Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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So who are the people that have Theon Greyjoy as a prisoner and torturing him?

Roose "The Leech Lord" Bolton's Bastard?

Yup. I don't think it's a spoiler or anything if you know who was cast but...

I believe the one who said he would help him is Ramsay Snow.

....pretty much. Poor Theon. All that is being shown right now with Theon is revealed to us in Book 3 but in Book 5. I advise you to google Theon's story

insert wee-bay gif.
Glad I’m not the only one thought it was hard to keep up with all the characters
I probably don't wanna know the answer, but, if they've got no allegiances, does that mean they're gonna ransom Arya off to whichever side pays more?
I probably don't wanna know the answer, but, if they've got no allegiances, does that mean they're gonna ransom Arya off to whichever side pays more?

Yea. Technically, they're still loyal to Robert as king. But they need gold to keep helping the Riverlands that the Lannisters are destroying.

I still owe you a response for that long *** post of yours a few pages back.
On the one hand, I really liked this episode. Nice pace, good scenes, it feels like they've finally figured out how to touch on stories without it feeling samey and monotone. They've realized how to move the camera and keep the dialogue to the point, and lead into the next scenes better.

On the other hand...good God, there's a ton of people in this cast. :wow: I mean, it takes an hour just to do roll call. It feels like we're basically gonna have half a season, because it takes 2 episodes just to touch on everyone, so it's really only gonna be 5 episodes this season. Now I understand why they split the book in half. It's only gonna feel like half a season happened at this rate.

Question, though. Has it been like 4 years since they shot the last season?
All these kids grown. Bran and Rickon look like young men.

That whole BROH crew is always so extra. Lowkey comic relief, time and again. I expected them to be the Dany's of this season, and just wander around, pretending to be dead and not doing much, but uh...The Reeds? Who the **** are The Reeds? Every time new people show up bad things happen. I know you, George.

And Bran's a Warg now? That whole North of the wall scene reminded me how disappointed I was with how they did the Qhorin stuff. That was the last thing I read, and it would've been so easy for them to make something more dramatic and interesting and compelling out of that chase. I mean, they're introducing the seeing creatures from it. It's just a shame, and it makes this Jon Snow stuff ring hollow. If they knew they weren't gonna have much of the whitewalkers, that could've been the drive to show the seriousness of that war up there.

But as ****** up as it sounds...every time Catelyn hears that someone in her family died, Michelle Fairley puts in her best work. That Jon Snow story, man. :smh: Her honesty makes me like her more, and it helps that I agree with her, that the nurse sucks, and Theon did her family dirt.

Speaking of... :lol: I feel not pity in the least for Theon. Just some confusion and anticipation. Turn all the screws on that ****. But seriously...where the hell did Simon from Misfits come from? How does George not get tired of doubling his cast every book?

That said, I love the Tyrells. All of them. They feel like modern people in this old world. And I really didn't like Natalie Dormer last season. She had the same face for everything and had nothing going except her ****, but in short time she's been taking over. I feel like she's gonna have that Theon role of a small backup character, rising up and lowkey being the lead of the season. Maybe.

But her family. How many ******g Tyrells are there? Nany Tyrell goes HARD. :lol:

Ever since her pops lost his head, Sansa's been a real character. I had real fear for her talking out of turn like that. She's like a walking reminder of everything that's gone wrong with the Lannisters taking the crown. I constantly think they're gonna take her head every other episode. I mean, the city has ears and a mean bite, but that whole scene was so well directed. It feels like every time the Tyrells sit to eat, it's time to sit up and keep your eyes open.

I don't like Shae, though. Knockoff Noomi Rapace. It just feels like she can't really act in English and it comes out monotone. Every time I see her, she has me missing Roz, cuz there's just no spark with her. Compared to all the great female characters on this show, she's obviously the weakest, but at least she's a reason to give Tyrion more scenes. I feel like her whole reason for still being there was for that Tywin and Tyrion convo/beatdown to have teeth.

And it's weird, but I don't think I hate Joffrey anymore. I'm sure he'll bring it back with a vengeance, but this chick Margeary figured out how to tame him. She found the only thing he cares about, his weapons he uses to compensate.

Brienne sonning the Kingslayer. :smokin
What the hell are the flayed men? I feel like that's the 10th time someone mentioned them in the show. :nerd:

Everyone got taken in by someone new this episode. Brienne and Jamie with the flayed men, Theon with Simon, BROH with the Reeds, Arya with the Hound, Sansa with the Tyrells. The chess pieces keep moving quickly, and the worst part is...we're 2 episodes in and it still feels like the premiere isn't finished. :smh: :lol:

Really good episode.

There wasn't any Stannis/Mel/Davos, no Iron Islands, no Dany and barely anything above the wall and it was still a stuffed hour. :x

- I feel you about the cast and sometimes not being able to keep up. But you gotta understand that most of them are pretty much necessary for the plot. Not to spoil anything but some of the storylines will fade out/end and they'll focus more attention on other story lines + add a couple new characters and stories that will be explored more in S4.

- It's going to look weird as hell if/when Bran starts riding in the basket on Hodor's back :lol:

- They won't be wandering too much, they actually have a destination (the Wall and further North). The Reeds are a huge part of the story. They were supposed to be introducted last season. They help Bran & Rickon escape from Winterfell. Jojen also helps educate and train Bran on his warg abilities. You heard Jojen mention that his father cried when he heard that Ned had died. His father played a pretty big role in the story leading up to the beginning of Robert's Rebellion and the final fight with the Kingsguard when Ned goes to rescue his sister. He saved Ned from Arthur Dayne killing him. Plus, he's the last person alive that knows the promise Ned made Lyanna + probably who Jon's mother is. If you have time, google The Tower of Joy.

- Bran's been a warg. They didn't show it much but he has been one since the first season. I hear you on the scenes North of the Wall. I feel like they could have used those scenes between Qhorin and Jon exactly how they were in the book with all of their conversations. But the other side to that coin is that we would have never really gotten to know Ygritte's character and it may have felt like all of her scenes with Jon would have been forced. At least now you know of their relationship and there is a back story there. The white walkers aren't really out there like that for them to have too many scenes with them. I think once the wildings get to the Wall, you'll like their story/interactions more. I've liked the scenes so far with the meeting and with Orell.

- Catelyn is probably my favorite actress on the show. She just brings so much real emotion to every scene. From Bran falling to the assassin to telling Robb/Theon/Lewin/Rodrik about the Lannisters to the brothel with Ned to taking Tyrion and everything else from her is S1 and 2. The story with Jon was rough.

- They'll get more into the Theon story. I doubt they'll let that particular one linger long. I think Hybrid said it before but after the 2nd book, you don't really physically hear from him until the 5th. He turned into such a favorite that they had to bring some of his story along.

- The Tyrells are great, they really cast the main 3 perfectly. I think Mark Addy would have been perfect for Loras/Margaery's father :lol: the Queen of Thorns stole that ep with her one liners.

- I still hate Sansa. She brought this all on her damn self :lol: it's been a little over the top but then she shouldn't have snitched on Ned.

- Shae is the absolute worst cast actress on this show. I could understand if they got an ugly broad who could act but holy moly she is the worst. Her face just annoys the **** out of me and that accent :x but she's here for more than that one Tywin/Tyrion conversation. But more than likey her best moments will be next season.
if bran is a warg is he going to see the white walkers in his visions at some point, esp since his bro Jsnow is currently fighting them? i haven't read the books but as i understand (and correct me if im wrong) the white walkers become major to the overall story as it progresses and i think i've red that even the red priestess eventually has visions of them.
^^^Kind of weird seeing Arya in heels and girls clothes. Doesn't look quite right.
I haven't seen enough about Margaery to have a strong opinion on her. But mannnn she's some nice eye candy
You can already tell by just 2 episodes that Margaery is not intimated by joffrey at all. In the books they are supposed to be around the same age but in the show she looks 5-6 years older. He doesn't have the skills to boss around an older woman like he did with Sansa.
There's something weird about Margaery's face that makes her attractive. Maybe it's the shape of her face or her eyes. I don't know.
if bran is a warg is he going to see the white walkers in his visions at some point, esp since his bro Jsnow is currently fighting them? i haven't read the books but as i understand (and correct me if im wrong) the white walkers become major to the overall story as it progresses and i think i've red that even the red priestess eventually has visions of them.

They haven't become major yet. They're mentioned here and there but not a major point of the story. Martin has said that the next book will have them play a bigger role and that the reader will go further North than ever before.
Are the First Men mentioned in detail in the books? I'm interested in seeing more abut them.
You can already tell by just 2 episodes that Margaery is not intimated by joffrey at all. In the books they are supposed to be around the same age but in the show she looks 5-6 years older. He doesn't have the skills to boss around an older woman like he did with Sansa.

Not only is she not intimidated, she seems like she's already trying to manipulate him - the scene with the crossbow at the end of the last ep. Or maybe she was really into it? Either way, she's definitely hot. The dresses they put her in help.
- It's going to look weird as hell if/when Bran starts riding in the basket on Hodor's back :lol:
Didn't even think of that. :lol:
If you have time, google The Tower of Joy.
I found this...

View media item 356180View media item 356181View media item 356182View media item 356183
It'd be pretty cool if they had a flashback or little prequel to show stuff like this.

I hear you on the scenes North of the Wall. I feel like they could have used those scenes between Qhorin and Jon exactly how they were in the book with all of their conversations. But the other side to that coin is that we would have never really gotten to know Ygritte's character and it may have felt like all of her scenes with Jon would have been forced. At least now you know of their relationship and there is a back story there.
I think they could've had both, and started the chase after that scene where she disappears on him, but it ain't that big a deal.

- I still hate Sansa. She brought this all on her damn self :lol: it's been a little over the top but then she shouldn't have snitched on Ned.
:lol: After Joffrey and the purge and what almost happened to her...the Hound stuff...her and Cersei during the battle...I dunno. I'm over hating chick. Saving it all for...

- Shae is the absolute worst cast actress on this show. I could understand if they got an ugly broad who could act but holy moly she is the worst. Her face just annoys the **** out of me and that accent :x but she's here for more than that one Tywin/Tyrion conversation. But more than likey her best moments will be next season.
All of this. :smh:
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