Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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He sure doesn't look like the healthiest guy.
He's eating too good off them GOT checks 


Dude is a genius though
Man I understand Theon's plight to be loved, doesn't excuse that he's a piece of ****. Matter of fact you could do the same character study with most the despicable ones. He reminds me of Commodus, but not a single soul was digging into his psychological well being making excuses. Deplorable is deplorable, **** the reasoning behind it.
Basically, nobody is saying they understand Theon's struggle. It just doesn't excuse his ********ery. **** all the parallel comparisons to Jon Snow and whoever else.

Same reason I have no love for Jamie. Poor little kingslayer got orders from the mad king to kill all the ppl in town and his dad then turns around and kills the king like I'm suppose to feel bad for him. Then later on he's on some the Targareyn's weren't all bad, they had some good ideas like banging relatives and incestuous offspring to be heir to the throne.
Basically, nobody is saying they understand Theon's struggle. It just doesn't excuse his ********ery. **** all the parallel comparisons to Jon Snow and whoever else.

Same reason I have no love for Jamie. Poor little kingslayer got orders from the mad king to kill all the ppl in town and his dad then turns around and kills the king like I'm suppose to feel bad for him. Then later on he's on some the Targareyn's weren't all bad, they had some good ideas like banging relatives and incestuous offspring to be heir to the throne.
I feel like there should be no love Theon 

But ol boy got his meat cut off 
 I cant help but feel for dude

Jamie could kick rocks though

The only lannisters i bang with are Tyrion and Tommen 
Basically, nobody is saying they understand Theon's struggle. It just doesn't excuse his ********ery. **** all the parallel comparisons to Jon Snow and whoever else.

Same reason I have no love for Jamie. Poor little kingslayer got orders from the mad king to kill all the ppl in town and his dad then turns around and kills the king like I'm suppose to feel bad for him. Then later on he's on some the Targareyn's weren't all bad, they had some good ideas like banging relatives and incestuous offspring to be heir to the throne.
I feel like there should be no love Theon 

But ol boy got his meat cut off :smh:  I cant help but feel for dude

Jamie could kick rocks though

The only lannisters i bang with are Tyrion and Tommen 
One thing I can say is the torture was OD. When I was most mad at Theon faking the Stark boys death and killing that one old dude that was serving the Stark's for the longest shortly after when he gets his thing cut off by this sick Ramsey I was just like :x this is going too far. I didn't get that far in the books to know all that so I was figuring from the show Theon would either eventually die or at least get revenge on Ramsey and then die.

Yeah I only rock with Tyrion. I'm indifferent to Tommen, he hasn't done anything to make me like or dislike him yet.
is it me but there are way too many storylines going on. swear 1 hr isnt enough. for the book readers, where are we in the series of the book up to this point in the show. i assume it's gonna be awhile at this pace

bran finna have a full grown beard by next yr
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I like all the different storylines going on. Helps immerse you into that world. Can't really pinpoint a main one because they all seem kinda important.
Kingslayer is my dude, yall crazy.

I only hated Cersei and Joff, them bastards were pure evil.

Every since Jamie jumped into that bear pit he's been good with me
Tyrion has some of the best speeches on TV. I literally stood up and applauded when he went in on everyone.
I never disliked jamie. even when he was a prick, i was still rooting for him because he was just a more boss version of his foul mouthed brother
I never disliked jamie. even when he was a prick, i was still rooting for him because he was just a more boss version of his foul mouthed brother
theres no way you think jaime is realer than tyrion

I like Tyrion more don't get me wrong, I just meant I've always rooted for Jaime and I've always thought he was a B.A. Early in the series, Tyrion was just a drunk, foul mouthed yamb smasher. Jaime was the same thing, albeit with worse moral judgement, but you wouldn't dare eff with him. I realize im not explaining myself very well, im running on 3 hours sleep. My point is, even when Jaime was supposed to be "bad" I still cheered for him in a walter white kinda way.
You thought the dude banging his sister and throwing kids out windows was B.A.? :smh: >D

He always just seemed like the typical jock douche that happens to be really insecure cuz of his nickname to me.

Just based off S1 there was nothing likable about dude.
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Jaime has slowly began becoming more "noble" after he saved Brianne. 

son is a diamond in the rough, and has shown he has a conscience since the middle of S2

Son still yearns to dive in his sisters yambs, but other than that, since his right hand was taken away hand, he's been good money. 
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