Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just watched 'the watchers on the wall', I legit have no clue how you can watch certain episodes and not be team snow gawd..

You literally just gotta want to watch the world burn
The boy Jon Snow has no charisma or personality to me.

All son does is brood

He mos def had some cool fighting/warrior scenes but that's about it.

Tyrion > Jon Snow
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My girl finally stepped into the light and started GoT lastnight. Called me with all types of questions afterwards :lol:

Trying to get her up to speed before the premiere
My girl finally stepped into the light and started GoT lastnight. Called me with all types of questions afterwards :lol:

Trying to get her up to speed before the premiere

Pics of your girl.

GoT PYG, start it up pleighboi :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
being overseas is a hassle. it airs 10 a.m. Monday my time. debating getting HBO now or just DLing.
since I have to wait practically til Monday night anyway...
We're actually debating just being a week behind and have GOT viewings sunday night.
You living off of trailers. Some of you guys have foolishly learned nothing since s1.

LF in the show is alot dumber than in the books. In the books, you have a leg to stand on. He may appear to be a puppeteer, but he's made so many fatal mistakes throughout this the past few seasons, it's making hard to bank on him in the show. In the book, he's absolute genius. It's different on the show. He's exposed himself way too much, he's GOING to end up with nothing. The writers eff'd his character and he's now sitting in the back table at Winterfell hoping he can salvage the plans he ruined himself.

Even in Season 2, makes a near death mistake by insulting the only ally he had to get him closer to what he wants. Cersei teases him about being in love with Catelyn and then makes remarks about her incestuous relationships. Really? That's your masterplan? To insult your only ally that can potentially take you some where you want to go, like up the proverbial chaos ladder you plan on climbing? This isn't calculating, its rash and its impulsive.

From that point on, every single move he's made got him nothing in return except Harrenhall.

In the Vale, he alienated almost all of his allies, sold off his royalty wife and his power depends on that little s*** Robin. The only reason why he was able to save Jon in the first place was because Robin seemed to like the falcon that "Uncle Petyr" gave him. LOL.

In Winterfell, He lost his key to the North by selling off Sansa, his ONLY key to any sort of respectable power in the North. Littlefinger had it on lock. If he hadn't sold her off and kept her by his side, he maintains her trust while having a large army behind a Stark name which would unite the North to back them all considering their loyalty to Robb and Ned. That is really his only realistic shot to gain any ground to get closer to the Iron Throne, through Sansa. Now that's never going to happen. By marrying Sansa to Ramsay, LF gave him legit claim to the North and pissed away her trust. Without Jeyne Poole in theshow and using Sansa to take her place, this story arc makes LF look foolish and his schemes are counter intuitive. Not even saving Jon Snow was enough to get him closer to what he wants without Sansa.

"Did you know about Ramsay? If you didn’t know, you’re an idiot. If you did know, you’re my enemy.”

"You can't protect me. You won't even be able to protect yourself if I tell Brienne to cut you down."

"You freed me from the monsters who murdered my family, and you gave me to other monsters who murdered my family."

This pretty much sums up LF with regards to Sansa. He's done. You have to be delusional to expect Sansa to marry you after seller off to a lunatic. This is clearly not what he wanted and even tried to remark about Sansa being Jon's "half-brother" to try and pit them against each other.
Watched the Battle of the Bastards last night :smokin

RIP Wun Wun again :frown:

Debating on watching S6 finale on my phone at work or waiting to get home.

Stannis Baratheon was no king. He was nothing more than a Bape General.

Let us all recognize and bend the knee for the one who DIED for us and returned like the Nazarene.

The one spoken of in the Prophecy, who will bring balance to the force.

The one true King in the North.

Jaehaerys Jon Stark Targaryen
Yeah those lines do not apply :lol:

What pack? 2 bros and the mother got murdered. Left with the crippled heir that's probably gonna be a wizard instead of warden, a bastard that's really their cousin, and 2 sisters.
Then you know what that means right?

Everybody else on the show is a 1000× dumber than they are in the books.

say it again.

and Dumber isn't the case. show is just less to work with. Yea its true the cersi scene he got hemmed up but that also worked to his advantage.
Started rewatching the series about a month or so ago. Was up to the middle of season 4 and now I find out my friend who was letting me use his HBO subscription for a good 6+ years cancelled it |I I have to figure out what I'm going to do by the time the new season starts
i'm rewatching the show for the first time from the beginning with my roommate who hasn't seen any of it.

just got to ned's death. its just as brutal as i remember it 6 years ago. :frown:
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Son, I just finished my yearly rewatch and season one always hurts the most. When Yoren tells Arya that she didn't see anything...but she saw it all man. [emoji]128532[/emoji]

I was gonna bring up the moment when Cersi showed Baelish that power is power, glad it was brought up.
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