Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The person at the top of my needs to die list who's been there from the jump has now reached a point where she's untouchable until the end of the show...


You miss my boy varys making friends all over the place.. And they all got 1 common enemy

Then I know for sure cersei is still on Arya's list
If Lyanna and Rhaegar did get married then Jon should still have a strong claim to winterfell

I'm not 100% sold that Rhaegar is the daddy yet...Jon having pitch black hair just isn't the Targy way...word to Ned figuring out Joffrey ain't a Baratheon
i really hope they dont ride this whole "we need more female lead" wave. as seen in star wars and other stuff these days.

im not into a 3 way battle between salsa, cersei and dany as the end result of the series. 

That's EXACTLY what's going to happen.
I'm not 100% sold that Rhaegar is the daddy yet...Jon having pitch black hair just isn't the Targy way...word to Ned figuring out Joffrey ain't a Baratheon
There have been mixed Targs with dark hair before. They don't all have the typical Targ features.
whats good with Sam? I don't understand his part and the library
Sam's really in to being a maester. Saw all the books and got hyped. I assume he's going to return with mad knowledge of maybe discover something key to everybody's survival and rush back to tell Jon.

If not, his story line is pointless.

How far is Dawn from Mereen? Varys just going to be everywhere like that?
Props. I just accepted son got that I stand transmission.

He probably could play a white King Kai or fat Buu. Even Kirin. So it makes some sense.
Jamie's gonna be even more pissed when he finds out about his last kid going out the way of Lysa Tully 
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damn, talk about fast tracking in getting rid of characters!

I liked this episode more than the last one.
There have been mixed Targs with dark hair before. They don't all have the typical Targ features.

Yeah, but from platinum white hair to being pitch black is a bit of a stretch imo...I'm not saying it's not possible, I just think they've dropped crumbs already that he may not be a Targ...
Carcetti Finger looked like the nerd in 80's movies who has to watch the girl of his dreams go out with the jock.
i really hope they dont ride this whole "we need more female lead" wave. as seen in star wars and other stuff these days.

im not into a 3 way battle between salsa, cersei and dany as the end result of the series. 

That's EXACTLY what's going to happen.
I think the female leads stop here. Where else would they add more?

Already got Lady Mormont, Sansa saving Jon's ***, Dorne lady and her vipers allying with Olenna, Yara teamed up with Dany, Arya doing her thing. Cersi the villain. They only killed Margery. With red priestesses out there.

What could they do in the final 2 seasons? Kill the Night King and introduce a Night Queen? :lol:
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Hands down the best piece of television I've ever had the honor of watching....I'm still trying to absorb it
Yeah, but from platinum white hair to being pitch black is a bit of a stretch imo...I'm not saying it's not possible, I just think they've dropped crumbs already that he may not be a Targ...
The thing is, there's no way the Kingsguard would watch over Lyanna like that while Rhaegar fought at the Trident. The only possible reason why they would do that is because they were guarding Rhaegar's heir and legacy. 
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Book's Night King supposedly smashed a female White Walker. It's interesting that we haven't seen any on the show. Maybe there's a reason why.
what else do you need? dna testing? according to everything Lyanna want feeling anyone else.

I'm going based off the show on this, but nothing has shown me that Lyanna was feeling anything for anyone at any point..."legend" at this point says she was kidnapped...

This show is so well written that every plot and every conversation is a major key alert. Ned figuring out that Joffrey and Tommen aren't Baratheon's solely based off hair color may be a subtle hint towards Jon too...

Or it means we'll find out a year from now.
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