Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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What power does Cersei have other than a chair?

She has questionable claim to casterly rock and every house oppose her. The brotherhood without banners can squash her.

How many in that bannerless group though? They can't even control some of their members. robert strong gonna murk dondarrion and everyone then fight his bro last.
It's gonna be one helluva scene when Jon meets Dany with their crews by their side; Sansa, Pod, Brienne, maybe LF, Lady Mormont, Davos, maybe Arya, Brann, Meera, Sam vs. Tyrion, Varys, Grayworm, Yara, Theon, Missandei, maybe Olenna, maybe Oberyn's wife, maybe a red priestess.

I assume it'll be amenable to a point given Tyrion and Jon were cool up to a point.

If somebody like Jamie is there though, Arya gonna try and kill him. Bran may have already told every body it was Jamie that crippled him. Varys and LF might spark something given they know what each other are up to.

A scene like that would get me hype. Jon may be who Dany considers marrying give he is the only living king left.
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The Mountain is unstoppable. It's gonna take a team effort to take him down and even that may not be enough...he will eat up any Westeros fighter with ease. The Dorne chicks gonna have to use their magic to stop him and get revenge.
The Mountain is unstoppable. It's gonna take a team effort to take him down and even that may not be enough...he will eat up any Westeros fighter with ease. The Dorne chicks gonna have to use their magic to stop him and get revenge.

I'm gonna bet money Arya takes him out.
Is Melisandre gonna show up in Kings Landing?
Curious bit that a friend pointed out (he probably got it from Reddit so sorry if its been mentioned); we know Arya is in the Riverlands and Melisandre is riding South from Winterfel... Back in season 2 Mel and Arya crossed paths and Mel looked look at Arya and said "we will meet again." 
The Mountain is unstoppable. It's gonna take a team effort to take him down and even that may not be enough...he will eat up any Westeros fighter with ease. The Dorne chicks gonna have to use their magic to stop him and get revenge.

I'm gonna bet money Arya takes him out.
I'm pretty sure Wun Wun wouldve beat him with ease so I ain't gonna be surprised if Arya kills him on some David and Goliath steed.

It'll be interesting if she kills those kids though.
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when dannys group reaches westeros though, is it even going to be a fight? theyll win easily wont they?
its like back in starcraft / command and conquer games when you spend 2 hours mining and building an army, then you get to the ai's base and they dont even build anything :rofl:
What happens to the Mountain if Cersei dies though? Aren't him an Qyburn the only ones who can control him?
The Red Viper put in work on the Mountain and probably would've won if he stayed focus. Dude is far from unstoppable against skilled fighters.
It's a 3-way race between Arya, Hound, and the sand snakes to kill the mountain.

And right now Dany easily outduels King's Landing, especially if she gets there before they can fully regroup and rebuild and get new allies. They lost two of their strongest allies already. Of course Urine will team up with Cersei to keep things interesting.

But the real battle will be in the North.
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What the hell is dragonbinder?
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