Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Euron didn't fire at Drogon the second time though did he? I though he had his men do it and was directing them. Better question would have been "why didn't Euron take the shot since he took down Rheagal?"

No, the better question would have been...

"why did you have a dozen ships in episode 4 firing off hundreds of scorpions, but in episode 5 with hundreds of ships you fired off 3?"

That would be the one question I would demand answered.
D&D suck *** and the season has gone off the deep end but that petition is also pathetic and quite frankly, I think HBO should address the petition with this video

I don't see it happening.

What's done is done.

I do have faith in the prequels, though. I haven't read up much, but I'm hopeful it's some source material that is already complete, and the show runner uses this example to prevent this type of drop off.

We'll see, though. HBO is banking on the prequel, and this ending so bad doesn't help that at all.
I don't see it happening.

What's done is done.

I do have faith in the prequels, though. I haven't read up much, but I'm hopeful it's some source material that is already complete, and the show runner uses this example to prevent this type of drop off.

We'll see, though. HBO is banking on the prequel, and this ending so bad doesn't help that at all.

Don't let these complaints fool you, ratings are through the roof.

And the only reason the writing fell off is these idiots wanted to wrap it up quick to go get Disney bags.

And frankly that makes it so much worse. It's not incompetence, its malice.
what if like 10 million ppl sign that thing

The Mad Writers will surely burn us all with their Star Wars scripts

The only thing i cared about was the Night King. After that im like whatever. The white walkers were what got me watching so i was hooked from the first scene of the series.

I knew nothing about GOT and was shocked that it had horror/fantasy elements.
The Mad Writers will surely burn us all with their Star Wars scripts

The only thing i cared about was the Night King. After that im like whatever. The white walkers were what got me watching so i was hooked from the first scene of the series.

I knew nothing about GOT and was shocked that it had horror/fantasy elements.

i agree with you, to a degree

i enjoyed the real life (to a degree) politics of the whole thing, but with the impending doom coming.. but because of the blissful ignorance of those in charge or the masses and the unwillingness of those in charge to potential sacrifice power

like for example seeing sansa be petty about winterfell when winterfell could have literally be gone in a couple days.. like worrying about who is in charge, when there literally could be no one left to be in charge of

it's like with global warming now, scientist tell (and have been telling) us what is happening.. we see the blatant affects.. we see these storms getting worse and worse and more frequent.. but then you have those like the GOP who argue stupidity because either theyre appealing to the dumb or they have vested interests that could be affected
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It’s blatantly obvious Disney threw them the larger bag and they wanted to be done with Thrones, God knows how long this been in the books and maybe that’s why we really had a 2 year gap waiting for this season...they were probably working out their own logistics to see what made more sense to them, I get securing your bags, but the series that made them famous and really what got them that SWs contract, deserved much more than this, let alone its fan base and last but not least THE ACTORS, top acting talent at this point wasted a decade playing a character...i mean if you don’t csre for the fan base is one thing, but this showed you didn’t give a *** for your work family either.

The petition that should be circulating is for these cats to be dropped by Disney from making the new SW trilogy, boycott that **** before it takes off...embarrass these idiots during comic con and show Disney the SWs fanbase ain’t about to be put through the same incompetence, then GOTs fan base was put through...nothing is gonna have HBO waste resources redoing this season and neither are these actors.
Im sure the actors have been under some type NDA that prevents them from reallllly exposing all the *****ery, but they been doing it subtly for some time now, I can totally picture some network trying to flourish off a short Doc interviewing these actors after everything wraps up and they can really expose the **** show....seems like they are all dying
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