Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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i thought grey worm was on a one man mission for cersei

hound shoulda beat the mountain i aint like that it was basically a draw he deserved that retribution

dany shoulda flew the dragon to the top of the red keep and walked down the tail into the throne room

when she said one good shot i thought they were gonna poison drogon

arya shoulda gone after cersei too and it be a case where dany shows up too like mirroring aeris jaime and ned in the throne room

i thought the lil girl who saw her mom throat get cut was gon be like the next arya being made

and so arya is like a death god now she sitting on the horse?
one note -- not sure why people are looking for a rationalization of Dany's madness. The point is that a mad ruler is about as rational as a school shooter.

They should have shown more psychopath tendencies in her in prior seasons, but I think her actions after suffering her break with reality are not that far-fetched.
This was the biggest and hottest show on the planet for nearly a decade. The fact that there's only like 10 people in this thread right now talking about last night's episode reflects the general sense of apathy surrounding the show's ending.

The ratings are still good though. Honestly would you even bother trying to discuss an episode on a high note after reading through three or four pages of this thread?
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My final take on the hot button topic of the Mad Queen

“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.” -the Joker, Alan Moore's Killing Joke

Now think about how you become when you have a bad day. And i'm talking simple things, waiter got order wrong, spilled drink on yourself, car got splashed after car wash, extra traffic made you late to class/meeting, etc. Think about all the things that sour your own day and you end up snappin' at your gf/bf, spouse, sibling or parent.

Now multiply that by tenfold, seeing the one person you call friend executed by a woman who has a smug attitude and has wanted nothing but your death since she's known of your existence. The woman who's captured and killed allies, brought about the death of your child, in a sense caused the death of your father figure and is overall a horrible person. Table that with a rough 4-5 years of harsh life trying to reclaim your birthright title while fighting off various people trying to kill you. Add all that weight to the shoulders of a girl no older than 20. Now think about how that will weigh a person down. Throw in an inherited tendency to go mad, and Dany snapping is quite feasible and not just a lazy writing plot point.

Just one bad day.

I think Dany's had a few bad days.

Dudes are con artists, these cats read a book and finessed the writer and HBO, made millions off the source material and then slowly began to butcher the series, this season they went on a full sprint tho...jumped shark, everything we been invested in, OUT THE WINDOW...

Legit I think all the actors tried to warn us subtly during interviews for a while...

There is another one of Emilia at a red carpet premiere somewhere with GW and Missandei and she can’t hide her disappointment with her hilarious..

Jon looking real sus with that foolish mustache, dude grow a goatee or a beard. Man up.
My final take on the hot button topic of the Mad Queen

Now think about how you become when you have a bad day. And i'm talking simple things, waiter got order wrong, spilled drink on yourself, car got splashed after car wash, extra traffic made you late to class/meeting, etc. Think about all the things that sour your own day and you end up snappin' at your gf/bf, spouse, sibling or parent.

Now multiply that by tenfold, seeing the one person you call friend executed by a woman who has a smug attitude and has wanted nothing but your death since she's known of your existence. The woman who's captured and killed allies, brought about the death of your child, in a sense caused the death of your father figure and is overall a horrible person. Table that with a rough 4-5 years of harsh life trying to reclaim your birthright title while fighting off various people trying to kill you. Add all that weight to the shoulders of a girl no older than 20. Now think about how that will weigh a person down. Throw in an inherited tendency to go mad, and Dany snapping is quite feasible and not just a lazy writing plot point.

Just one bad day.

I think Dany's had a few bad days.

The Killing Joke reference.:pimp:


Speaking of bad writing:

The 2 worst things were Golden Company being completely nerfed and Euron swimming back to shore to KL for no good reason. Once euron's whole fleet was torched, he would've known to swim to find a boat or something asap to escape to Essos. Even without any ships or a crew, Euron's skills and rep would let him build a crew and fleet back up in Essos. Golden Company were supposed to have summer islander archers and be the single best fighting unit, they lasted about 15 seconds smh.
My final take on the hot button topic of the Mad Queen

Now think about how you become when you have a bad day. And i'm talking simple things, waiter got order wrong, spilled drink on yourself, car got splashed after car wash, extra traffic made you late to class/meeting, etc. Think about all the things that sour your own day and you end up snappin' at your gf/bf, spouse, sibling or parent.

Now multiply that by tenfold, seeing the one person you call friend executed by a woman who has a smug attitude and has wanted nothing but your death since she's known of your existence. The woman who's captured and killed allies, brought about the death of your child, in a sense caused the death of your father figure and is overall a horrible person. Table that with a rough 4-5 years of harsh life trying to reclaim your birthright title while fighting off various people trying to kill you. Add all that weight to the shoulders of a girl no older than 20. Now think about how that will weigh a person down. Throw in an inherited tendency to go mad, and Dany snapping is quite feasible and not just a lazy writing plot point.

Just one bad day.

I think Dany's had a few bad days.

If that’s the best way to make sense of it for you, I guess Jon, Sansa, Arya, can all become genocidal in one episode and we should have seen it coming, considering they all arguably been through WORST alone and as a collective than anyone in the show..
Clegane Bowl went more or less how I expected it to go. The Mountain is basically a zombie with a lot of durability. The only way to kill him is with fire. The Hound is traumatized by fire. The only way he would win is by burning his brother and probably sacrificing himself in the process. But he can't wield fire because of his fear. He had to kill himself in order to kill his brother. The end of his arc. As much as he changed he was still a slave to vengeance which is why he told Arya to leave and not be like him. It leads to nothing but pain and death.

The staircase was a nice touch and the callback to Oberyn getting his head popped was cool too.
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