level of stress ?

For real though. I would rather see a blowout like in game 3 than seeing another game like how we lost in game 2. I think i've had like 5 or 6 near heart attacks thanks to these games

No way man....I agree close games are stressful, but blowouts are harder on the soul.
I take it back......losing this game has left me drained, hollow, and sadder than an orphan on Christmas.
I feel Ya

No Motivation to do anything, just wana go into hiding until Thursday

Tough Loss Man........
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall cant be serious wantin a flagrant.

u can go for peoples heads now in bball?
you ever watch the bad boy pistons play basketball?
Are you seriously comparing the Bad Boys to this #@@#?
i know you're upset the celtics won, so i'll give you some time to calm down.

You dont get it...the league has changed their rules about 3 times over since that era...what you said OG was dumb +!% hell...

that was a flagrant, by rule. He didnt go for the ball, went straight for Miller's face.
Originally Posted by JStar25

And where is the Bulls basketball IQ... Brad you should KNOW you can't throw that ____ off the backbaord without it touching the rim.
he's not the only one that does that ----- on any level of basketball
Paul Pierce should give instructionals on how to do that though.
as much as I love D. Rose he blew the game for us and played like a bonehead. %@@ was that lob to noah??!!!!! Plus he was terrible on d and had way too manyturnovers. he is going to be an amazing player but we cant afford his mistakes in the playoffs now
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall cant be serious wantin a flagrant.

u can go for peoples heads now in bball?
you ever watch the bad boy pistons play basketball?
Are you seriously comparing the Bad Boys to this #@@#?
i know you're upset the celtics won, so i'll give you some time to calm down.

You dont get it...the league has changed their rules about 3 times over since that era...what you said OG was dumb +!% hell...

that was a flagrant, by rule. He didnt go for the ball, went straight for Miller's face.

You dudes got by and you know it.
as much as I love D. Rose he blew the game for us and played like a bonehead. %@@ was that lob to noah??!!!!! Plus he was terrible on d and had way too many turnovers.

You dont get it...the league has changed their rules about 3 times over since that era...what you said OG was dumb +!% hell...

that was a flagrant, by rule. He didnt go for the ball, went straight for Miller's face.
And where is the Bulls basketball IQ... Brad you should KNOW you can't throw that ____ off the backbaord without it touching the rim.
Do you really think he did that intentionally?
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