**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

"You don't turn the other cheek, you slice it"


CP Covered everything in his post. 
the season just went from a 7.9 to a 9.5.

I'm hyped for the new dexter, the new trinity and Mother Effin RUDY!

well done writers, well done.
Originally Posted by gambit215

BTW, didnt the old dude run over the couple with the car? With the young dude outside of it? The old guy is real, they posted his pic on the paper,
No, he put his hand on Travis's knee to hit the gas, which is easily symbolic of him mentally nudging Travis to do something.  Also, he did not help Travis lift or move either of the bodies, nor has he ever. 

The dude is "real" but he's dead.  That pic in the paper is 3 years old.  I'm growing more convinced by the minute that Edward is not with us. 

I imagine a scene where Dex, Travis, Gellar, Harry and Rudy are all in the room lookin like sardines, but it's only Dex and Travis in there. 

"You don't turn the other cheek, you slice it"
Such a great line. 
Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

I'm betting if anyone catches on Dexter it would be the new intern. He seems very nosey.

Could happen, i wonder if he was being truthful about just getting info for a video game.
Masuka would probably fire him if it was.

Surprised the trinity killer and dexters brother only lasted one episode.

Still a good episode. It was definitely an episode to pass some time. Next episode looks like its gonna dig into the important stuff with Travis.
Still can't tell if dude is an imaginary dark passenger or not confused me even more how they had Dex brother do the kill scene on the motel guy.

I don't think it's filler but it was cold how Trinity's family ended up. It did provide closure. I wanted Dex bro to be his dp longer but this ep showed how reckless he is even if he's about killing anybody dude was bound to get Dexter caught.
The doomsday killer story line is wearing thin. For me, no matter if the professor is real or not, either way it won't be good. If he turns out to be real, ill find that hard to believe that he has just been walking out in public undetected with his face in the paper and on the news. And if he turns out to be fake, there will be no shock or twist.
i still feel like the professor isn't real. this episode shows that the dark passenger could take control at certain times. episode was only okay
They might bring up Trinity's son n Rudy later on.. Quinn isn't with Deb anymore, he now has room to push Dex as the killer and the son to back it up.. It was pretty dumb for dex to just tell him he killed someone and leave
I see a bigger shadow lurking, dex is setting himself up to get caught, I mean taking the gun from the store w/cams? But then again they wanna push this series for as long so
Originally Posted by AyoKamikaze

i still feel like the professor isn't real. this episode shows that the dark passenger could take control at certain times. episode was only okay

I think this episode kinda ended that theory, he put the pic of them at the sisters house after dude dropped it off, but I hope I'm wrong
but the DDK story is going nowhere bottom line
really let down after this episode. thought it would be much more epic with Rudy being involved.
this episode is weak...

it was basically just showing that ghosts can eat and touch stuff too...just because of this professor guy, how many times did ITK eat
...so the trinity killer is back but it wasnt a big deal and wasnt big news
This season has been a joke. This show starts over every season with a clean slate, yet randomly in the middle of
the season they bring back characters from 2 separate seasons of Dexter.
If they were so worried that Trinity
was back and committing more murders, they couldn't have done basic crime scene investigation of the house in
It took Dexter all of 30 seconds to find traces of bleach and blood in plain view
. Then out of nowhere
the son appears, if he was home the whole time why did he wait to confront Dexter? Or if he had just arrived at home,
how did he enter the home so silently? Also could Dexter not have checked to see if he was working at the hardware store,
especially since the town is so small.

Are we to believe that Dexter is so traumatized by losing Brother Sam, a person who Dexter knew all of 3 weeks tops?,
that he is visited by his brother? Yet when he lost his wife, his brother was no where to be found. Brother Sam had the
potential to be a great influence on Dexter, whether it would end up being bad or good, yet instead of exploring this route
further they kill him off. And again, Brother Sam knew Dexter for all of about 3 weeks, and the 1 person he trusts with the
information of who actually shot him is Dexter???? Those were literally his last words before he died and he wants to talk
to Dexter!!!???

Again, Quinn and Deb just make up like that, and bam they will never get back together, no hard feelings, nothing. Do people
forget how bad of a cop Quinn is?

This show is just everywhere, especially this season. And now there is nothing interesting to keep this season going, and no
John Lithgow to save this season either. Who thought that Jordan Chase would have been more interesting

Edit: What did Dexter say to Trinity's son before driving away, "deal with it"?
So you take a 60 hour round trip to end up saying
Originally Posted by hpscots0906

This season has been a joke. This show starts over every season with a clean slate, yet randomly in the middle of the season they bring back characters from 2 separate seasons of Dexter.
What do you mean a clean slate? It's not like there's a whole years gap in between seasons. The show obviously has a formula. Dex deals with a new serial killer and kills them before the cops get to them while on an ep to ep basis kills bad guys to satisfy his dark passenger. Characters from past seasons showing up are interjected in to the plot to shake things up a bit since Dex has a history in some way with most of them.
If they were so worried that Trinity was back and committing more murders, they couldn't have done basic crime scene investigation of the house in

They who? It's Nebraska. Trinity is a serial killer that has killed across the country, he has been a federal case since Deb exposed him in Miami. Who said they didn't do csi after the murders? Thing is there's probably nobody dedicated to the Trinity case given the gap in between his last kills.
It took Dexter all of 30 seconds to find traces of bleach and blood in plain view
Writers just going out there way to show how good Dex is at his actual job. They've done it before and earlier this season. I admit it's far fetched that there's no other blood splatter analyst guys that have caught what he's caught but then again I doubt there are many that are serial killers that has killed dozens and has yet to be caught. You gotta suspend ya disbelief a bit for that.
Then out of nowhere the son appears, if he was home the whole time why did he wait to confront Dexter? Or if he had just arrived at home,
how did he enter the home so silently?
This is small stuff. Now you just seem like you're *****ing about a damn suspense device. We already know dude don't lock his doors. We've seen Dex enter homes silently a bunch of times.
Also could Dexter not have checked to see if he was working at the hardware store, especially since the town is so small.
Does it matter?  More small stuff that it's in the end inconsequential. You're just looking at things to challenge for the sake of it.
Are we to believe that Dexter is so traumatized by losing Brother Sam, a person who Dexter knew all of 3 weeks tops?
Given how Dexter has been questioning his lifestyle since getting married and having a kid, you know that running theme of balancing serial killing and a normal life I'm not surprised how hard he took it given this is the first time he was actually giving religion some serious thought. Not to mention he happened to bond with Brother Sam since he saw him as the killer that's actually changed his ways. No different when he was looking at how Trinity seemingly had a great family while he kept killing.
that he is visited by his brother?
Dexter's dark passenger becoming his brother has more to do with the lack of light he thought/"pretending" he had in himself from actually trying to go down brother Sam's path than just Brother Sam dying. Brother Sam dying alone did not cause that change.
Yet when he lost his wife, his brother was no where to be found.
Unlike Brother Sam, Dexter blamed his wife's death on himself. He got sloppy with Trinity. Let him get too close. Not to mention there's no way Dex could've indulged in his dark side and have his brother be his dark passenger when he still had to father 3 kids. The whole scenario is completely different. He already killed Trinity thinking he was done with him while Nick was right in front him egging on the frustration he had with himself as well as the anger he had towards Nick.
Brother Sam had the potential to be a great influence on Dexter, whether it would end up being bad or good, yet instead of exploring this route further they kill him off. And again, Brother Sam knew Dexter for all of about 3 weeks, and the 1 person he trusts with the information of who actually shot him is Dexter???? Those were literally his last words before he died and he wants to talk to Dexter!!!???
I agree it could've been extended (just like his brother being his dark passenger) but at the end of the day Dexter going down Brother Sam's path changes the premise of the show, he'd be a father trying to embrace the light in himself trying not to kill and forgiving bad guys instead of a psychopath that must kill according to his code.
Again, Quinn and Deb just make up like that, and bam they will never get back together, no hard feelings, nothing. Do people forget how bad of a cop Quinn is?
Terrible cop. Character tends to annoy me but he smashes fine !!**+@+ and we need a guy with in the police force who is a prick that's suspicious of Dexter.
Edit: What did Dexter say to Trinity's son before driving away, "deal with it"?
So you take a 60 hour round trip to end up saying

Yeah basically, he ended up feeling sorry for Kyle since his sister committed suicide due to his mother's delusions. He was gonna kill him bt at the end he got to kill some prick who owned a motel as a bonus. Besides what else is he gonna say to Kyle? Dexter handles murderers and only has one experience where he helped a person who he thought was like himself. He wasn't about to take Kyle under his wing.
2 things: 1 I think Travis killed gellar, and now gellar is his dark passenger while his sister is his "light." and 2 I think the nerdy intern is going to make Dexter the hero of his video game, which will become popular, thus making dexter some sort of celebrity.
Now that deb and quinn are really over i need to see things go back to how they were at the end of the trinity season, Quinn on Dex's #$@#. Quinn basically knew who dexter was and didnt say antying, this season they havent even visited that? wth man.
Big letdown imo last night.  They wasted this Rudy angle WAAAAAAY too fast. 
  We shoulda had Rudy for the rest of the season damn it, this was a mistake. 

He just let Jonah go? 
  A guy that knows you killed his pops, KNOWS YOU KILLED SOMEONE, and you just leave him be?  Not to freaking mention a man is about to go missing pretty soon, AND YOU STAYED THERE.  Come on writers. 
They let this angle go too soon too.  Why even bother with one episode of Trinity stuff?  Gonna do it, do it right, play it out in the background, give us a story for the rest of the season, not tie it all up WITH Rudy in 45 minutes. 

7 for 7, nobody has seen or talked to Gellar.  And oh by the way, Rudy grabbing the pitchfork and it turning out to be Dex is exactly what we're looking for here, the DP can do weird things, like Rudy eating food the whole time, or drinking a soda, same as Gellar cutting meat or stitching @#$%.  In the end, it's all Travis doin that.  TRAVIS moved that picture around the house, not Gellar.  Notice how Gellar wouldn't even open the screen door?  Notice how as angry as they get, not once do they make physical contact? 

Only bright side, we MIGHT have Deb back on the trail of what the hell does Dex do all the time?  Why he always missing etc?  She is the one that is ultimately going to bring down Dexter, one way or another.  The others aren't smart enough, she is.  Speaking of that, I am not amused that yet again she figures out the angle, 2 killers, etc etc, on Travis now, but Dex will always be one step ahead. 
  We seen that angle before ya'll, please don't let this happen again. 

I was HYPED after last week, now the wind is out of my sails a bit.  But still 5 more episodes, still a lot can happen, maybe the pay off will be worth it. 
The point of my rant was, why bring back characters now? They have never really done this. It seems like a clear cover up for a lack of development/interest in this season's DDK. You can't say that it makes sense for them to bring back the ITK from season 1 now? It was just something to keep viewers interested/surprised, a cover up. Then to tie in the Trinity Killer? And it is the Trinity Killer, they would have the best CSI people investigate that case, and they can't see blood on a bright yellow wall about 15-17 feet high in the air?

Getting close to Trinity actually made sense though, he was a serial killer who had been killing for decades, but had a seemingly happy family that was the perfect front. Brother Sam was a random criminal who we find out was on Dexter's "list". But Brother Sam has changed for the better, become religious, found the light, deals with his darkness, etc. But does it not seem like that Brother Sam was used to just basically force the religious/faith aspect of this season down our throat. He wasn't used to his full potential to help make the story more interesting.

Also my problem with what he said to the Trinity's son was just it was so quick, like nothing had ever happened. Just like it was almost a joke. This episode didn't seem like it accomplished much to actually make the story better this season, it was just entertaining at times.

The clean slate issue has to do with how they just forget things that are not covered in the season finales. Liddy and Quinn, specifically. The reason this season has been poor to me is that they had so much potential, Dexter didn't have to worry about Lumen, Rita, he's living by himself, has Angel's daughter to babysit Harrison. They could have let Dexter become more like what we originally had, where he could kill for himself and not have to worry about the people around him. Then let his brother come in and let Dexter become even more hungry to kill, instead they used his brother in a filler episode and wasted that potential as well.

My expectations of this show are too high, I shouldn't expect great writing, or logical conclusions, just entertainment.
Disappointed so far this season... Hopefully the DDK stuff picks up and makes for a solid finish.

I've been way more hyped for Homeland than Dexter
I think the point people are forgetting with the whole CSI and Trinity stuff, only Dex knows he is dead.   Trinity's own son says that Trinity came home and did that, it LOOKS like Trinity work, she fell down some stairs, witness testimony, the end.  Why even CSI the place?  They would see a body down the stairs, body in the bathtub, tied up loose ends, that's it.  They wouldn't really look for clues like that ya know?  I know that's a tad of a stretch, but it does make sense.  If Dex didn't know for a fact Trinity was dead, he wouldn't be looking up in the stairwell either ya know? 

Just how I interpreted it anyways, certainly the story was rushed a bit regardless. 
I figure Quinn hasn't gone back to trying to catch Dexter is because he's still rebounding from Deb. This ep just kind just finalized it and gave him some closure on that. It would make no sense for him to up and suddenly be suspicious of Dexter again right after Deb said no and became Lt. Down the line he may revisit why Dex covered up the fact that things were pointing at Quinn killing Liddy but dude will need some help from Dexter slipping up this season.
I've been disappointed with the season, but I was hoping you guys were right about last week's episode.. judging by the reactions here, looks like that's not the case. I would be more accepting of the show going off in a direction I dislike, so long as it's done well. But the writers don't seem to have a firm enough grasp on what they're doing, it's a mess more often than not.
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