Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The actors been throwing subtle signs for us to pick up on, but we been

the writers are basically like a kid who has all the answers to cheat on a test but can’t show the work to prove how they got the answers.
So for everyone that hates this show now, what could have been done differently for you guys to be back on team Love GOT? Is your main problem with the show that it was too much in a short season? So then if the season was stretched out into two full 10 episodes seasons and build out The Night King/Long Night battle in one season and then the last season be the battle of Kings Landing/turning of Mad Daeny, all the dislikers of the show would be happy or no?
So for everyone that hates this show now, what could have been done differently for you guys to be back on team Love GOT? Is your main problem with the show that it was too much in a short season? So then if the season was stretched out into two full 10 episodes seasons and build out The Night King/Long Night battle in one season and then the last season be the battle of Kings Landing/turning of Mad Daeny, all the dislikers of the show would be happy or no?

I don't remotely hate the show like most of the thread but there are a ton of pacing issues and inconsistencies that would have been fixed had this season and last season been 10 episodes.

But some of the logic the producers use for the character decisions isn't an issue of episode quantity. It's more about bad writing/execution.
So for everyone that hates this show now, what could have been done differently for you guys to be back on team Love GOT? Is your main problem with the show that it was too much in a short season? So then if the season was stretched out into two full 10 episodes seasons and build out The Night King/Long Night battle in one season and then the last season be the battle of Kings Landing/turning of Mad Daeny, all the dislikers of the show would be happy or no?

For one, the NK arc shouldn’t have been such a mystery from day one, the whole COTF plot, the 3ER, the origins of the NK and Brans ability to affect the past and change the present, all that stuff as it stands right now had no meaning to the overall story in the end....Jon should have at least faced off against the NK....i feel if that showdown had mirrored the Tower Of Joy flashback showdown but with Jon, Brienne, Tormund, Pod and Jaimie, with the NK killing or wounding most of them and then if they wanted to still have Arya save the day, people would have at least felt the actual threat of the NK himself and Briennes, Tormund and even Pods arcs could have ended as the warriors they were...instead of what we got, we also wasted a lot of episodes following Sams arc at the citadel, esssentially for NOTHING...Jaimie’s arc also pointless in the end...Cersei and Tyrion were both watered down and misused IMO...seems like the last time Cersei was a great villain was right before she was crowned....Danny’s heel turn should have been fleshed out over a couple of seasons, as said before, this retcon D&D are pulling quoting BS from season 2 is straight up insulting the intelligence of the audience and some are actually falling for it...they got lazy and cut their own time short to really tell a good story and develop her into the mad queen, no one is upset she turned into that, it just was done POORLY...guess these are the main gripes, so far the only pros I’ll take from this season is the culmination of Theons arc (favorite thing so far) Jorahs arc and the Lannisbros last convo, from a writing perspective which is what is getting all the heat, these were moments that weren’t perfect, but were handled well IMO...also against popular belief, i actually enjoy the way they’ve developed Sansa....everything else is a dumpster fire, including into what a fucboi they’ve turned my dude Jon into.
I don't remotely hate the show like most of the thread but there are a ton of pacing issues and inconsistencies that would have been fixed had this season and last season been 10 episodes.

But some of the logic the producers use for the character decisions isn't an issue of episode quantity. It's more about bad writing/execution.
Yes, I agree with this. I feel like the show is still great. The only major problem imo is that the pacing is really fast but it’s completely understandable because obviously having only 6 episodes you gotta tie all ends. I just find it a trip how fast people on social media/NTers have turned on this show :lol: . Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
to me, you cant have previous fights/battles where battle strategy is shown.. and then have what they had in the battle for winterfell

for example, we see bran warg into people and animals to fight.. and all he does is hope in a raven to see where the hell the NK was, but does absolutely zero with that info

in the battle for the wall, we see them have all kinds of tactical things planned along with having the wall actually manned.. but all of a sudden it isnt until the wights start making their body wall that these dudes even react
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I still love the show. It’s the best thing on TV right now.

That whole night king fiasco was a huge disappointment for me though, I don’t mind that ayra killed but that whole war was weak to me, especially the way they went out. You can’t spend every season building that up as the greatest war in history then have it go down like that.

I’ll reserve my opinion on Bran and Sansa until the final episode.
So for everyone that hates this show now, what could have been done differently for you guys to be back on team Love GOT? Is your main problem with the show that it was too much in a short season? So then if the season was stretched out into two full 10 episodes seasons and build out The Night King/Long Night battle in one season and then the last season be the battle of Kings Landing/turning of Mad Daeny, all the dislikers of the show would be happy or no?
Couple things for me:

1) Extend The Seasons. When I think about the Mad Dany move, it makes my blood boil because it seems too abrupt. I see the pieces on the board that signal that kind of character change, but they literally move from one end of the board to the other end almost instantly - there's not enough build up there to justify the explosive change. Same to me with the Arya / Cersei thing - while it's not as egregious, we have season after season of her whispering Cersei's name on her list before she goes to bed. If the writers had devoted even 5 minutes to a conversation between her and the Hound while they were on the road to KL basically discussing their intentions and what it means to devote one's life to revenge, I think the final interaction between the Hound and Arya would have hit true even more.

2) Maintain Internal Consistency. There are multiple players whose capabilities are nerfed in the season for the sake of easier storytelling. We have Tyrion and Varys, two of the world's most cunning minds, making amateur moves in the 11th hour. We have a war council in Winterfell that consists of some of the brightest military minds in Westeros not even considering using pitch for their defenses, even though it was used in the Battle of Blackwater. Jamie finally redeems himself but now only cares about Cersei and has never really cared about the innocents of KL when in the past he sacrificed his honor to save the citizens of Kings Landing from the Mad King. Dany has never purposefully slain innocents before as she's toppled other cities (and makes her subordinates follow the same rules a la her conversation with Yara), yet she now willingly burns the innocents of King's Landing to the ground without even making a bee-line for the one individual who was the central cause of her anguish (Cersei). Some of these issues are solved by fleshing out the characters more per point 1, but a lot of this just doesn't jive with who the characters are at their core and what made them significant in the first place.

People love(d) the show because it took upon itself the EXTREMELY difficult task of weaving a compelling narrative through individual character decisions that reflected the complex nature of those characters. Betraying the characters by simplifying their decisions or motivations for the sake of wrapping up the story betrays the spirit of the show itself and thus the viewers. People want the quality of the story to remain consistent - it's obvious this is extremely difficult to do but it doesn't make it any less disappointing when it completely flops - especially when HBO was willing to give the writers more time, money and resources to get everything as close to "right" as possible. I think there would have been dissatisfied viewers in one way, shape or form no matter how this ended, but I think the sheer amount of outcry from these episodes shows that something better could have been done here.
Yes, I agree with this. I feel like the show is still great. The only major problem imo is that the pacing is really fast but it’s completely understandable because obviously having only 6 episodes you gotta tie all ends. I just find it a trip how fast people on social media/NTers have turned on this show :lol: . Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

There have been good individual scenes throughout this season, so I won't say it's all bad. My issue is that they don't connect with each other or scenes/logic from the previous seasons. If I had never watched a GOT episode, I'd say that episode 5 was good.

You also have to remember that many people hold GOT to a much higher standard. I rarely watch TV because of how much I dislike shows that cater to unintelligent people or people who just don't care (most TV viewers and shows in this country fall into these categories), so for me, I feel like my time has been wasted.
it just sucks because they hyped the NK all this time to wash him in one ep

then they tell you cersei is the threat and her army is so deep

and they get washed quickly/easily too

like they can get beaten but not washed so easily

like NK shoulda killed bran to make it real like he was important tho
it just sucks because they hyped the NK all this time to wash him in one ep

then they tell you cersei is the threat and her army is so deep

and they get washed quickly/easily too

like they can get beaten but not washed so easily

like NK shoulda killed bran to make it real like he was important tho

Like bruh, Ramsey was eventually beaten, but the BOTB was fkin amazing, joint had me at the edge of my seat and screaming in excitement when Jon made his stand, as a villain, Ramsey was fleshed out PERFECTLY, come to think of it, he’s probably the only good villain the show had, dude was a sociopath, but at the same time a master at psychological warfare with how he broke Theon, he killed his father and took over the house, got Sansa, nearly took Jon out of it wasn’t for the Knights of the Vale, he wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty himself, dude gave Rickover the false hope of scaping knowing damn well he was gonna take him out right in front of Jon, an absolute savage, son was an amazing villain back when the showrunners gave a damn and his villain arc had a poetic justice ending to it...couldn’t have asked for a better developed villain than that...the NK is barely memorable at this point, he was just a mindless zombie with zero connection or deeper purpose other than wiping out the story, D&D bros
Like bruh, Ramsey was eventually beaten, but the BOTB was fkin amazing, joint had me at the edge of my seat and screaming in excitement when Jon made his stand, as a villain, Ramsey was fleshed out PERFECTLY, come to think of it, he’s probably the only good villain the show had, dude was a sociopath, but at the same time a master at psychological warfare with how he broke Theon, he killed his father and took over the house, got Sansa, nearly took Jon out of it wasn’t for the Knights of the Vale, he wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty himself, dude gave Rickover the false hope of scaping knowing damn well he was gonna take him out right in front of Jon, an absolute savage, son was an amazing villain back when the showrunners gave a damn and his villain arc had a poetic justice ending to it...couldn’t have asked for a better developed villain than that...the NK is barely memorable at this point, he was just a mindless zombie with zero connection or deeper purpose other than wiping out the story, D&D bros
I'm a bit confused tho..........
so you big up BOTB. even though ramsay literally didn't swing a sword. just shot some arrows and refused a 1v1.
but hate that NK didn't swing a sword.. Even though we had a whole ep of pure terror and carnage (same as BOTB.)
I'm not criticizing or directly saying this to only you.
but how is it different???
I feel like the NK was never a main focal point. just the threat of him, but not so much he needs to fight.
NK was a mage in an rpg. the mages don't get down and dirty. he did terrifying things.
I would say not having the generals fight were a bigger disappointment than not seeing the nK fight.
well at least today they announced black mirror (june 5th) and rick and morty (november) will both be back this year

so throw that with stranger things (july 4th).. legion final season (june 24th)
Just wish the last 2 seasons were 10 episodes instead of 7&6. More GOT episodes would have never been a bad thing. The series is really over this weekend. Imagine 7 more episodes like c’mon man :ohwell:
You guys are spot on. Pacing and inconsistencies are the most glaring weaknesses. Everything is rushed, characters regressing, plots not making sense, etc.

One of my personal grievances is wishing that the NK was the last villain. Death is the first enemy and the last, and it should've stayed that way. Not the weak *** ending we got for him with Arya sneaking up. But in their defense, GRRM probably told them that's how he'll end his books as well with the Others being defeated at Winterfell(No NK in the books).

Imagine if this happened in episode 3.

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