Hulk isn't A-list? :x :{ :{

Hulk is the definition of A-list. He's up there with Spidey, Batman, X-Men, Supes, etc. He's been one of Marvel's flagship characters for a long time. The movies, cartoons, video games, Halloween costumes, you name it. He was a big deal when I was a kid. He might not be at the top of the current modern MCU era, but I feel like if Universal didn't have the solo film rights, Marvel would be taking full advantage of him. Bruce Banner isn't the Hulk right now and he's dead at the moment, but he's been going strong in the comics in recent history. Indestructible Hulk by Waid, Planet Hulk, World War Hulk, Red Hulk, etc.

Marvel has new A-list characters coming to prominence in this current era like Star Lord, Miles Morales, and Captain Marvel. Plus Deadpool is everywhere. Every Wednesday when I go to my local shop, the new releases rack has like 50 Deadpool titles on it. It's basically Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Miscellaneous, and Deadpool. :lol But Hulk still has a special place in Marvel and he's always going to be A-list to me. Even with a lull in his appearances. Same goes for the Fantastic Four.

Lol all of the stuff you're posting about Hulk are from very recent history and not about when we were kids in the 90s
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Lol you're just mentioning those specifically now.

Doesn't mean that much anyway. Cap and IM were Marvel v Capcom characters but that doesn't mean they were A list. Just meant they needed to fill out a marvel roster.
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Faaam. What are you talking about? I specifically said cartoons and video games in my post. There was a lot of Hulk licensed material back then.
Try telling this guy that Hulk isn't A-list.

You guys are making this too personal, I think.

Just because they were your favorite characters, doesn't mean they were A list.

Cap is one of my favorite characters right now and I have no problem saying he was B list at best.

I'm looking at the list of 90s video games based on marvel characters right now, and that list does not help your case, Fresh. That decade was dominated by spiderman and xmen titles. Everyone else just fit in where they can :lol
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I'm not going to pretend I'm not a fan of Hulk, but you're tripping. Maybe you're not a fan of Bruce Banner, but he's one of the biggest superheroes of all time. Not just Marvel and not just comic books. Everywhere.

He had his own video games and cartoons in the 90s. (Not just a sprite in a fighting game.) He's been one of the pillars for Marvel while running in comics for 6 decades. He's an irrefutable top 10 Marvel character.
Too personal?? you just have terrible opinion that youre trying to claim as fact
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Who is taking any of this personally? :lol Dude, to act like the Hulk wasn't a well-known property before the MCU is somewhat silly. "Hulk Smash" or "You wouldn't like me when i'm angry" are things that people were quoting and joking about way before either of his films :lol
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I'm looking at the list of 90s video games based on marvel characters right now, and that list does not help your case, Fresh. That decade was dominated by spiderman and xmen titles. Everyone else just fit in where they can :lol

How many games do Alpha Flight have? Where's that Power Man and Iron Fist game?

That's like saying Flash isn't A-list because Batman and Superman have more merchandise than him. :lol

EDIT: You can't group Hulk with the lesser known characters. No way. He's been a part of pop culture for decades.
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Lol, cuz Flash's not. Not to say that Flash is not popular. There are levels to this thing and not everyone can be on the same level. The way I see it with DC. It's batman and superman, and then there's everyone else.
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Who is taking any of this personally? :lol Dude, to act like the Hulk wasn't a well-known property before the MCU is somewhat silly. "Hulk Smash" or "You wouldn't like me when i'm angry" are things that people were quoting and joking about way before either of his films :lol

To say Hulk wasn't A list is to say he's not popular now? That's what you guys are taking from my posts? :lol
amel ... my man...
you always come off as the most mis informed person I know.

Of course Batman and Superman are the pinnacle of DC but do you really think Flash isn't right be low them still on the A list?
(this is just my opinion)
But Flash is the next most well known and popular DC character in the DC universe. Possibly tied with Wonder woman

Hulk always was and still is popular in the Marvel Universe. PERIOD.
i dont know why you think he is less than A list??
He's practically the most feared earth bound (and some galactic) character in the Marvel Universe.

They went with a whole squad just to approach him recently before Barton had to take him out.
and He's a "good" guy.
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You can't have it both ways, tdogg. It's either they're the pinnacle of DC or they're not.

You're hedging. 'Yah man. Bats and Supes are the pinnacle of DC. Oh wait, but can you throw flash in there too? Since he's the next most well known character in the universe.'
naw b. those 3 along with da Hulk been Marvel royalty for decades...

B list is Definitely Black Bolt...

there isn't a casual person walking da planet who didn't know who those 4 characters were.

BB would be D list

Guys like IM and Cap were definitely B list before the MCU.
O' How i've missed having to scroll through walls of text on my phone from zik/jay battles.

Comic book fans make up a small number of a casual fanbase. To say that to comic book fans, so and so character has been A list doesn't mean much.

You realize IM, hulk, captain america all had cartoons and movies back in the day right? (so did thor)
They are def A list.
Spiderman being #1
2. Hulk
3. x men
4. iron man / Thor / Captain America.

Spiderman definitely was A list

Hulk. Maybe B plus.

Xmen was A list.

Iron Man? Thor? Cap? Not even close.

Guys like IM and Cap were definitely B list before the MCU.

u must be young... thats all i can say, Iron Man, Da Hulk & Captain America been cornerstone characters of Marvel since its letting da wild popularity of da X-men in da 80's & 90's skewer da aforementioned relevancy of those characters.
As a kid in the 90s that knew every kid nationwide I can assure you Amel that Hulk was indeed popular in the 90s
As far as DC goes, I don't even know how we're even in an argument about Flash vs Bat and Supes right now :lol

Growth chart in 2014, sorry I can't find anything more recent

We're y'all even 80's-90's babies?

Class of '79...
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Go to and scroll all the way down and read who's under characters. If those ain't A-list properties, I don't know what is.
This man used a 2009-2014 projected potential list......for what.. smh...

Batman and superman can be a list at the top....that doesnt mean flash still wouldnt be

Same goes for x men in the 90s.
Hulk cap im still up there
Flash hasn't had a movie come out yet and it's 2016

If it weren't for the fact that DC is trying to match the MCU his movie might never have come out

Combine that with sales figures in 2014 (again sorry not anything recent) and you want to put Flash on the same level as Bats and Supes

Spider-Man and Batman are ridiculously popular. It's hard for any character to be at their level of popularity, but Hulk and Flash are still A-list characters. If you want to parse the A-list, that's cool, but to discredit the value, importance, and popularity of those guys because they're not Spider-Man or Batman is absurd.
Always thought top characters for DC was and still is Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman...

For Marvel, I always thought, sipderman and x-men :lol

But if you go on marvel site, this is who they have listed

Capitan Marvel
Iron Man
Luke Cage???
Black Widow?? Wtf :lol
Capitan Hydra/America
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