Official Final Fantasy Thread | XII is the GOAT

For the flagship FF title for the next gen I disagree. They should have went with a more fantasy approach with this one. Big, colorful
environments, diverse species characters etc. Similar to games like IX, X, and XIII. With the graphical power of next gen they could have made something special.

From the trailer this really just looked like a stripped down XV put in a medieval environment.
We don't know much about the game outside of that first trailer. For all we know it could be on a larger scale than 15, which would be great. We just have to wait and see.
True. This game could look completely different closer to release. Just hope they have everything in order this time around so we dont have to deal with a Versus XIII/XV issue this gen.
Weird how 16 is a PlayStation exclusive. 15 was released on both Xbox and PlayStation.
So was XIII. I think the it’s a timed exclusive and SE doesn’t mind the initial hit because from what I understand, FF doesn’t sell well on Xbox. Hell most JRPGs sell poorly on Xbox compared to PlayStation.

RIP Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon :frown:
man this feels like the whole music streaming industry few years back.

like kanye said, let the kids have the music! in this case video games.
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They arent putting the asterix, nor using "platforms" instead of "PC", unless they had to. I'd be willing to bet its a timed exclusive.

If I'm remembering correctly, hybridsoldier23 hybridsoldier23 mentioned fans of FFIX had something to look forward to. XVI really looks like it brings it back to that political drama/medieval type of setting, likening it to IX.
I dunno, I don't get IX vibes at all. I get witcher/game of thrones vibes...
we need more of the fantasy element. if i'm being blunt, the setting doesn't excite me, the characters look generic, the graphics (which should be improved by release of course but right now) look last gen.
I don't have a lot of faith in the soundtrack.
I don't like action rpg's tbh, I prefer turn based

its like square wants to go away from what made them square in the first place in order to attract a younger crowd that didn't play anything prior to XII or XIII. its cool, its their company and I don't have to like or respect it.
feels like what Nintendo did to Mario rpg. I haven't truly felt a ff since X and honestly that's almost revisionist due to everything after X being so different than anything before it in the way they play. X was the beginning of hallway fantasy but the last of "real" turn based ff.

hopefully i'm completely wrong on my opinion and the game turns out to be fire with a fire soundtrack, gameplay, etc.
but I trust square with rpg's as much as I trust Nintendo nowadays.
Final Fantasy X was released almost 20 years ago. I would love for FF to go back to turn based but it's been too long. It's time to let the dream go bud.
Yes, I actually went and bought the network adapter for my PS2!

I remember only getting permission from my parents to play for like 30-45 minutes at a time as it took up our phone line. :lol:

Tough to remember, but the one memory I do have is how difficult it was.
Yes, I actually went and bought the network adapter for my PS2!

I remember only getting permission from my parents to play for like 30-45 minutes at a time as it took up our phone line. :lol:

Tough to remember, but the one memory I do have is how difficult it was.
Some people have private servers. Tried playing with my friends... boy was it hard

You see y'all, Final Fantasy XI is the Dark Souls of MMOs. lmao

I see a lot of patterns with FFXI in the new XVI information. Definitely see a lot of stuff that goes with my theory about Chains of Promathia (second expansion, after Rise of Zilart) being not only the greatest FF story of all time, but also incredibly important to the franchise and nowhere near finished.
With how big Persona still is there is differently a market for turn based RPGs but with the success of the FF VII remake im sure they are done with them.
Sad story. Turn based RPGs/strategy/tactics games are my favorite. Dying breed that has a cult-like loyal following. All FPS, action games nowadays
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