Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The Mad Queen :sick::smh:

“tHe SiGnS wErE aLwAyS tHeRe.”
that whole scene was pointless now.

Even if Jon wasnt the rightfull heir...its over for Dany. Story writers ruined everything. With her spazzing out, she cant just come back and be queen. It's a wrap on that whole arc. They'd vote him king just on strength. Him being the rightful heir by blood is an afterthought now.

they added so many pieces in the build up of these stories and characters, to completely **** on the whole method because they want to james cameron scenes.
Jon going to end up fighting Danny while she rides Drogon.
Jon really about to sneak up to Auntie like this next week.

Jon looking just like so many NY cats. Timbs and a Yankee hat the staple.
The episode was filled with so much buffoonery that is soooo easy to forget how WASHED this fearsome Golden Company was...lmfaoooooooo like yo these cats put 0 work in, Fraudgers and the Lannister gang at least fought to their
This was the biggest and hottest show on the planet for nearly a decade. The fact that there's only like 10 people in this thread right now talking about last night's episode reflects the general sense of apathy surrounding the show's ending.
I also think people are letting the time they invested in various theories, and the sort of sports fan like investment on who should be on the throne, cloud their judgment about what is and isn't "out of character".

So, what about the ones who don't give a **** who sits on the throne, they just want the story told accurately?

We can't even do that from one episode to the next.

"We're all gonna die together" - None of them die.
Scorpions machine gun style - Shoot 3 the entire next episode.
Northerners just randomly killing unarmed men/women/children but not a single one of them let Jon in on it?
Greyworm wants his revenge.......against unarmed nobodies, and not the actual 2 people that killed his girl?
I actually enjoyed the way Cersei died. Her quest for power came crashing down on her. That tunnel being blocked was fitting. Her and Jaime couldn’t get out of this mess. They finally met their fate.

She tried to parade around as a pompous queen, but her life was pure misery. All of her children died. She made one last ditch effort and that failed. One of the most unforgettable pictures is Joffrey’s purple face after being poisoned.

I didn’t need an epic death, she suffered plenty.
Wondering if jaime blasted in Brienne bae. Gonna have a tall, blonde baby that’s good with a sword.
This is how I feel as well. I don't have too many issues with the actual plot points I just feel as though everything moved entirely too quickly and without explanation. For example, if they had spent more time building up the Jon and Dany love affair it would seem more believeable.

If they'd shown a scene or two of Qyburn and Euron building or testing the scorpion launcher it wouldn't seem so jarring when we see them use it the first time. If they spent a couple of episodes showing groups of people traveling from point A to point b it wouldn't be so jarring when they're just at certain locations so quickly, etc

They also needed a training montage, or three.

And flashbacks would've been good... Dany pacing and they show cut scenes of all the bad things that have happened to her over the past 8 seasons, that would've sold it better.

When Urine washes up in front of Jaime, they should've shown Jaime imagining Urine ******* his sister, like a solid 7 or 8 minutes of anal, then it would've made sense that Jaime entered into a rage.
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