Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Actually expose Littlefinger for what he's done, maybe perhaps have someone outsmart him or just somehow have him be his own undoing when he tries to scheme when Dany arrives with Tyrion and Varys.

If Sansa is the smartest person Arya knows show me how and when the **** that happened.

You make some very good points and I agree with you but these two up here take care of each other. Sansa did outsmart LF. That’s why Arya thinks she’s the smartest person she knows.
Would Jaime’s decision to go back to Cersei have made more sense if he smashed Brienne before the battle and she was killed by the dead?
Maybe if Brienne bae injured him with her Amazon / snoo snoo yambs and he was like I need to go back to a regular size woman for awhile.
Would Little Finger have successfully gotten Dany out the paint or would he have been murked like Varys?
You make some very good points and I agree with you but these two up here take care of each other. Sansa did outsmart LF. That’s why Arya thinks she’s the smartest person she knows.
:lol:? How did she him outsmart

If anything she exertred some power she always had over him.

**** was wild lazy
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Sansa and Arya 'outsmarting' Littlefinger was so overblown.

I remember the discussion around that being that all the beefing Sansa and Arya were doing was just a smokescreen for the Littlefinger doublecross, and it was.

Last two seasons' writing has been a mess, man. That was such a hamfisted overly dramatized storyline. At that point I was still giving the writers the benefit of the doubt, but now not so much.
The wild fire explosions means Cersei planned on blowing up the city, but I’m curious if she planned on doing so to spite the citizens for not siding with her, or if she had a plan to set them off in the event that Dany’s forces breached the inside of the wall.
Can’t wait to see the reception they get at comic con when they start pushing the new SWs trilogy...lmaooo
The wild fire explosions means Cersei planned on blowing up the city, but I’m curious if she planned on doing so to spite the citizens for not siding with her, or if she had a plan to set them off in the event that Dany’s forces breached the inside of the wall.

the wildfire beneath the citys main streets & buildings had been there since the mad kings time of rule.

Cersi may have used it to blow up the sept but it was never implied on the show that she intended to use it again.

Stop making so much sense bruh.

You're just complaining to complain and even though the actors/actresses themselves are voicing displeasure with how things went you should either accept it or just stop watching the show.

Nevermind the fact that they're being ripped by the masses for the sheer and utter BS that they did with the show you should just accept it... they don't owe you anything!


But, but the cinematography is still good!
Sansa and Arya 'outsmarting' Littlefinger was so overblown.

I remember the discussion around that being that all the beefing Sansa and Arya were doing was just a smokescreen for the Littlefinger doublecross, and it was.

Last two seasons' writing has been a mess, man. That was such a hamfisted overly dramatized storyline. At that point I was still giving the writers the benefit of the doubt, but now not so much.

The producers admitted last season they filmed a scene between all the Stark children that they cut from the show that would have shown them making up and deciding to kill Littlefinger, but I guess they thought we'd prefer a petty fight between sisters for some reason :lol:
the wildfire beneath the citys main streets & buildings had been there since the mad kings time of rule.

Cersi may have used it to blow up the sept but it was never implied on the show that she intended to use it again.

I know it’s been their since Aerys. But would’ve thought they gathered it all up when Cersei planned to blow up the sept.

Perhaps they forgot some of barrels. Perhaps there was a backup plan.

I think the implications were heavy in the last episode (e.g. Varis trying to poison Dany at the beginning of the ep). I don’t think it’s a stretch to think she had some planted in case of emergency. Just wondering who it would have been for.
The producers admitted last season they filmed a scene between all the Stark children that they cut from the show that would have shown them making up and deciding to kill Littlefinger, but I guess they thought we'd prefer a petty fight between sisters for some reason :lol:
I'm pretty sure Arya threatened Sansa's life at some point in that exchange.

Man, hindsight is a *****.:lol::smh:
:smh: at all these clips and article quotes from the cast that have been coming out. I haven't seen anything like this before! Could you imagine the cast of The Sopranos or Breaking Bad going out of their way to be sarcastic or feigning admiration for the show writers/creators leading up to a season finale?

The actors gave a decade of their lives to the show. :smh::smh:

That petition is up to 440,000 signatures. :lol: It probably won't change a thing, but it'll surely give companies pause about working with D&D.
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