Official Cowboys VS. Packers Post 11/29 (Excuses......

Pretty good win for the Cowboys. Although, I believe that if Brett Favre, Charles Woodson, and KGB were healthy the Pack would've won but we'll seewhat happens in the NFC Championship Game.
Originally Posted by afura13

Originally Posted by afura13

we got a game now ladies, cowboys are a second half team
i still say cowboys by 10
well i was right about that

1 out of how many?
No need to even post the quotes from Packer Fans and Cowboy haters. Just the fact that you dudes probably won't post in this thread again is enough forme...

I only have 1 thing to say....Jarett bush=Ahmad carrol and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Good game, hope brett isnt hurt too bad, if needed go ahead and sit him for the oakland game. Lets get healthy and we will see yall in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by S4L3

could i get your reasoning please

um u do know that 2 teams make it to the nfc there was really no point in sending me the score

btw u know vick tortured dogs right

No need to even post the quotes from Packer Fans and Cowboy haters. Just the fact that you dudes probably won't post in this thread again is enough for me...

No one is hating on the cowboys there a good team but the packers can definatly beat them
Originally Posted by Wisconsin 4 Life

We'll win when it counts the most. No biggie.

Just need to get healthy and finish the season strong.
well, you better hope favre gets hurt again...cause he looked like an old man tonight...

let me correct my last stement, he played his age...
S4L3 wrote:
the fact that you dudes probably won't post in this thread again is enough for me...


Hmmm... in a thread involving his team, shoes is posting immediately after the game AND on the nextpage occurring since the game ended?

His team must've won.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by afura13

Originally Posted by afura13

we got a game now ladies, cowboys are a second half team
i still say cowboys by 10
well i was right about that

1 out of how many?
You really shouldn't talk about predictions. For the past 6-7 weeks you've been saying we would lose....big.

Now its just "good game guys, we'll get ya next time"
Hmmm... in a thread involving his team, shoes is posting immediately after the game AND on the next page occurring since the game ended?

His team must've won

Nice to see Aaron Rodgers get some PT
...they got a bright future withoutFavre...
400 yards plus? this guy is the truth and nothing but the truth.

you dallas bums got lucky when parcells left the team, it gave romo a chance to really succeed and i as a giants fan am very jealous
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

S4L3 wrote:
the fact that you dudes probably won't post in this thread again is enough for me...

Hmmm... in a thread involving his team, shoes is posting immediately after the game AND on the next page occurring since the game ended?

His team must've won.


Wish I could've seen the game. Stoopid NFL Network
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