Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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it feel so good posting in this thread again
i am too ******* ready
thinking about rewatching everything with my girl
And man I hope the hound tells Jon what happen but I doubt the show creators would make it that easy.

I don't remember exactly, but somehow they managed to let Jon Snow, lord commander of the nights watch and deserter, slip through when he was recruiting the army to fight against the Boltons for Winterfell. I don't think it got brought up once - I know the Glovers were ones to kind of resist forcefully but I don't think he called him out on it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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Finished the rewatch yesterday.

stuff makes ALOT more sense when you don't have a year gap in between seasons. I forgot who the Blackfish was and Edmure.

When Dany makes Tyrion Hand of the Queen I got teary. I still laughed when Tommen goes off screen, takes off his crown then says eff the world and just bounces out the window.

When the one true King Jon Snow is hailed as such by the north, chills.

And damn can we get a Lady Mormont pop figure? She's dope.

Lets go Season 7!!!
I don't remember exactly, but somehow they managed to let Jon Snow, lord commander of the nights watch and deserter, slip through when he was recruiting the army to fight against the Boltons for Winterfell. I don't think it got brought up once - I know the Glovers were ones to kind of resist forcefully but I don't think he called him out on it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm guessing everyone was aware of what happened at the Wall. He did technically die and was released of the oath he took.
I don't remember exactly, but somehow they managed to let Jon Snow, lord commander of the nights watch and deserter, slip through when he was recruiting the army to fight against the Boltons for Winterfell. I don't think it got brought up once - I know the Glovers were ones to kind of resist forcefully but I don't think he called him out on it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Yeah he died so technically he gave his life for the watch and as he said at the end of S6 ep 2, My watch has ended.

No deserter, 20 lashes to you for disrespecting the one true king.

I feel it in my bones, there will be a sacrifice of Ice before the season begins of all the usurpers in here.
You serve in the Night's Watch until your death. The founders didn't imagine people would come back from the dead (or come back relatively normal instead of as a Wight). I think the mistake that was made on the show is that no one really questioned how Jon died and came back. It seems that every one more or less accepts his resurrection. The only explanation I can think of is that Northern houses are more likely to believe in the supernatural than Southern houses.
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Also, I think the houses have much more serious things to worry about than the Night's Watch, like getting flayed by the Boltons :lol: . Most of them don't even believe that the Night Watch serves a purpose other than being a dumping ground for the outcasts and criminals of their cities. From what the show's shown us, outside of the NW, only Ned took the NW oath seriously
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Also, I think the houses have much more serious things to worry about than the Night's Watch, like getting flayed by the Boltons
. Most of them don't even believe that the Night Watch serves a purpose other than being a dumping ground for the outcasts and criminals of their cities. From what the show's shown us, outside of the NW, only Ned took the NW oath seriously
That more or less answers my question. But I don't think not one person questioned his position of leaving the NW's or even explaining to them like "Yo, yea I did die so technically I served my time. Here go a couple of references that can back that up if you need to look into it."
I don't remember exactly, but somehow they managed to let Jon Snow, lord commander of the nights watch and deserter, slip through when he was recruiting the army to fight against the Boltons for Winterfell. I don't think it got brought up once - I know the Glovers were ones to kind of resist forcefully but I don't think he called him out on it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Wait are y'all talking about people knowing that Jon Snow died?

I was talking about the hound letting Jon know that little finger betrayed Ned. :lol:
Wait are y'all talking about people knowing that Jon Snow died?

I was talking about the hound letting Jon know that little finger betrayed Ned.
 Real talk, I don't know what I was thinking this morning and the Snow Gawd being a deserter and the writers not explaining that little important tidbit...

But I'm willing to look past that if we can get more nekkid scenes of the Sand Snake Tyene
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Hold up I assumed that everyone up there, the north and the wall, knew Jon died. I mean Brienne knew and it wasn't shown on screen.
Brienne knew? I don't remember her talking about it. But I don't think the North knows. That would mean the night's watch would've spread the word and told people or sent out ravens. Some of the north guys would've acted weird around him or asked how he came back from the dead.
Hold up I assumed that everyone up there, the north and the wall, knew Jon died. I mean Brienne knew and it wasn't shown on screen.
I think Brienne found out after the fact that Jon and Sansa reunited though from Jon himself...I don't think word really spread, at least I can't think of nothing on screen really portrayed that it did...
No people don't know he died. And as far as brien every knowing it's possible because she was in the war room with them but onscreen she was never around.
I think only NW and some wildlings know.
The northerners look at him as being legitmated in order to take his lands and become faux king. It may slip later that he died or they may play it off as they assumed he died but he really wasn't.
Shoot, I thought all those in room during the king of the north chant knew.

When Sansa asked brienne to go recruit the blackfish, brienne was talking about how she didn't want to leave Sansa alone...although she trusted Jon even though he was different but it was understandable. She didn't trust anyone else.
Btw all the histories and lore from all the seasons are on YouTube. I downloaded them joints to watch along every season.
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