comicspro variants released over the weekend


How's Year One? Any good?
what comes out today in marvel?

Astonishing X-Men #59
Avengers Arena #5
Avenging Spider-Man #17
Castle: A Calm Before Storm #3 (of 5)
Deadpool Killustrated #2 (of 4)
FF v2 #4
Gambit v5 #9
Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1
Hawkeye #8
Journey Into Mystery #649
Punisher: War Zone #5 (of 5)
Thunderbolts v2 #5
Ultimate Comics X-Men #23
Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny X-Force v2 #2
Uncanny X-Men v3 #2
X-Men Legacy v2 #6
X-Treme X-Men v2 #11
Young Avengers v2 #2
Basically steered the comic book shop girl away from Thunderbolts after she said she wanted to read it, we ended up chatting about Avengers Arena and I almost spoiled it right before she told me she was halfway through #3

Avengers Arena #5
Thunderbolts #5
Young Avengers #2
Deadpool Killustrated #2
Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1
Uncanny X-Men #2
Uncanny X-Force #2
Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #4
Batman The Dark Knight 17
Batman Inc. 8
Avengers Arena 5
Avenging Spider-Man 17
Deadpool Killustrated 2
FF v2 4
Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1
Journey Into Mystery 649
Punisher: War Zone 5
Thunderbolts 5
Uncanny Avengers 4
Young Avengers 2
what comes out today in marvel?
what does v2 mean. series
Just that it's the 2nd volume of the book. You'll see it for other books like v3, v4, v5, etc. FF is on it's 2nd volume after the relaunch. After every relaunch there's a new volume cuz it starts with a new #1
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Batman The Dark Knight 17
Batman Inc. 8
Avengers Arena 5
Avenging Spider-Man 17
Deadpool Killustrated 2
FF v2 4
Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1
Journey Into Mystery 649
Punisher: War Zone 5
Thunderbolts 5
Uncanny Avengers 4
Young Avengers 2
Just that it's the 2nd volume of the book. You'll see it for other books like v3, v4, v5, etc. FF is on it's 2nd volume after the relaunch. After every relaunch there's a new volume cuz it starts with a new #1

Is a reboot or a renumbering?
Used to love that one. May pick up the trade.
Renumbering is pretty much a relaunch.

Marvel does not reboot or at least they haven't yet.

The Future Foundation trades are tied directly in to the Fantastic Four books. You could get the hardcover with both. Since after F4 600 FF was launched and thne both books came out together.
Marvel now does not reboot.
Renumbering is not the same to me. I much prefer renumbering to rebooting. With comicvine and wikipedia, if you were truly interested, you could catch up on the story whenever. No need to restart. Renunumbering is just a marketing ploy to attract new customers. Uncanny X-Men that just released would be 560sum. New comic readers would see 560sum and be intimidated. However if you just renumber them after an even like Fear itself or AvX new customers pick up the even comic and the new comics and feel like they are starting a whole new story, even though they are starting a new chapter. If it brings new comic fans I am all for it. But technically these renumbers start off basically where you left off. Or where a different series left off. In the case of Uncanny X-Men they are starting where all new x-men left off in an early issue, which starts from where AvX consequences left off, which starts from AvX and so on and so on. It is still just one long continuous story.

I do like how they change the art style whenever they reboot though.

FF is future foundation? I thought it was Fantastic 4 nvm.
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2 different books, both deal with the Fantastic Four in a way though. Initially it was a select group of geniuses formed by Reed Richards that brought in exceptional children to teach them. This was all during F4, then Johnny Storm died and that they launched the Future Foundation book and stopped Fantastic 4. Then when Johnny came back they brought back F4 and the two books have been closely linked since.
Guardians of The Galaxy 0.1 and Uncanny X-men are easily this weeks best for Marvel, Bendis is amazing as always :Nthat
my #5 all new x-men 1st print came in the mail today. now gotta hunt down other first prints with out paying more than 7$
Ratings of most recent stuff I've read (7 is basically an average comic)

The one I TRULY recommend is Thor God of Thunder! HAIL!

07/10 A+X #4 (Beast + The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America + Quentin Quire)
08/10 All-New X-Men #5
09/10 All-New X-Men #6
09/10 All-New X-Men #7 (I can't hate this story at all)
08/10 Alpha - Big Time #1 (of 5) (Continues where ASM left off)
08/10 Avengers v5 #3 - The Garden
09/10 Avengers v5 #4 - The Death and Resurrection of Major Titans
09/10 Avengers v5 #5 - Superguardian "Heroes make others believe they can do great things. Heroes make heroes."
09/10 Avengers v5 #6 - Zen and the Art of Cosmology
08/10 Avengers Arena #3
08/10 Avengers Arena #4 (Characters are legit)
08/10 Avenging Spider-Man #16 (Superior Spider-Man from here on out)
08/10 Cable & X-Force #2
09/10 Cable & X-Force #3
10/10 Cable & X-Force #4 (Story is getting a lot better)
10/10 Captain America v7 #2 (Dimension Z is wild)
10/10 Captain America v7 #3 (Artwork reminds me of Kick-*** and Hit-Girl)
08/10 Captain America v7 #4
10/10 Deadpool v4 #4 - The Quick and the Dead and the Really Dead
10/10 Deadpool v4 #5 - Star Wars - Revenge of the Gipper
08/10 Fantastic Four v2 #3
09/10 Fantastic Four v2 #4
09/10 FF v2 #2
09/10 FF v2 #3
08/10 Indestructible Hulk #2
08/10 Indestructible Hulk #3 ( Splash Pages :eek )
10/10 Indestructible Hulk #4
10/10 Iron Man v5 #5 - Believe 5 of 5: Men of the World
10/10 Iron Man v5 #6 - The Godkiller: 1 of 3 (Loving everything about this series)
08/10 Marvel Universe vs. Avengers #4 (of 4) - Part 4: The Last Avenger
(Check out Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine and Marvel Universe vs. Punisher)
09/10 Nova #1 (Artwork is seriously on point! This series will not fail :smokin )
08/10 Savage Wolverine #1 - Savage Part 1
08/10 Savage Wolverine #2
10/10 Superior Spider-Man #1 - Hero or Menace? :eek
10/10 Superior Spider-Man #2 - The Peter Principle
10/10 Superior Spider-Man #3 - Everything You Know Is Wrong
10/10 Superior Spider-Man #4 - The Aggressive Approach
10/10 Thor God of Thunder #1 :eek
09/10 Thor God of Thunder #2
09/10 Thor God of Thunder #3
10/10 Thor God of Thunder #4 (loving everything about this!)
10/10 Thor God of Thunder #5 :eek
08/10 Thunderbolts v2 #2 - Weaponized
08/10 Thunderbolts v2 #3 - Unconventional Warfare
09/10 Thunderbolts v2 #4 - Massive Response (This is getting good)
10/10 Uncanny Avengers v1 #3 :eek
08/10 Uncanny X-Force v2 #1 (Lucas Bishop is back!)
08/10 Uncanny X-Men v3 #1 - The New Revolution
07/10 X-Men Legacy v2 #3 - Prodigal Part 3
07/10 X-Men Legacy v2 #4
07/10 X-Men Legacy v2 #5 (not really feeling this story yet)
06/10 Young Avengers v2 #1 (wut? :lol)

07/10 Batman Li'l Gotham #3 (Christmas)
06/10 Batman Li'l Gotham #4 (NYE)
08/10 Justice League of America #1 - World's Most Dangerous Chapter 1 (Introductory Issue)
09/10 Justice League of America's VIBE #1 (I like the potential this series has)

DC (Vertigo):
09/10 Django Unchained #2 (of 5) (On point with the movie)

09/10 Bedlam #3 - Chapter 3: Let Him Have His Fun
09/10 Bedlam #4 - Chapter 4: If I Started Talking About Religion (this is getting really good :smokin )
01/10 Change #2 (of 4) (Image normally doesn't disappoint but this is terrible, only reading because I started already :{ )
03/10 Change #3 (of 4) (This reminds me of that one art piece at a gallery that only a select few will appreciate and I am not one of them)
08/10 Clone #3
10/10 Clone #4 (Now we're talking! :smokin )
09/10 Comeback #2 (of 5)
09/10 Comeback #3 (of 5) (Interesting story so far)
08/10 Great Pacific #3 - Trashed! Part 3
08/10 Great Pacific #4 - Trashed! Part 4
09/10 Happy #4 (of 4) (A nice ending to this 4 part mini-series that will be made into a movie by the RZA)
07/10 I Love Trouble #2
08/10 I Love Trouble #3
07/10 Nowhere Men #2 (It's getting better)
08/10 Nowhere Men #3 (No idea what is going on :lol )
08/10 Saga #8 (This comic is great…and slightly disturbing, but in a good way)
09/10 Saga #9
10/10 Saga #10 (Uh-oh)
09/10 Super Dinosaur #6-11 (Artwork, Story, and Characters are all on point)
09/10 Super Dinosaur #12-17
09/10 The Li'l Depressed Boy #15 (Getting real serious)
09/10 The Legend of Luther Strode #2 (of 6) (Really enjoying this)
07/10 The Walking Dead #107
05/10 The Walking Dead - The Governor Special (Just a recap of how the Governor was introduced)
08/10 Thief of Thieves #11
08/10 Thief of Thieves #12
07/10 Where is Jake Ellis #2 (of 5) (Would love to see this action scene in a movie)

07/10 Adventure Time #11


Green Arrow Episode 15 - Dodger
Roy Harper teaser (Speedy or Red Arrow)

Man I have finally caught up to all comics except the days of future past trade. This is one long *** trade. Issue 138 was over 60 pages and the dofp story doesnt start until 141. I should get there soon though.

I can't wait for all new x-men this week
dropped Uncanny Avengers aloooooooong time ago. dont plan on going back anytime soon.

Iam enjoying Hawkeyes solo book tho. all 8 issues were :Nthat

tracksuit gangsters > the avengers.
I see what Remender is going for the but the narration for the last 2 issues has been rough :x

Hope things change for good with the Coipel issue and here on out with Acuna at the helm.
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dropped Uncanny Avengers aloooooooong time ago. dont plan on going back anytime soon.

Iam enjoying Hawkeyes solo book tho. all 8 issues were :Nthat

tracksuit gangsters > the avengers.
In this Looooong time, there has only been 4 issues so far. Its funny. That comic is so far behind schedule that the ads are dated. Says issue x will be out by y date. That date will be a few days away and there arent even half way there :lol
It's really not that bad. The book was never slated to double ship. It's only missed one month of releasing and push backs.

Came out in Oct so there should only be 5 issues with what would be it's 6th this March. They can always make up for that when they get a more dependable and faster artist on the book. It'd take just one month of double shipping.
dropped Uncanny Avengers aloooooooong time ago. dont plan on going back anytime soon.

Iam enjoying Hawkeyes solo book tho. all 8 issues were :Nthat

tracksuit gangsters > the avengers.
my comic book shop guy told me about hawkeye
he said he was super surprised it was selling at all
It's really not that bad. The book was never slated to double ship. It's only missed one month of releasing and push backs.

Came out in Oct so there should only be 5 issues with what would be it's 6th this March. They can always make up for that when they get a more dependable and faster artist on the book. It'd take just one month of double shipping.
They originally planned the 5th one to be out by january. It is march and they just released the 4th one.
It's really not that bad. The book was never slated to double ship. It's only missed one month of releasing and push backs.

Came out in Oct so there should only be 5 issues with what would be it's 6th this March. They can always make up for that when they get a more dependable and faster artist on the book. It'd take just one month of double shipping.
They originally planned the 5th one to be out by january. It is march and they just released the 4th one.
That's basically what I just said except for the 5th one being out by Jan.. They've only missed one month. March just started.

The book has been a monthly book that's missed one month.
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Again the original release schedule had them releasing the first 5 randomly 2-3 weeks apart like All New has been doing then eventually settling to once a month. If issue 5 was supposed to be at the beginning of jan and issue 6 in late Jan /early February and they just NOW released 6 then they are two issues behind. They wouldnt be behind if they just said they'd be on a monthly schedule since the very beginning.
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