Originally Posted by MyTsharp

It takes that long because of the power meter, if you tap the pass button it passes quickly.

I mean its a video game, you're not going to get immediate brain to foot reaction on a system


LOL i know why it does that..it's just annoying sometimes that it does... *shrugs* ah well...it is what it is...
Originally Posted by GetHigh420

Still got no challenges on XBOX Live. gamertag = iBasa916 anyone wanna play add me.

I'll add you tomorrow, and we'll see what's up this weekend....GT:mrfuZA
Originally Posted by GetHigh420

Still got no challenges on XBOX Live. gamertag = iBasa916 anyone wanna play add me.

I'll add you tomorrow, and we'll see what's up this weekend....GT:mrfuZA
Why do i suck in FIFA 11
 (online record 0-9)

I played soccer in college
I am pretty good at Madden 11(online record 30-12)
I am ok in NBA 2K11 (online record 12-7)

I dominate games in FIFA 11 but cant find a way to get a shot off. The other guys defense always seems like it is swarming to the ball when im near his penalty box. I see a ton of holes all over the field except in the other teams box. I lost a game yesterday 2-0 and i had 70% possesion but only 3 shots on goal
 Itseems like evryteam i play has 5 defenders between me and his goalie. Dudes i play against usually have 35% percent of possesion but almost 10x as many shot on goal as I have.  

Any advice? It seems like all my guys are on his side of the field and the other team just counters and scores.

If you guys recall the Germany Argentina game this year in the world cup where argentina dominated but still lost...yeah thats my FIFA 11 life story
Why do i suck in FIFA 11
 (online record 0-9)

I played soccer in college
I am pretty good at Madden 11(online record 30-12)
I am ok in NBA 2K11 (online record 12-7)

I dominate games in FIFA 11 but cant find a way to get a shot off. The other guys defense always seems like it is swarming to the ball when im near his penalty box. I see a ton of holes all over the field except in the other teams box. I lost a game yesterday 2-0 and i had 70% possesion but only 3 shots on goal
 Itseems like evryteam i play has 5 defenders between me and his goalie. Dudes i play against usually have 35% percent of possesion but almost 10x as many shot on goal as I have.  

Any advice? It seems like all my guys are on his side of the field and the other team just counters and scores.

If you guys recall the Germany Argentina game this year in the world cup where argentina dominated but still lost...yeah thats my FIFA 11 life story
i think perhaps you made the same mistake i made, i got the game and went straight online, yesterday i started a season against the computer and it made me much more comfortable with attacking online. basically it helps you figure out when to through pass, lob pass, collapse defense. i would recommend you play 10 matchs vs computer then take it online and see how you fair out. im always 60% posession but lose many times to a careless pass that gets intercepted and scored on. im like 40-50 online. not great but not bad.
i think perhaps you made the same mistake i made, i got the game and went straight online, yesterday i started a season against the computer and it made me much more comfortable with attacking online. basically it helps you figure out when to through pass, lob pass, collapse defense. i would recommend you play 10 matchs vs computer then take it online and see how you fair out. im always 60% posession but lose many times to a careless pass that gets intercepted and scored on. im like 40-50 online. not great but not bad.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Can someone please help me out and give me some pointers on how to distribute the ball well?

I'm sick of people running up the score on me.
  I distribute the ball extremely well and they still run the score up on me

Why dont they let us see the opponents record in online mode like in Madden. It feel like I get all the FIFA ballers

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Can someone please help me out and give me some pointers on how to distribute the ball well?

I'm sick of people running up the score on me.
  I distribute the ball extremely well and they still run the score up on me

Why dont they let us see the opponents record in online mode like in Madden. It feel like I get all the FIFA ballers

Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

i think perhaps you made the same mistake i made, i got the game and went straight online, yesterday i started a season against the computer and it made me much more comfortable with attacking online. basically it helps you figure out when to through pass, lob pass, collapse defense. i would recommend you play 10 matchs vs computer then take it online and see how you fair out. im always 60% posession but lose many times to a careless pass that gets intercepted and scored on. im like 40-50 online. not great but not bad.

Thanks bro. To tell you the truth I havent played one game against the computer so i'll give it a shot. I just thought playing dudes online would help me improve fast but i guess its doing the opposite. Thank bro cool sig.
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

i think perhaps you made the same mistake i made, i got the game and went straight online, yesterday i started a season against the computer and it made me much more comfortable with attacking online. basically it helps you figure out when to through pass, lob pass, collapse defense. i would recommend you play 10 matchs vs computer then take it online and see how you fair out. im always 60% posession but lose many times to a careless pass that gets intercepted and scored on. im like 40-50 online. not great but not bad.

Thanks bro. To tell you the truth I havent played one game against the computer so i'll give it a shot. I just thought playing dudes online would help me improve fast but i guess its doing the opposite. Thank bro cool sig.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Can someone please help me out and give me some pointers on how to distribute the ball well?

I'm sick of people running up the score on me.
  I distribute the ball extremely well and they still run the score up on me

Why dont they let us see the opponents record in online mode like in Madden. It feel like I get all the FIFA ballers


"Quick Ranked Match" solves that problem. 
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Can someone please help me out and give me some pointers on how to distribute the ball well?

I'm sick of people running up the score on me.
  I distribute the ball extremely well and they still run the score up on me

Why dont they let us see the opponents record in online mode like in Madden. It feel like I get all the FIFA ballers


"Quick Ranked Match" solves that problem. 
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