Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

We've been trying to dump Lu's salary for two years and noone wants to take it off our hands why should we be the land field???

I love Brandon but nah I'm not with that.

Yeah we overpaid for Deng but he's been earning his keep so far, he's in a role best suited for him, but I might take Roy, I could be wrong but the Blazers keep playing him 35-40mins a game and it hasn't fully healed yet, that's beyond stupid, and he doesn't like playing with Miller, I'd either make something happen with him but I like Rudy Fernandez, his shooting, athletic ability, and length would be just what we'd need, he just wants minutes and we could give him that. JR smith is interesting, but I don't see him and thibs getting along in the long run, it's Roy, Fernandez, or Mayo for me, one more thing... @#$! Melo 
Isn't Mayo an non-athletic JR though? I've heard things about his attitude a little bit too. Plus he gets worked defensively because of his lack of athleticism. Although you could say Rudy is athletic and a shady defender as well.
Juice had his issues in HS, but since he came into the league he's been nothing but professional. Regardless of who they trade for, I believe Thibs will get the most out of them defensively.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

I like that reasoning, but how does JR mesh with this team? The reason Pax didn't want him the first time is that he may be a bad personality to have around a bunch of serious ball players. Notice I didn't say the tired old, developing young players. I just don't see D Rose or Noah putting up with his crap when he starts doing his thing. Although Bogans is probably the same type of player, just less talented.

JR hasn't shown anything to me during his time in the league that makes me believe he will straighten up or contribute consistently to a playoff team. I mean look at him with the nuggets who were a threat in the west for the past few years.

Expiring contracts aren't the big thing they used to be. With the new CBA no one knows how any of this will work out, plus what free agents will there be for the bulls to go after? Paul and Melo are the top players and they are going to NY if anything. Plus Paul makes no sense here. What's the money for? Yao to come back up Noah? No thanks. There is nothing in free agency for the bulls. I'd rather see them take on salary for the chance to make this team a threat this season. You can't play for next year anymore. Rose's game is so based on athleticism that you don't know how long his career will be or how long he can be this good. You don't want to waste his mvp years building towards anything.

True you can't play for next year anymore but I respectfully disagree that Roy is our best option. 

If we can't use JR's expiring for anything than that reinforces my belief that we should stay pat. 

The only reason why I brought up JR's expiring is because if we had to choose between Roy's contract and JR's I would choose JR's. 

Bogans is an expiring contract also. Not as much as JR, but that doesn't mean much especially in a lackluster free agent class that has nobody that can really help you. Unless you want to pay Troy Murphy a ton to be a bench player.
The thing is it's a high risk move to take in a lot of money for someone with health issues. 

We already did that with Boozer. 

Luol Deng has had a history of getting hurt. 

Having three guys with long contracts on your team that can get hurt for extended periods at anytime?  I dunno. 

I'm just saying that JR is the lower risk move, that's all. 
im so unbelievably proud of this team right now!! absolute unselfish basketball... true TEAM ball. Rose and Noah could have easily sat out this game and gotten rest/heal, but instead theyre out there playing tough ball. I hope we can keep this up.
Noah doesn't seem too affected by his injury. 

If playing on it doesn't cause further structural damage he should pull a Kobe, tough it out during the season/playoffs and get surgery in the offseason. 
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

losing Noah is gonna suck for you guys, he has been so good on the boards and defensively.

True...but his play as of late has been atrocious. Still going to be tough without him but hopefully not as much as expected.
I wonder what Thibs is going to do...I have a feeling we're going to start Boozer at C and Taj at PF but I'm worried that's too small of frontcourt, especially considering Boozer's defense. 
Solid win.
Very impressed with Boozer the last couple of games.

Brewer needs to start!!

Damn shame abut Noah
Litework. Boring %!# game tbh. Watching Knicks-Celts instead. Sue me.
Noah better get that surgery now and not play through it. We need him to be healthy for many years.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

losing Noah is gonna suck for you guys, he has been so good on the boards and defensively.

True...but his play as of late has been atrocious. Still going to be tough without him but hopefully not as much as expected.
I wonder what Thibs is going to do...I have a feeling we're going to start Boozer at C and Taj at PF but I'm worried that's too small of frontcourt, especially considering Boozer's defense. 

the big thing is the loss of rebounds. No one expects Noah to drop 20 a night, but Boozer on the boards isn't great and now you will have to rely on Taj who was good early on.
We're gonna miss Noah in more ways than one. Oh well, guys need to step up.....8-10 weeks though....long +!% time.
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