Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The reason why everybody got at Jaime like that is because he was one of the few people who should have never betrayed the King. The Kingsguard historically are elite knights who's entire existence is to protect the king, at the cost of their own lives. For Jaime to kill Aerys, it was the ultimate betrayal. Ned, Robert and Jon could rebel, but it's not nearly as heinous as a Kingsguard killing a king. It would be like if the secret service turned on the pres.
RIP JFK :smh:
This comment is why I dont see why people think both
1. R+L=J
2. Rhaegar was a good guy
One of these cant be true going off this statement

I think most of the characters are in that grey area. Rhaegar was good in comparison to his father who was absolutely mental. But leaving his family for some wolf ***** was cold blooded. But he was also a Targ. The Targ's are very superstitious and in his mind, he needed to do this for some greater good.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there isn't much mention or any mention of Aerys smashing chicks on the side? He abused his wife but that was it. Aerys was too paranoid for sidebitches. Unlike Robert or other Targ kings who fathered bastards.
I think most of the characters are in that grey area. Rhaegar was good in comparison to his father who was absolutely mental. But leaving his family for some wolf ***** was cold blooded. But he was also a Targ. The Targ's are very superstitious and in his mind, he needed to do this for some greater good.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there isn't much mention or any mention of Aerys smashing chicks on the side? He abused his wife but that was it. Aerys was too paranoid for sidebitches. Unlike Robert or other Targ kings who fathered bastards.
Joanna was the only one mentioned...but i also think it said in there he wpuld do that alot to dudes he hated...( i could be wrong and it was just to tywin)
I’m wondering if the last 2 books will actually reveal who Jon’s father is. Or maybe George will leave it up in the air and have people continue believing what they believe.
My hero, Hodor Da Gawd.
The very definition of rebellion means youre breaking your oath or alliance. Which is what roberts whole side was doing. This is why jamie always seemed so incredulous when ned and others called him kingslayer. Yall were coming to do the same thing. plus "At what right does the wolf have to look down on the lion" thats what he meant by that. He was calling Ned a hypocrite.
No one wanted to listen to his story after that. He was mad bitter. Like i did yall *****es a favor
^That's the very point I'm getting at.

Rebeling against the king is cool as long as you don't actually kill him?
What Jamie did and what Ned/Robert did or planned to do were not the same. Ned and Robert didnt act first. The King broke the alliance when he tortured/murdered the 2 ranking members, and kidnapped another (Lyanna Rhaegar situation), of a Great House for no reason. Roberts betrothed was Lyanna. Then he tells Lord Arryn to send him the heads of Ned and Robert (his wards). Thus breaking 2 more alliances with Lord Arryn (The Eryie) and Lord Robert Barratheon (Storms End). Which also lost the alliance with Lord Tully (Riverlands) because Brandon Stark was betrothed to Catelyn. Alliances are formed for mutual benefit. So the king essentially destroyed his own alliances by forcing his Lords to maintain the alliances they had to each other.

What Jamie did was a betrayal to his oath to protect the king. He was sworn to protect the king above all else. House allegiances are null and void when you join the Kingsguard.
Watched Aquaman again recently. When Mamoa got stabbed in the chest I instantly thought of GoT :lol:

If only Daenerys knew how to heal a wound properly like Mera, then Khal Drogo in Westeros would have been :pimp:
Just like putting Arya with tywin, there was zero practical reason for it to happen other than for the show and to get 2 characters together while storylines are being cut

You can't have Sansa and littlefinger just sitting up in the vale chilling while you run the jeyne poole/"arya stark" storyline

Given everything that was already happening, what practically could littlefinger have done that he already didn't do?

Dany with her dragons were the only legit threat as long as they remained in vale and obviously they were focused on other things.. while the vale has an army that army is comparable to the dornish.. and littlefinger is far from a fighter or general

Littlefinger was essentially a sports team locked into their playoff seed and decide they'll risk their starters on an otherwise meaningless game, only to get some hurt

He literally risked his neck and a legit asset to help Sansa finally grow up and get a backbone
None of this makes sense.

Littlefinger's goal is to become king of Westeros. Not be a playoff team with a high seed.

Trying to gain the allegiance and the eventual acquisition of the North makes plenty sense given ya aint getting to the Dornish, the Martells were ****ed, and cant trust the Freys.

Manipulating Sansa was all a part of his plan and necessary if he was gonna move forward with her at his side.

Deciding to make a move wasn't his mistake. Entrusting her to the Bolton's, specifically Ramsey.was his mistake. Quite frankly if he had married her to Roose Bolton and manipulated him in to getting did of his then wife and keeping Ramsey a bastards he most likely has none of those problems.

The only issue with Littlefinger's end is that the writers simply no longer knew how to write the character or a proper end to his story. It's no different than how former smart characters are now playing the background or have changed to be portrayed thank less than smart.
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Wait...y'all don't think dae dae brother is Jon real dad? Why? Why would they have so many twists over who his pops is? One twist is enough b. First was ned, then dae dae brother married his mom's. Just let that be his pops. Who really cares that much? This ain't maury
Damn people turned on Dany like That? If she didn't have the dragons, she would have ended up as some lords sex slave or with the old dothraki queens.
If I had dragons, I'd make the Mad King look like Ned Stark.
Damn people turned on Dany like That? If she didn't have the dragons, she would have ended up as some lords sex slave or with the old dothraki queens.
If I had dragons, I'd make the Mad King look like Ned Stark.

That's what we're saying tho. She ain't **** without dragons. Like dudes ain't **** without guns. Anybody can flourish with 3 dragons and an itchy trigger finger. Theres people ruling with no extra advantages.
Wait...y'all don't think dae dae brother is Jon real dad? Why? Why would they have so many twists over who his pops is? One twist is enough b. First was ned, then dae dae brother married his mom's. Just let that be his pops. Who really cares that much? This ain't maury
Still on team R+L=J. The show confirms it. But the book hasnt yet. Then again John still laying in the snow full of holes in the book.
Damn people turned on Dany like That? If she didn't have the dragons, she would have ended up as some lords sex slave or with the old dothraki queens.
If I had dragons, I'd make the Mad King look like Ned Stark.

Dany locked all the high ranking Dathraqi guys up and burnt their asses after they captured her. She didn’t need the dragons. Also, if she wanted to she could have used all 3 dragons and torched through Westeros but her advisors talked her out of it. I kinda wish she had utilized all 3 more often instead of locking them up( like her idiot ancestors did ).

Lastly,None of you fools would be doing anything more than bending the knee for Dany. That’s The King of The Norths boo now
Dany locked all the high ranking Dathraqi guys up and burnt their asses after they captured her. She didn’t need the dragons. Also, if she wanted to she could have used all 3 dragons and torched through Westeros but her advisors talked her out of it. I kinda wish she had utilized all 3 more often instead of locking them up( like her idiot ancestors did ).

Lastly,None of you fools would be doing anything more than bending the knee for Dany. That’s The King of The Norths boo now

Well yea she did that, but she's also fire proof. She couldn't have executed that plan if she wasn't Johnny storm. That has nothing to do with her character makeup.

She also his aunt...and he's rightful king. Her days on top are numbered.
The reason why everybody got at Jaime like that is because he was one of the few people who should have never betrayed the King. The Kingsguard historically are elite knights who's entire existence is to protect the king, at the cost of their own lives. For Jaime to kill Aerys, it was the ultimate betrayal. Ned, Robert and Jon could rebel, but it's not nearly as heinous as a Kingsguard killing a king. It would be like if the secret service turned on the pres.

What if the President told you to kill your pops?During Jamie’s big monologue with Breanne, he says something along the lines of “ what do all of these vows mean when you start killing and when does it stop. You’re sworn to protect your family and then I take a vow to the kings guard but what if the mad king wants you to kill your own father?”
That has nothing to do with her character makeup.

The point half this thread seems to be missing :lol:

Again, the show spent a huge amount of time building her up to be someone that's different than kings/queens that rule by force. In her own words she said "I want to break the wheel" when people were telling her how Westeros works.

In her current version, how is she that much different than her tyrant ancestors? Any time someone questions her, she has her dragons mean mug them or murder them. Her multiple advisors have to constantly beg her not to do stupid @#%@, and she ignores them half the time anyway.
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Well yea she did that, but she's also fire proof. She couldn't have executed that plan if she wasn't Johnny storm. That has nothing to do with her character makeup.

She also his aunt...and he's rightful king. Her days on top are numbered.

Character makeup? You said all she had were the dragons, I used just one example when she didn’t need them.

My guess is John or whatever names he chooses won’t have any interest in the thrown.
That's what we're saying tho. She ain't **** without dragons. Like dudes ain't **** without guns. Anybody can flourish with 3 dragons and an itchy trigger finger. Theres people ruling with no extra advantages.
Man ya'll acting like she aint walk straight up into a 2 story burning funeral pyre and walk out hours later butt nekkid with not nan scratch and 3 dragons that were simply rocks before. She showed her Khalasar that she was no ordinary person.
Character makeup? You said all she had were the dragons, I used just one example when she didn’t need them.

My guess is John or whatever names he chooses won’t have any interest in the thrown.
Yea but that's part of her schtick tho bro. Mother of dragons..unburned..yada yada. But those are just like genetic traits. It's not who she is, it's what she is. She doesn't have to actively do anything to not be burned by fire or claim the dragons. Outside of dudes crushing on her, who really rocking with her because she can lead and not because she has the biggest tank. Freeing the slaves were a direct affect of having dragons.

Im not saying it's her fault she has this advantage. You have it, use it. Im just saying she, herself isn't all that special. If brienne of tar had dragons she'd be the goat too. Let Arya get even 1 dragon.
What made Dany one of the favorites of the show is when she got the Unsullied. She told them they were free to go and could do whatever they wanted. She explained that she only wanted them to follow her if they believed in her cause to end slavery in the region, and they willingly joined her because she showed what she stands for. That was :pimp:

Compare that with her current version meeting Jon Snow, someone who treats her politely, and just demanding him to bend the knee CONSTANTLY for an entire season...she gave him absolutely no reason to do so other than "I'm queen by right"
What made Dany one of the favorites of the show is when she got the Unsullied. She told them they were free to go and could do whatever they wanted. She explained that she only wanted them to follow her if they believed in her cause to end slavery in the region, and they willingly joined her because she showed what she stands for. That was :pimp:

Compare that with her current version meeting Jon Snow, someone who treats her politely, and just demanding him to bend the knee CONSTANTLY for an entire season...she gave him absolutely no reason to do so other than "I'm queen by right"

All of this.
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