Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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What made Dany one of the favorites of the show is when she got the Unsullied. She told them they were free to go and could do whatever they wanted. She explained that she only wanted them to follow her if they believed in her cause to end slavery in the region, and they willingly joined her because she showed what she stands for. That was :pimp:

Compare that with her current version meeting Jon Snow, someone who treats her politely, and just demanding him to bend the knee CONSTANTLY for an entire season...she gave him absolutely no reason to do so other than "I'm queen by right"
I agree with you, but her approach in Westeros is probably different because of the fact that these families that she’s asking to bend the knee did kill her entire family and betrayed her father, regardless if he was mad or not.
What if the President told you to kill your pops?During Jamie’s big monologue with Breanne, he says something along the lines of “ what do all of these vows mean when you start killing and when does it stop. You’re sworn to protect your family and then I take a vow to the kings guard but what if the mad king wants you to kill your own father?”

That's the thing, being Kingsguard means that you put the King over everyone else. It's why the Kingsguard can't own lands and get married. Naturally, one would choose family over anyone else but once you sign up with the Kingsguard, you're expected to always be at the King's side. It's like being in the Night's Watch too. When Ned got whacked and Jon tried to escape but his friends stopped him. As a member of the Night's Watch, you're in it until you die. And whatever is happening in the Kingdom has nothing to do with you. Your duty is to guard the wall. It's a serious responsibility that most people can't uphold. No one cares about Jaime saving the city or him siding with his family. All they care about is that he was a sworn member of the Kingsguard who killed the king. If he had chosen to side with the king, he probably would have died along with most of Kings Landing including his father. That's part of what makes this show so great, all the difficult choices the characters have to make. Sometimes there is no right or wrong answer and every choice has it's own consequences.
Dany locked all the high ranking Dathraqi guys up and burnt their asses after they captured her. She didn’t need the dragons. Also, if she wanted to she could have used all 3 dragons and torched through Westeros but her advisors talked her out of it. I kinda wish she had utilized all 3 more often instead of locking them up( like her idiot ancestors did ).

Lastly,None of you fools would be doing anything more than bending the knee for Dany. That’s The King of The Norths boo now

I ain’t bending no damn knee to someone who gets porked by her nephew.
I understand its not completely the same oath breaking. But he still did the right thing. Only problem is no one knew why he killed the king. Which was aerys was about to do what cersei actually did with the wild fire.
Some people dont remember and it may have been different in the show..but he was actually drunk talking to cat. He was about to tell the full story but he was talking way too wreckless . but it was that talk with cat where he talked about swearing to this and that (kings oath. House oath. Family oath. Knights oath. ) too many oaths but what's the right one.
Again no one wanted to hear him. When he killed Aerys but its also why he got to keep his head and get pardoned (along with needing lannister money and cersei to be queen .
Yeah this show got me

went to bed watching

just woke up and started again lol

luckily i have hbo go to make the process easier

like i said earlier, r. i. p. to your personal life for a few weeks lol. good to see youre almost caught up.
67 episodes, which means somewhere around that many hours.. I figure doing 4-5 episodes a day during the week is doable, even if you 9-5ing

Then weekends if you don't do shhh could up that to significantly

Think we talking like 2 weeks if you keep it up?
About to rewatch the show from the beginning.

The problem I always have is I tell myself I will watch 2 episodes a day max.

Turns out I be watching 6-7 a day :smh: :lol:
As ruthless as Tywin was, he was the best person to rule or help rule the 7 Kingdoms. But like most of the characters in the show, he had a fatal flaw, namely Tyrion. He treated him like **** and underestimated him.
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