Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The Varys thing really bothered me, I’m cool with him dying but they once again used Terrible writing. Sure it contributes to Danny going crazy but how she found out was terrible. You telling me Tyrion who knows she’s on the verge of going crazy would just up and tell her? He gave the guy the info and then got upset cuz he’s running with it? C’mon man
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these 6 episodes should've been 2-3 seasons.

the plot is actually not that bad. if you had a full book to write it out, most of it would come across ok.

This is how I feel as well. I don't have too many issues with the actual plot points I just feel as though everything moved entirely too quickly and without explanation. For example, if they had spent more time building up the Jon and Dany love affair it would seem more believeable.

If they'd shown a scene or two of Qyburn and Euron building or testing the scorpion launcher it wouldn't seem so jarring when we see them use it the first time. If they spent a couple of episodes showing groups of people traveling from point A to point b it wouldn't be so jarring when they're just at certain locations so quickly, etc
A lot of people mad by all the "bad writing" this season. I dunno I don't have any PHDs in literature or am part of the Writer's Guild so i've been entertained. Satisfied? To a point. The only thorn in my side is the letdown of the Night King's real intent. Sure we got a somewhat reason that Sam and Bran surmised but nothing definitive.

To the point of Dany doing almost a complete 180 from previous seasons. How old do we think she is? 19? 20? IIRC in the books and maybe the show she was what 14-15 when it started? I think if we add that to the narrative her actions make more sense. Take a 15 year old girl, sell her to some wild Conan mofo to be his wife which whom then she ends up loving. Give her power over this wild hoard of savages. Give her this power then show her she can't be burned and can control dragons. Have her suffer through battles. Lose confidants, gain allies and enemies, lose confidants and this is over the course of a few years.

then in one fell swoop she loses 2 dragons (her children), loses a father figure, then a best friend all before she's 21, so her losing her ish is not so farfetched. Look what's happened to most teen actors through the years when gone unchecked. Now add dragons and soldiers and a young adult burning people everywhere just might make some sense.

That's just my $0.02.

You nailed it. People wanna ***** just to *****. Just most people’s nature now. Has it been perfect, course not what is. Has it been an entertaining ride? Damn right.
These people thinking they can write/pull off anything better, who’s hiring them? :lol:
Some people probably could write better or at least know not to cram so much in a few episodes because they want to quit.
^^^ bad writing is bad writing. Can’t account for her mental state for today’s societies standards. This is a different time/world. Life expectancy was shorter, and people grew much faster. Also Arya is a kid who has been more traumatized hust as much. She bounces back and becomes a real one. It’s just bad writing my g.

Arya isn't that much more "stable" She's a freaking assassin who can take peoples faces and entire likeness. Yeah she's suffered, she's lost family. But she's never had the pressure to "be somebody" while many people are trying to kill her. She's never wanted to be more than a knight or something of the sort and she ends up becoming just that as a Faceless Man.

I dunno, I've been entertained. I do agree I wish they hadn't rushed and taken time to stretch it out a bit more but it is what it is.
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Without Little Finger dude got sloppy and careless.

If she truly believes he is a blood relative that would be a bad idea. Because if the fire does nothing to him he gathers even more allies watching him go unscathed. Also they will see he is also Targ so he has a right to the crown.

Targs are not fire proof!
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Targs are not fire proof!

But people think the night king was targaryen because fire doesn’t kill him but he’s also bran somehow. They forgot viserys got his skull melted and Jon burned his hand. Wonder if viserys would’ve been jelly that Jon got dany yambs.
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