Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Yeah. Cuz it's out of wedlock and his mom was basically a mistress. I think some say they could've gotten married and Lyanna was his second wife.
no one ever gonna find out Jon is a Targ.

I don't see how that could/would ever come out.

Gonna miss Margery :smh:

LF was looking frustrated but it's like he wanted Sansa to see it. She quickly got the sour face too.

Did she want to be Wardeness of the North? I don't understand why she wold be upset.

Show managed to make me root for Cersei because the High Sparrow was that ******* annoying :lol:

Wasn't em mad wen she sat on the throne tbh

I was amped that she got her revenge on the High Sparrow, Margery, and all well to do folks, and the peasants.

great season great finale...

lmao at little fingers L
hold that!

bran is gonna tell jon who he is 
when the starks meet back up and
form like voltron...everyone is holding L's.

who is dany gonna marry?

Is he allowed to do that as the 3eyed raven?

Marg knew what wassup and the sparrow wouldn't let her out :smh:

The look on the sparrows face when marg was like damn the gods cersie not here something wrong b let me out :lol:

She was on point, too bad it wouldn't have made difference if she was able to leave. I still want to know what her plan was. Loras, still had to renounce his status as a Tyrell.

Sparrow thought he was doing something, he wasn't too caught up in his bs to see he got played. Why in the hell didn't they let people leave anyway? Was it narcissism? Did he want everyone to see him hand out punishment?

bran is the true heir, but you can't just proclaim yourself. All the other houses have to claim you as their king. 

Bran is the true Warden of the North by birthright. That king **** is something else.

I don't understand why they werent letting people not on trial leave.

I don't get it either.

Dany, Varys, and Tyrion put together a Targaryen, Greyjoy, Martell, and Tyrell Dream Team.

Expect them to pummel their competition like team USA did in the '92 Olympics.

That is a nice lineup...Nobody is riding with Cersei after what she did. Dany's appearance will be welcomed by all I'm assuming. Nobody would hesitate to see Cersei dethroned and killed.

+1 on Cersei, gained so much respect for her

She's a real G, she said she would burn the entire city to the ground if it had to come down to it and she did :smokin killing errrrbody

So is the Mountain going to rape Septa Unella ????? Shame Shame Shame :lol:

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For the last time, Rhaegar did not kidnap and rape Lyanna. She ran off with him, eloped, and they had Jon. Rhaegar was supposedly the most handsome dude in the Seven Kingdoms, Lyanna definitely just chose him over Robert the brute.

Where did the rape story come from then? I don't think Ned would allow that story to be told of his sister if he didn't feel it was true, or somehow got information that it was. Unless the whole situation between R+L was so under the radar, that the only normal conclusion would be that he abducted her and raped her.

except for the valonqar part. :evil:

Has to be J...I doubt T would even have an opportunity to get that close to her.

Is Gendry ever going to resurface?

It is time to let Gendry go...he is hopefully striving as black smith doing his thing out in the world. Being his own man, and potential meeting someone special.

And to add to the Cersei/Tom discussion, remember that she already knew all of her children would die. I wouldn't be surprised if she was ready for this to happen, knowing her son and his fragile self. It sure looked like she was prepared.

Furthermore, even though damn near everyone of importance is dead, it'd be a bad look having orchestrated this plan with the King in harm's way.

Cersei knows that Tommon is going to die, I don't think she knew it would be that day and because of something she did. She saved him because he is her son, not just because he is the king. She was probably preparing herself since Joffrey, but more so since Mercella.

Idk why y'all praising cersei. This was another shortsighted move by her just like giving power to the Seven. Tyrells were about to fight with Lannister and now they're gonna fight against them. They have no allies left.

Tyrells are taking away all of their support for the Lannisters, no more food or money. The Lanisters are alone with no allies to call on. The people will soon start to starve and KL will go deeper and deeper into the toilet. Dany won't have much trouble gaining support for her claim to the throne.

The point wasn't doubting that she wanted to protect him. She's made it clear that she would do anything for her children. The point was did she want him to see it as a punishment. He lost is wife, religious counsel, and the ruling small counsel at once. That's some tough love if that was indeed part of her reasoning. I don't think she knew he would off himself though.

I'm not sure how I feel about her using it as punishment for him. I wouldn't put it past her to try and use it to keep Tommen in line while she rules from behind the scenes. Whatever the reason, I'm sure she didn't expect the suicide jump.

Lady Mormont's speech is up there with some of the best this show has ever seen. She got me hyped.

She shut those dudes down, made them feel ashamed.

been so damn long I completely forgot Tommen wasn't the first kid to fly out of a window, that karma :smokin

Nice call back to season 1. Forgot about that **** too.
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One if not two of Danys Dragons are getting taken out. It's no reason why of they are still alive wen they hit Westeros that she wouldn't be sitting on the Iron Throne within a week
Quick question.

If Rhaeger was married when Jon was conceived with Ned's sister, wouldn't that still make Jon..."A Bastard"?
There's a potential that Rhaegar married Lyanna and she became his second wife. This is speculated because other Targaryen men had taken multiple wives. So there's a theory that Jon Snow, is actually Jon Targaryen.

Not sure if posted / mentioned already. Sorry if so
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Im thinking Dany may already be in or close to Westeros, why would all the Martell ships sail to Mereen just to go right back.

could just be poor writing, maybe they just wanted that scene with all the ships riding out.

I also wonder what part of the wall Benjen dropped Bran and Meera off at.
The composition of Tommen's final scene was a hell of a lot like Eddie's final scene in Boardwalk Empire
Im thinking Dany may already be in or close to Westeros, why would all the Martell ships sail to Mereen just to go right back.

could just be poor writing, maybe they just wanted that scene with all the ships riding out.

I also wonder what part of the wall Benjen dropped Bran and Meera off at.
Varys brings ships(and maybe some supplies like weapons, and horses) to Dany to help bring her army to Westeros. Simple. 
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Gotta put some respeck on Cersei's name. She did some gully ****.

Lord Baelish all up in Sansa's dome.

So, the north has a bastard king. Makes no difference if he's a Targaryan, he's still a wildling loving bastard.

Concerns me though that Cersei used up all her wild fire on the attack on the sept.

She going to need that against Dany & 'em.

Arya got Walder, took her long enough.

Varys moves fast, how he get from Dorne back to Mereen so fast?

Tyrion def has a thing for Dany.

Benjen undead or something?
dude could have at least left them the horse
That's what I was thinking 
 I was like "'re not leaving the horse? But you can walk! Bran can't!" 
 Coldhands got a cold heart 
According to Jamie that wildfyre was always under the sept, the mad king had it stashed all over the city.

Then hopefully they get word of Dany coming and have time to throw wildfire in the water.

Tyrion might spot it though so that might not even be a viable strategy to begin with.
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