Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Probable? I don't know man sounds kinda far fetched but I would dig it.

Arya Stark has had Cersei on her hit list since the first season. She has the ability to disguise herself now, of course she'd have to kill Jamie first to use his face, but it is probable.

"....I've spent my life in foreign lands,
so many man have tried to kill me I don't remember all their names.
I've been sold like a broodmare.
I've been chained and betrayed.
Raped and defiled.
Do you know what has kept me standing through all those years in exile..?
Faith, not in any Gods.
Not in myths and legends...In Daneryes Targarayen."

Khal Drogo raping her was still a stupid decision. d&d like adding rape. In the book he was still nice enough to ask his wife for permission.
Everybody dogs the Dany story, but be honest...Sir Jorah is healthy you really think that she's not about to get her hands dirty.

Shorty's on the brink of a couple of W's
Hopefully Snow can be a part and impress her, implore some leakage and remove those robes for the good of us....and I guess the 7Kingdoms as well.
"....I've spent my life in foreign lands,
so many man have tried to kill me I don't remember all their names.
I've been sold like a broodmare.
I've been chained and betrayed.
Raped and defiled.
Do you know what has kept me standing through all those years in exile..?
Faith, not in any Gods.
Not in myths and legends...In Daneryes Targarayen."

I dug it as well.


"No, no, no, no. Is that what they teach you up in the north? And you, wherever you're from. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Either of you understand a thing that I'm saying? Let's start over, shall we? You be the man, and you be the woman.

Well, go ahead! Slowly. You're not fooling them. They just paid you; they know what you are. They know it's all just an act. Your job is to make them forget what they know. And that takes time. You need to ease into it. Go ahead: ease into it. He's winning you over in spite of yourself. You're starting to like this. He wants to believe you. He's enjoyed his cock since he's been old enough to play with it, why shouldn't you? He knows he's better than other men. He's always known it deep down inside - now he has proof. He's so good, he's reaching something deep inside of you that no one even knew was there. Overcoming your very nature. "

"Why don't you join us my lord?"

"I'm saving myself, for another."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"A stupid saying. What we don't know is usually what gets us killed."

"She must be very beautiful."

"No, not really. Impeccable bloodlines though. "

"I do believe my lord's in love."

"For many years, most of my life really. And she loved me too. I was her little confidante; her plaything. She could tell me anything - anything at all. She'd tell me about all the horses that she liked, the castle that she wanted to live in, the man that she wanted to marry. A northerner, with a jaw like an anvil. So I challenged him to a duel. I mean why not - I'd read all the stories. The little hero always beats the big villain in all the stories. In the end, she wouldn't even let him kill me. 'He's just a boy,' she said. 'Please don't hurt him.' So he gave me a nice little scar to remember him by and off they went."

"And is she still married to him?"

"Oh no, he got himself killed before the wedding. And she ended up with his brother - an even more impressive specimen. She loves him, I'm afraid. And why wouldn't she? I mean, who could compare to him, he's just so ... good. Do you know what I learnt, losing that duel? I learnt that I'll never win. Not that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them - I'm going to **** them. That's what I know, that's what I am. And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want."

"And what do you want?"

"Oh, everything, my dear. Everything there is. Now wash yourselves, both of you are working tonight."

ChaosGOD Littlefinger still has it :smokin
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It's been boring, and from beginning its been clear that they're tryna put her at the top, but its been uninteresting. Not only her. The Wall story is wack too.
I don't think Dany's story is as bad as most make it seem either. She was overdue for some L's so I knew it was coming.
It's been boring, and from beginning its been clear that they're tryna put her at the top, but its been uninteresting. Not only her. The Wall story is wack too.
You'll be happy when she dies then. Cersei isn't losing.
Spoilers don't really bother me. Doesn't take me out of the show. I read the ones on Freefolk Reddit if anybody's that eager to know.
shes just so monotone. no emotion other than anger and pride.

she needs Daario back to pipe it up and give her some life.
For those asking for the leaks, they're scattered throughout the last 3-4 of pages of the thread. People have posted them.
Did Jamie and Bronn bring that big *** ballista with them to highgarden?

If Dany finds out about Lady Olena and Highgarden she should just take Drogon over there and burn them all. Minus the homie Bronn. Hoping Bronn marries the Dragon queen for the ultimate started from the bottom speech.
I don't plan on mentioning any of the spoilers, honestly they're nothing you won't expect tbh. Except maybe a few
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