Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

Not at all.

Goku's base form is now equal to where he was when he fought Beerus as red form.

If we go by what Goku has achieved, Goku at any form realistically would wash any form of Gohan at any point in the series. I have no doubt that if pushed without transforming, Goku would wash Gohan. No Kaioken, no nothing.

Mystic Gohan isn't even touching base Goku at this point. He fought the god of destruction. Mystic Gohan had trouble with Super Buu...

But you have to remember, all this crap with Gohan sparring with Goku is happening and Goku also got shot with a gun and bled. Goku clearly wasn't on his P's and Q's when he and Gohan were sparring.

Gohan will have an increase in power, but its not going to be anything on the level that Trunks got. Trunks, Goku, Vegeta are in another realm of power. Gohan is nowhere near that anymore.

So what did you mean when you said that goku went ssj1 because that's all gohan could handle?

Also how could gotenks not take fat buu? SSJ3 gotenks> Majin buu arc ssj3 goku> fat buu
Did y'all watch the episode? After fighting in base forms, Gohan was telling him to stop holding back so they both went SSJ1. Goku got his chest pushed in off bat after that. Neither of them broke a sweat in this fight. They only stopped because ChiChi made them.

As far as I'm seeing, Gohan is so far just as strong as Goku up to SSJ1 in Super. No need to speculate or question. Everything else is just opinion. IMHO, I doubt Buu is washing SSJ1 Goku at this point and same applies for Gohan. Does that mean Gohan will overpower him? No, but he ain't going down either.
Not at all.

Goku's base form is now equal to where he was when he fought Beerus as red form.

If we go by what Goku has achieved, Goku at any form realistically would wash any form of Gohan at any point in the series. I have no doubt that if pushed without transforming, Goku would wash Gohan. No Kaioken, no nothing.

Mystic Gohan isn't even touching base Goku at this point. He fought the god of destruction. Mystic Gohan had trouble with Super Buu...

But you have to remember, all this crap with Gohan sparring with Goku is happening and Goku also got shot with a gun and bled. Goku clearly wasn't on his P's and Q's when he and Gohan were sparring.

Gohan will have an increase in power, but its not going to be anything on the level that Trunks got. Trunks, Goku, Vegeta are in another realm of power. Gohan is nowhere near that anymore.

So what did you mean when you said that goku went ssj1 because that's all gohan could handle?

Also how could gotenks not take fat buu? SSJ3 gotenks> Majin buu arc ssj3 goku> fat buu

Goku went SSJ because Gohan provoked him into it. "You're still holding back" Gohan knew Goku wasn't going at him seriously. And when has Goku ever turned down trash talk?

You think if Chi Chi didn't break them up, Goku wouldn't have one shotted him like Future Trunks? Goku was shooting the **** with his son.

And I said SSJ Gotenks could beat gohan. And SSJ Gotenks isn't stronger than Majing Buu. It took SSJ 3 Gotenks to jump him in power.

But Just like HankHill HankHill said, they showed it, so it is what it is. Gohan apparently is just as strong as SSJ 1 goku after a 15 second fight animation. Even though base form goku went toe to toe with Beerus. So by that logic, Gohan should be able to go and fight with Beerus to some degree without getting his shoulders clapped within hands reach of the cat, which means he shouldn't have been washed when Freeza came to town. But.. That wasn't the case.

But from what I took away from the entire few episodes of Goku looking for a training buddy was, he's rusty. Hence why a regressed SSJ Gohan was able to hang, and why a humans bullets were able to penetrate his skin. Goku was getting soft. Thats why he was begging Whis to train him...
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Gohan == Trash
Naw, b. 3 ==='s for strict syntax.
True but I wasnt thinking in JS 

Wizards > Gohan
Base goku never went toe to toe with beerus. It was confirmed that beerus lied about how much power he was using against goku the entire fight.

Also we did see cabba evenly match vegeta (also a Saiyan beyond God) in his base form. Vegeta says it himself.
Did y'all watch the episode? After fighting in base forms, Gohan was telling him to stop holding back so they both went SSJ1. Goku got his chest pushed in off bat after that. Neither of them broke a sweat in this fight. They only stopped because ChiChi made them.

As far as I'm seeing, Gohan is so far just as strong as Goku up to SSJ1 in Super. No need to speculate or question. Everything else is just opinion. IMHO, I doubt Buu is washing SSJ1 Goku at this point and same applies for Gohan. Does that mean Gohan will overpower him? No, but he ain't going down either.

Was at work, so I missed all of this, but there shouldn't be any doubt about this :lol: It's as close to a fact as it can be without actually seeing them fight. SSJ1 Goku is stronger than he's ever been at this point, which places him at leagues beyond SSJ3 Goku at the conclusion of the Buu Saga. That version of SSJ3 Goku was, by his own words, superior to Majin Buu and Kid Buu (This is Majin Buu before the split with Evil Buu, which gave us the current Fat Buu, and SSJ3 Goku at the peak of his strength in regards to Kid Buu). For Buu to even be able to hang with this version of SSJ1 Goku he'd have to not only have been training, he'd have to have been training since the Battle of Gods arc. Because we saw what happened when Fat Buu went up against Beerus. Son was washed just as easily as SSJ3 Goku was. However, by the conclusion of that arc, we've got SSJ1 Goku, after the God Ki powerup, going at it with Beerus. Even taking into account that Beerus was holding back, it's a far better performance than SSJ3 Goku had at the start of the arc and than Fat Buu had earlier in the arc. This then doesn't take into account that Goku has literally gone through years of training since the conclusion of this arc, so his SSJ1 form is even stronger now than it was then. Honestly, i'd say that Fat Buu isn't washing any version of Current Goku, including Base.

As far as Gohan vs Fat Buu goes, I agree that it's less clear. Gohan doesn't have great showings, but we know for a fact that he has recently been training to regain his old strength, which was leagues beyond Fat Buu in terms of power. Most recently, we saw him sparring with his father in Base and SSJ1 modes. He now shows no problem entering and maintaining his SSJ1 state, which was an issue for him back during the Resurrection Arc and he seems to have regained his Mystic transformation as well. So, he has clearly improved since the start of the series and at this point, for all the reasons stated above, being anywhere near SSJ1 Goku in terms of power would place him above Fat Buu. But, it was just a spar, which didn't get to heat up as much as it could have, like Goku vs Uub at the start of GT or something, so there's no way to say for sure where Gohan actually stands with SSJ1 Goku. I'd say that the fact that Goku was ok with using his SSJ1 form against Gohan at all says something, because he's not the type of sparring partner to put in an overwhelming amount of force that he thinks his opponent can't handle or to randomly lose control of his power. And this also doesn't take SSJ2 into account for Gohan, which would only increase his power further. So, I wouldn't necessarily say that Fat Buu straight up washes Current Gohan in a fight.
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Gohan is going to unlock "Mystic Form" again. Sure, he won't be as strong as Vegeta and Goku, but at least he'll be kicking some ***.
Episode 79 Spoilers (Feb 19):
Basil connects hit after hit on Buu
and his team is quick to assume victorious—
Little do they know, Buu hasn't taken any damage.

Episode 80 Spoilers (Feb 26):
Gohan gets hit with a poison mist
and is blindsided. He cannot see, nor sense Ki.
Gohan is clearly without a doubt getting demolished...

*NOTE: Episode 80 / Feb 26, marks DragonBall The Anime's 31st Anniversary

31 yrs ago on feb 26th... the first episode of DB aired
I just thought of this, but why dont the universe 7 saiyans let the other saiyans at least reach SSJ god. A lot of that still stays with you even after you "time out" of it.

They coulda hooked future up with god mode. And they can give gohan god mode now.

Edit just caught up with the thread. I thought super buu (w gohan) was > buutenks?
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Aint this a filler episode lol

"Filler" in dragon ball super isn't the same as filler in DBZ. Since the anime of DBZ isn't the source material, the manga is, the filler episodes Usually aren't canon because they didn't exist in the manga. In super the anime is the source material so everything that happens is canon, whether directly related to the up coming arc of not.
I cave on the Buu vs Gohan thing then.

I personally don't think he's shown enough to be considered stronger or at least that much stronger than Buu since his power drop. But he's showed that he can at least "train" with Goku at ssj1 state.

But in any case, he's clearly nowhere near as powerful as Goku or Vegeta/Trunks and I still don't see any drastic jump in power from him unless they toss him a bone and give him SSJG (which would be corny as hell)
I'll agree on that. I don't really have any interest in seeing another Super Saiyan God.
Its would be nice for gohan to have his own thing like mystic saiyan 3 or something.

The good / bad thing about the shows is we dont know what he has been doing....

He could time chamber it up his free time while being a student.

Thats what theyll probably say
I cave on the Buu vs Gohan thing then.

I personally don't think he's shown enough to be considered stronger or at least that much stronger than Buu since his power drop. But he's showed that he can at least "train" with Goku at ssj1 state.

But in any case, he's clearly nowhere near as powerful as Goku or Vegeta/Trunks and I still don't see any drastic jump in power from him unless they toss him a bone and give him SSJG (which would be corny as hell)

In terms of strength gohan isn't isn't touching any of them for sure.

That being said, gohan at the very least isn't going into the tournament the way he went into the revival arc. And If that's the case I've got an open mind of what's going to happen with him.
Its would be nice for gohan to have his own thing like mystic saiyan 3 or something.

The good / bad thing about the shows is we dont know what he has been doing....

He could time chamber it up his free time while being a student.

Thats what theyll probably say

If he were in the time chamber off screen he'd show clear signs of aging.
Man if you look at Future Trunks and Gohan before and after the hyperbolic time chamber they CLEARLY look older.
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