OFFICIAL Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) Thread - DK,FD vol. Addictive Personalities Beware

Corny but not surprised in a league where we rest a 20 year old star player 6 games in. soft.

No chance of return? Man if he don't just come back and play.

Welp, nevermind.

I need Bledsoe to drop 60 now.
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Well Bledsoe gave up.

Just another series of unfortunate events thanks to the wonderful world of NBA.

I hate everyone.
230 out of 28750 on the DK $1 tourney. I'll take it considering the bad GPP luck I've had. Iggy, Wiggins, Chandler were my only disappointments.
:smh: smh. Blake ****** me over.

Had Knight selected, opted out of him for BG. Had favors and Steph.

I'm always ONE away from big $$$$. Think I'm just unlucky man. Smh
They put Knight and Chandler back in.. I can make like another 2 bucks now 
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Know what, maybe they should just shut DFS down in Jersey after all. Save me from a daily migraine. And money.
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