Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Name 10 more beloved fictional characters. Could be interesting.

Yeah I'll wait on that...

TDoggs opinion is irrelevant, his idol burnt his own daughter alive and now roots for a psychopath that tortures his own family for
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not even top 50 on this site :smh:
That montage is a thing of beauty, Jonny gotta be the most beloved fictional character ever, I don't think anyone can even come close b....amazing

He doesn't even believe this. Just started typing and didn't look back
I don't think it takes that much time to have one scene where, before the A Team go their separate ways after Dany rescues them, they acknowledge that they need to prepare for the WW invasion and they need to be ready for a possible dragon attack. You don't have to necessarily show the preparations but at least mention them. The NW were taken completely by surprise meanwhile they knew a dragon was left dead in the presence of a resurrecting supernatural entity and they knew the WW were marching south.
Yea I most definitely hear you.
I just don't think it's as simple as bad writing.
A simple edit for time constraints might have taken the scene you are invisioning completely off of the table, and out of the episode.
It might exist.
I doubt that the reason we didn't see it is because they don't have talented enough writers to address it, is all I'm saying.
I would bet a dollar that someone in the writers room said exactly what you are saying, and that they possibly even wrote and shot it, and just couldn't air it within the time constraints.

You know how much footage they have, that we never see?
Probably 15 seasons worth.
We only have 7 Seasons though, you know.
F***** Harry Potter
Indiana Jones
Darth Vader
James Bond

And that's without thinking. Like cmon.
i thought this was a good observation: that the writers of the show had to work backwards from the ending that GRRM gave them:

Speaking of inevitable moments that were delayed so long that some of the meaning was sapped away, let’s talk about Littlefinger’s death scene. As I’ve said before, Winterfell has definitely been the low point of Season 7. The conflict between the Stark sisters felt extremely contrived, especially with this fakeout as the end point; the showrunners have admitted that they conceived this plot backwards from the climax they wanted, and boy, does it ever show. It took so much transparent padding to get us here that it didn’t hit home quite as hard as it should have.

and in the comments:

Part of the problem I think is that D&D are writing the final 3 seasons with GRRM’s outline in hand, so they’re inevitably “writing backwards” from major events they want to either sync up to (assuming GRRM ever finishes another book) or fulfill on his behalf (in the more likely event he never does.) so the TV series has long lasting credibility.

any writers on here have any insight on this? it makes sense to me. adapting a book to the screen is already hard enough but it's doable. adapting a sparse plot outline and a rigid conclusion is even tougher. this is where a fixed number of episodes comes in. it's not whether the number of episodes is too low. it's that it's a fixed number.

knowing this, i feel like we're just going to be disappointed if we're looking for a perfect season 7 and 8. the plot is not going to be fleshed out as satisfyingly as we would like. that said, i feel like it'll be easier to enjoy the show if we just recognize it won't necessarily be perfect.
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