I have been behind on my Uncanny X-Men so I ordered Vol 1 TBP, should be here monday. Got X-23 Vol 1. Hope I like that series, X-Men Legacy: Back to school as a well since I have been behind on that series too. Should all be here on monday.

X-23 books were awesome. too bad she gets no love from marvel. :{

Enjoy it.
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I didn't read the uncanny before this number one :lol
So is this uncanny x men the same as all new x men?
what number should uncanny be on since the beginning? since the 3 page layout
what number should uncanny be on since the beginning? since the 3 page layout
I'm not sure I understand since I am behind on this one. Are you asking what number they would be on if they didnt renumber? 560sum.

I didn't read the uncanny before this number one :lol
So is this uncanny x men the same as all new x men?
X-Men is a bunch of mutants and they divide themselves into teams. Each team has its own comic.

Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 Issue 1 is the original X-Men comic. This is that story arch after 50 years so a lot has changed, many mutants from before have died, some pretty recently actually.

All New X-Men is the post AvX stuff.
In AvX, Cyclops kills Xavier when he was possessed by the same phoenix force that possessed Jean. Cyclops was not the phoenix's original target but when Tony Stark tried to destroy the phoenix force he accidentally split it into five pieces. Magik, Colossus, Emma Frost, Namor The Sub-Mariner, and Cyclops each attained a piece. As each team member fell, the force divided itself and spread the power of the fallen mutant, equally, into the remaining. Cyclops was the last man standing.

Fast Forward to AvX Consequences: Cyclops is arrested, with the help of Magneto and Magik he breaks out of jail, he is a wanted fugitive (story ends there)

All New X-Men: starts where consequences left off. Beast brings the original X-Men (Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Iceman, and Jean) from the past to confront current Cyclops.

Not spoiling the rest.

Wolverine and the X-Men - Wolverine runs the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning in New York. Currently takes place in the same area as All New X-Men. That is pretty much all I know. I am not a Wolverine fan, although I like his powers. He is just far too senseless for me. Other recognizable characters are there as well. The older ones are teachers (Kitty Pryde for example).

X-Men Legacy - (I'm far behind on this one) When the X-Men got split into two Cyclops lead this team in an island in San Fran named Utopia. Since I am not caught up I dont know who is leading that team right now. You find many of the older guys in here. Emma Frost, Gambit, Cyclops, Magneto, and Rogue are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

Uncanny X-Force - "A team sent on missions even the X-Men fear". They pretty much put the bad***es and some lesser known mutants on the same team. Psylocke, Wolverine, and Deadpool most notably. Bunch of action sequences in that series.

Uncanny Avengers - More post AvX stuff. Long story short, after a talk with the fugitive Cyclops, Cpt. America realizes he has not done enough for mutant-kind. He sets up a team mixed with Avengers and X-Men lead by Havok (cyclops brother) to help show the world that mutants are not a threat. Right now Thor, Scarlet Witch (One of Magneto's daughters), and Cpt America represent the Avengers. Rogue and Havok represent the X-Men. Wolverine has been on both teams for a while.

X-Factor - I just ordered 250. Don't know what it is about but I have been wondering why Polaris (Magneto's other daughter) only shows up on and off in other X-Comics. She is part of this team. I'll update you guys later if you want.

There is another one just called "The X-Men" haven't picked that one up, I should give it a try since I notice Storm is regularly in that comic.

And needless to say Wolverine is in almost every comic, I am convinced there are 6 of him.

Update: haven't read this one either but Cable and the X-Force is cable leading a team of fugitives. Don't know much else. I know they should tie in a lot with the Uncanny X-Force from what I hear.
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Okay so THAT'S WHY All New has me confused at some points, I've never read AvX but I do know about the major plot points, I'm just gonna have to read it.
^Especially AvX Consequences. It is a short 5 or 6 issue comic that bridges AvX with All New X-Men and Uncanny Avengers. One of my favorite series in a long time.
I really liked AvX and felt bad for downloading it. The trade is on Amazon for 43 bucks so I might grab it. I already got consequences so no need for the consequences trade.

If you haven't read those two stories I highly recommend it!
All new x men is dope.
What's the New Uncanny about?
Mutant revolution led by Cyclops with a twist involving one of the team members which is great imo. Love how Marvel didn't get stale with this use of this character and always keep him interesting.
what number should uncanny be on since the beginning? since the 3 page layout
I'm not sure I understand since I am behind on this one. Are you asking what number they would be on if they didnt renumber? 560sum.

I didn't read the uncanny before this number one :lol
So is this uncanny x men the same as all new x men?
X-Men is a bunch of mutants and they divide themselves into teams. Each team has its own comic.

X-Men Legacy - (I'm far behind on this one) When the X-Men got split into two Cyclops lead this team in an island in San Fran named Utopia. Since I am not caught up I dont know who is leading that team right now. You find many of the older guys in here. Emma Frost, Gambit, Cyclops, Magneto, and Rogue are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
The book originally focused on Charles Xavier after he got shot by Bishop and lost his memory and then regained it and faced off against Sinister. After this team you mention, the focus switched to Rogue with Cyke tasking her with dealing with the younger mutants on the island as well her going own adventures with certain X-Men. Also addressed her love triangle with Magneto and Gambit. The relaunch for Marvel NOW! focuses on Legion, Charles Xavier's son. Since Xavier drifted away from the X-Men he's focused on helping his son with his multiple personality disorder (each personality having it's own mutant power). He specifically focused on doing this after the Age of X event. Right now it's basically a solo book for Legion as he tries to find himself in a world where his father is dead and new mutants are popping up everyday. Given that he's gaining more control over all his powers everyday it focuses a lot on what kind of ideals and principles he agrees with. He likes his father's dream feels given all of the evidence the way he went about achieving it was not 100% right.
Uncanny Avengers - More post AvX stuff. Long story short, after a talk with the fugitive Cyclops, Cpt. America realizes he has not done enough for mutant-kind. He sets up a team mixed with Avengers and X-Men lead by Havok (cyclops brother) to help show the world that mutants are not a threat. Right now Thor, Scarlet Witch (One of Magneto's daughters), and Cpt America represent the Avengers. Rogue and Havok represent the X-Men. Wolverine has been on both teams for a while.
I will say here, despite appearing in other books. This is technically an Avenger team and the team hasn't even formed in story yet. Cap went to Havok (I think with Wolverine) to lead the team that hadn't been completely formed yet, the two specifically not being asked yet are the Scarlet Witch and Rogue. Before they talk team members Red Skull attacks so only Wolverine, Cap, Havok, and Thor take part.
X-Factor - I just ordered 250. Don't know what it is about but I have been wondering why Polaris (Magneto's other daughter) only shows up on and off in other X-Comics. She is part of this team. I'll update you guys later if you want.
Madrox the Multiple Man from the old gov't sanctioned X-Factor team forms X-Factor Investigations around Decimation. He's a PI/detective (without the skills since one of his dupes died before he could get his experience) that handles all kinds of problems not just mutant related in an attempt to give mutants more good pr by helping/saving ppl along with his team of Monet, Siryn, Layla Miller, Strong Guy, Longshot, Shatterstar, Darwin (who left for a while but is now back), Wolfsbane (left cuz she was pregnant and is now back) and recent new members Pip the Troll and Polaris. Havok was a part of team but left to lead Uncanny Avengers. He and Polaris technically didn't break up but it's open for them to see other ppl. Before this Havok and Polaris were in space with Rachel Grey fighting the other Summers brother, Vulcan, who was leader of the Shi'ar as he waged war on the Inhumans and Kree and anybody else in his way.
There is another one just called "The X-Men" haven't picked that one up, I should give it a try since I notice Storm is regularly in that comic.
Everything that happened in the recent incarnation of this book was all before AvX and didn't tie in to the main titles or narrative heavily. Led by Storm along with Psylocke, Pixie, Colossus, and one or two members I can't remember. Just a cool X-Men mutant book. The relaunch by the same writer is an all female team and is coming out in April.
And needless to say Wolverine is in almost every comic, I am convinced there are 6 of him.
:lol There was an issue in some book i think it was Wolverine where they explored how he manages to log time with each team he's on.
Update: haven't read this one either but Cable and the X-Force is cable leading a team of fugitives. Don't know much else. I know they should tie in a lot with the Uncanny X-Force from what I hear.
I'm trade waiting this but basically Cable's back unwillingly forming a team to stop something. Hope's in it. Not sure at all who is the main enemy.

There's also Astonishing X-Men which is light on continuity following Wolverine's side of X-Men. More focus on other X-Men and the teachers of the school, Wolverine's not heavily in it but he makes appearances.

The rest are solo titles like Wolverine and Gambit.
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I think we can all agree that there's a such thing as TOO MUCH Wolverine.

He's already getting like 3 standalone series besides the fact that he's a major player in the current series
Yah one reason I have not been in a rush to catch up on legacy is because I noticed the new volume has a lot of focus on Legion who I do not care much for. Yah I know about legacy, there are not many issues since it pretty much continues from the previous X-Men volume, but I didnt want to get into that. So the new marvel now volume is still just about legion right now? Is it at least better executed than the "Lost Legions" chapter of the last volume? Cuz in many ways I do like him, but in many ways I don't.

Although Uncanny Avengers is an Avengers comic I only read it because of the X-Men tie in. I like the Avengers in little doses. I hope they have a main focus on a mutant lead team and trying to improve mutant-human relations.

X-Factor yah I noticed that Polaris - Havok thing in the 5 miles south of the universe chapter of Legacy. Did not know that was the comic it was tying into. Thanks for the schooling. Repped

I'll just forget about The X-Men and wait for the April Relaunch

Do you remember what the explanation was? I am very interested since we didnt even get into the Avengers comics he is in. Like dude says there is too much of him. They can't even give a serious answer as to how he is in all these comics. The time for that has long past.

The dude in my comic store told me of a Alternate Universe/Non Canon Deadpool comic where deadpool kills wolverine.
He said deadpool told wolverine "You know why you haven't been able to die all these years? Because you are the most popular character in the Marvel Universe. But now I am the most popular, so I can kill you." Then he slices his head off.

imo, you can also have too much Deadpool. That "I openly ackknowledge I am a comic book character" thing gets on my nerves sometimes. but i like that moment. He has a point. I thought Wolverine needed a part of his exoskeleton intact to recover. I was wrong, he can recover from a single droplet of blood :{
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It's focused solely on Legion and him maturing to be some kind of force or leader for mutant-kind whether that'll be a good thing or bad thing is not clear. he has good intentions though. Not sure if it's the same as Legion Lost. I probably read it and just don't remember it. Si Spurrier is writing Legacy now though and it's pretty good.

I was just adding on to stuff for other ppl that didn't know for the most part.

As for Wolverine it's not so much of an explanation as just shown in a comedic sort of way where he basically doesn't sleep and the issue makes light of all that. He gets around with a jet pack and teleportation device I think. The issue is basically the in between scenes of other Avenger and X-Men issues :lol It was in Wolverine #73 and #74 (July 2009).. Looking at a summary the only other plot point is friends/allies of Logan like Spidey and Yukio try to talk to him cuz they think he's trying to kill himself or there's a huge problem he's running away from by being on 8 different teams, teaming up with various heroes and going on his own solo adventures.

Not sure what Deadpool comic is that, he's had a lot of minis and at one point too many solo ongoings. At first it sounded like the recent Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe mini but in that one the quote is different. He says something like "Wolverine, everybody thinks it's the claws and healing factor but your real mutant power is being too popular." Then he kills him.
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It was probably Deadpool kills the marvel universe then since the quote is similar. Dude reads a lot of comics and he strongly prefers DC so it wouldn't surprise me if he butchered the quote. I was actually thinking of picking that one up.
DC Comics' FULL May 2013 Solicitations
Geoff Johns Steps Down As "Green Lantern" Writer


Read the conclusion to Death of The Family. Meh. Not buying single issues of this anymore. If the next arc is for The Riddler like I heard although it'll take forever I'll trade wait it. If I'm not satisfied I'll drop the book for good.

Not gonna spoil it but seeing as some of the critics good or bad have harped on Snyder mainly using misdirection and the point of this story was shallowness and a joke on the Bat family and the readers I gotta say I shouldn't have bought in to the hype.

the original death of the family arch had Batman's son dying and Joker was going to put the chemical that made him smile all the time on his him... but the editor made him change it last minute so that no one died..

im a little mad i didnt sell off my joker mask sets earlier..
DC Comics' FULL May 2013 Solicitations
Geoff Johns Steps Down As "Green Lantern" Writer


Read the conclusion to Death of The Family. Meh. Not buying single issues of this anymore. If the next arc is for The Riddler like I heard although it'll take forever I'll trade wait it. If I'm not satisfied I'll drop the book for good.

Not gonna spoil it but seeing as some of the critics good or bad have harped on Snyder mainly using misdirection and the point of this story was shallowness and a joke on the Bat family and the readers I gotta say I shouldn't have bought in to the hype.

the original death of the family arch had Batman's son dying and Joker was going to put the chemical that made him smile all the time on his him... but the editor made him change it last minute so that no one died..

im a little mad i didnt sell off my joker mask sets earlier..

O_O why kill Damian? I love the little bastard. I really thought they was going to kill Pennyworth
if any of you guys are going to the emerald city comic con I'll be working the booth at image and I will hook anyone up on the last day.. sunday - taptappulll
Did not know Uncanny Vol 3 - 1 came out on wednesday. hit up the comic store and they put the last one on hold for me :smokin

Basically if you have been following All New, you noticed Magneto, Magik, and current Cyclops have been building a team. They picked up a girl who can contol time, a guy who can heal people, and a shapeshifter in All New. This continues that story. (Actually the shapeshifter was offered a position in the new team. I dont know if he actually accepted it. He is not in the cover so idk)

I wish I could have got the babies variant
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Killing Damian would've been controversial. I would've been indifferent but this kinda shows the leash Snyder is on. Tomasi is writing B&R and it's really good how he's dug in to Damian as a character. He's making him more interesting than Morrison did and he created Damian :lol


Marvel Comics On Sale February 20, 2013
Image Comics Solicitations For May 2013

You guys better check this then. Spoiler alert though.

Secret Avengers was great. Probably best issue I read this week.

A comic where Hawkeye gets screwed with and tortured was a bonus to the interesting premise and good use of Nick Fury Jr. with this new S.H.I.E.L.D.
Killing Damian would've been controversial. I would've been indifferent but this kinda shows the leash Snyder is on. Tomasi is writing B&R and it's really good how he's dug in to Damian as a character. He's making him more interesting than Morrison did and he created Damian :lol


Marvel Comics On Sale February 20, 2013
Image Comics Solicitations For May 2013

You guys better check this then. Spoiler alert though.

Earlier this week I heard Morrison wanted to kill Damian in the end of Inc but it was talked about in a way where it was just a rumor and not a spoiler. Makes more sense now DC didn't let Snyder kill Damian in Death of The Family. So I guess Tim Drake is coming back to Batman & Robin.

This is w/e though. Hopefully now we can see the return of Ra's Al Ghul.
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