Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Varys probably tight, dude been making moves for Dany since season one
nah Varys believed in Tyrion and thought he style of ruling or counsel was the best for the 7 kingdoms. Thats why he wanted to bring him to Dany. He probably thought Dany would get the traditional Targ madness unless she had somebody right by her side that can speak some sense, and that would be Tyrion. 
cant wait til we get varys vs. littlefinger, round: whatever and 1
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how exactly did qyburn bring back the mountain?

is he secrectly a follower of rhollor?

i mean if hes not then is there a "scientific" way to bring ppl back?

wouldnt that kind of take away from rhollor power? 
the thing is I don't think the Mountain actually died from the Viper fight. Just badly wounded, and Qyburn did his mad scientist thing and did "unorthodoxed" methods of transplant surgery to heal him
the funny thing about it is the mountain left Qyburn for dead at Harrenhall.

Not sure if there was a greater come up than his.
How many of you guys in here have read the books?

I think I'm going to start the series after I finish the book I'm on.
the funny thing about it is the mountain left Qyburn for dead at Harrenhall.

Not sure if there was a greater come up than his.

Yup. What's even more crazy is how Qyburn even got there though. It's like he just slipped in there. Dude is creepy man. He got things up his sleeve.
Sam must have a part to play in all this if they still showing his story. He's going to learn something real crucial in that citadel and he has to race back to Jon before its too late.
I'd say that it makes the most sense that Jamie will kill Cersi because he's the only brother that the Mountain won't expect to pull a stunt. This most likely will happen before Dany and her army arrive to KL, remember they are headed to Casterly Rock to begin the invasion.

With winter being here it's sure to have an adverse effect on the soldiers (Dorne, Dothraki, Unsullied) who aren't acclimated to that type of environment. I really don't see Dany's army really having too much opposition except for the Lannister clan, once word reaches the North of what is happening I am sure someone will ride to KL to initiate a pact.

We know that the WW can't currently breach the wall, Benjen solidified this when he dropped Bran and Meera off. I am assuming that it would have to take Bran crossing the wall to allow the Night's King to bypass this.

Next season can't come soon enough.
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How many people got taken out this season that were of significance?


Walder Frey

The 2 other Frey Kids that don't matter 


Loras Tyrell

Mace Tyrell

Kevan Lannister

High Sparrow

Alliser Thorne


Roose Bolton

Ramsey Bolton

Three Eye'd Raven



Shaggy Dogg




Papa Greyjoy


Wun Wun

I gotta be missing some, but 
 at this list 
Quick question.

If Rhaeger was married when Jon was conceived with Ned's sister, wouldn't that still make Jon..."A Bastard"?
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