Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Or how about this...

Bran said that the NK’s objective was to eliminate the 3ER as the 3ER is basically the encyclopedia of man, right?

So what if the OG 3ER wasn’t able to transfer his data to Bran or Bran didn’t make it out in time during the attack on the tree fort?

NK kills them both & just goes back home to the Land of Always Winter since that was his goal, right?
The White Walkers successfully sent a wight to the other side of the Wall. But that was a long time ago when D&D still had good source material and GRRM was still writing for the show.

They sent one over? I only remember big bald dude that was dead then reanimated once at castle black.
They sort of imply that NK wants to end human memory and life in general. So if he won at Winterfell, he would probably still continue his death march down south. I think they botched this honestly. GoT works best when the stakes are high and NK winning at Winterfell would mean he would go further south and cause more damage. Higher stakes, higher reward. NK losing in the North means that no one in the South knows or believes that this happened. If Jon and Dany are trying to win the realm, Southerners aren’t going to believe or care that they fought zombies and ice creatures unless those creatures were on their doorstep. Instead, Jon and Dany look like usurpers with WMD dragons. Now maybe that’s on purpose. We shall see.
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Yea, I realized after I hit send and reread what I wrote lol. But thanks for reminding me of that.
They sort of imply that NK wants to end human memory and life in general. So if he won at Winterfell, he would probably still continue his death march down south. I think they botched this honestly. GoT works best when the stakes are high and NK winning at Winterfell would mean he would go further south and cause more damage. Higher stakes, higher reward. NK losing in the North means that no one in the South knows or believes that this happened. If Jon and Dany are trying to win the realm, Southerners are going to believe or care that they fought zombies and ice creatures unless those creatures were on their doorstep. Instead, Jon and Dany look like usurpers with WMD dragons. Now maybe that’s on purpose. We shall see.

Hell northerners didn't really believe until they actually saw.. look at Sansa.. hell dany was signed up and didn't believe
what exactly is stopping Arya from using the faceless mask/stealth stuff to murder Cersei (and Euron if needed), and prevent the coming war?

And there are people there who have snuck in and out of there before

Jon v Dragon. Blue flames & ****.

Jon dips behind a small patch of stones still standing.
Peeks out, blue flames, dips back....

Couple times this happened, right?

Didn't those same blue flames literally bring down a thousand year old wall like it was paper 2 episodes ago? Am I crazy?

Jon v Dragon. Blue flames & ****.

Jon dips behind a small patch of stones still standing.
Peeks out, blue flames, dips back....

Couple times this happened, right?

Didn't those same blue flames literally bring down a thousand year old wall like it was paper 2 episodes ago? Am I crazy?

The dragon's batteries were almost dead when it was after Jon and they were fully charged when he killed the wall
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