Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just waiting to see Sansa screw some shh up again.. couldn't wait to til bran dude is the rightful heir t winterfell

Not how dude survived.. how he was doing.. who the chick was.. where the F her father is, since she seems to know about history

I wonder if bran told ole girl what he saw about her dad
like she tells little finger to leave her alone
but every damn scene she has
dude is right there
she gonna **** some **** up
i think lady mormott gonna die
characters u REALLY seem to like always get killed
Yes.. she was promised to Robert.. rhegeon took her, which triggered the war
robert thought rheygar or whoever his name is took her
but she ended up liking him or running off
they had a baby together
ned kept snow as his own
she died during childbirth right???
but ned made it seen like rhywhatever his name is killed her correct???
lil details i be forgetting
show has too much info to try and remember
Cersei keeping those BoB donor dollars coming in.

If I were Dany, I'd send Ravens to Casterly Rock and tell the Unsullied to march from Casterly Rock through the Westerlands, through the Riverlands and to raise peasant revolts (the taxes that a Cersei regime would impose to pay for Robert's reign, the War of the Five Kings and this current war, will be astronomical), link up with the Brotherhood without Banners and take the Twins from who ever is holding it (I'd send a Raven promising a lordship to whom ever would open the castle up).

I'd give the North independence in exchange for a fleet from White Harbor and passage to White Harbor. The Dothraki can race to the King's road, meet up with the Unsullied and most of the Knights of the Vale as well. Use your Dragons to burn the fields and Castles of minor lords who support Cersei and entice the Jaime led army to meet you somewhere in the Riverlands on favorable grounds.

You still have the best infantry and light cavalry in the World, bring them together. You have Dragons, use them wisely. You have a very unpopular opponent who has comitted taxing the people and the minor lords to death, exploit it.
Boy child > girl

robert thought rheygar or whoever his name is took her
but she ended up liking him or running off
they had a baby together
ned kept snow as his own
she died during childbirth right???
but ned made it seen like rhywhatever his name is killed her correct???
lil details i be forgetting
show has too much info to try and remember

There was a tournament, that targarean dude won.. instead of giving his wife or the one he was promised to the rose or whatever, he gave it to Ned's sister which then triggered all this

The 2 ran away or he took her, depending on which version is the truth.. and they had jon

Robert believed dude kidnapped her, was no way in hell he would let the child live.. his sister on her deathbed begged her brother to promise to take care of the kid.. we see Robert send to have dany killed, we see cersei have robert's outside kids killed when her kids right to the throne were questioned
isn't edmure technically running the riverlands? he's the only male Tully left and Arya killed all his wife's male relatives.
isn't edmure technically running the riverlands? he's the only male Tully left and Arya killed all his wife's male relatives.

Someone asked or mentioned him.. probably goes the way of anything dorne or highgarden or free cities, they taking unnecessary pieces off the board
HBO confirmed who Jon's parents are with that Family Tree they released. If the spoilers are true, I dont know why they chose that name unless they want to include a reference to a character from the books with that name.
Jon Snow is not Elia Martells kid. He's the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar. The spoilers also mention that he is the rightful heir b/c Rhaegar had his marriage to Elia annuled and secretly married Lyanna. This is all pretty much in line with most R+L = J theories.

The confusing part is that they say Jon's true name is also Aegon. The leakers either got his true name wrong or Rhaegar named both of sons Aegon which would be a little weird :lol:

i got the names mixed up I ment AEGON (Jon snow) in the book is Elia Martel and Raeghars son... that would make sense why Jon snow doesn't have the silver hair? And has the dornish hair.. the tower of joy baby is NOT Jon snow if the spoilers are real making it a question as who is that baby ? Can't think of anyone else but Tyrion.. maybe Tywin made a deal with Ned heck I don't know but it for sure is not who we thought it was
Cerci uses a body double that's why no one cares but hey don't let me be the one to ruin your imagination
Season 2 was whatever. Season 3 getting off to a better start. First time Jon Snow gets his tiddly-winked, bruh gets some ancient cave shower sex to go with it. :lol:
I don't see how the baby last season couldn't be Jon. Especially how the next scene did a close up with the theme playing.
isn't edmure technically running the riverlands? he's the only male Tully left and Arya killed all his wife's male relatives.

I believe that Edmure and all Tullys were attainted and their lands and titles were given to the Freys so Walder was, until recently, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands and Lord of Riverrun.

Edmure became a prisoner of House Lannister and was kept at Casterly rock. Since Jaime had already decided to concede the Castle to the Unseullied, he took out most of the grain stores so presumably he would have taken valuable prisoners elsewhere as well.

Maybe later, Dany will restore Edmure to his former titles and lands or perhaps this will go unaddressed just like the political situation in the Stormlands have gone unaddressed for a while now.
can someone tell me if this thread is safe to go in anymore?

i seen the words spoiler and got hesistant. i can't be accidentally stumbling upon those in here. i don't even watch previews/trailers for the next episode :lol:
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