Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Yea, I was gonna ask if everyone forgot she pretty much put Ned's life on the line telling Cersei they were planning to leave :lol
That would of been worse if Ned didn't go and do that himself. A lot of things can be attributed to Ned's death, but Ned himself contributed to at lest 3 of those things.

I hated Sansa from when she sold out Arya because of her crush on Joffrey. Since season 1 I haven't had anything against her.

Nah, you're definitely right. He put himself in a bad position going after Cersei and shunning Renly.

But Sansa telling Cersei gave her the upper hand to get her plans in motion right away before Ned.

Trying to get my brother into GOT so I started watching the series over with him. Sansa betraying her family because she wanted Joffrey and to be queen. I have no sympathy for her. She got what she wanted.

Dudes that big are why guns exist.

Texas FTW
If I was strong enough to throw a horse at him it wouldn't even work. He'd just cut it in half too.
OVO's Game of Thrones reoccurring deadliness in battle Power Rankings according to TV show currently :

1. The mountain
2. Red Viper
3. The hound
4. Hodor (via Bran)
5. Ramsey
6. Brianne
7. Dario
8. Jon
9. Bronn
10. Arya

Changes: Arya added, Ramsey put in instead of Reek :rollin
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OVO's Game of Thrones reoccurring deadliness in battle Power Rankings according to TV show currently :

1. The mountain
2. red viper
3. The hound
4. Hodor (via Bran)
5. Reek
6. Dario
7. Brianne
8. Jon
9. Bronn

Who am I missing that's reoccurring
why is reek on your list :rollin
I saw Reek on the list and no longer understood what the list was about :lol I'm like power rankings and Reek?

Yall counting those few Winterfell ppl he had killed and one dude he decapitated? Along with the two children he had burnt? :{ :lol
View media item 980203
That long con. :smokin He bout to be out here like Keyser Soze. :lol
:rollin The books aint done so it'd be hilarious if Reek came out of this on top. Maybe even find a magic way to get his penis back :lol
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 I meant ramsey.
nah but we've heard about his reputation haven't we. (or am I mistaken)... Plus he was smashing some broad, came out shirtless, and started slicing up the toughest soldiers from the iron islands, with some steak knives.
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Kaleesi's storyline is really boring to me. She's the only one in the show that doesn't really have to "play the game".

I think we mentioned before that Cercei is playing checkers

Tywinn is playing chinese checkers

Littlefinger and Varys are playing chess......

Kaleesi is playing nba jam with a game geenie and cheat codes, while talking trash
^^ dont forget Reek/Theon is playing pick-up-sticks

id lower Jon Snow, he could barely handle Karl in Crastors keep

my list is

1. the Mountain
2. Red Viper
3. the Hound
4. Brienne
5. Hodor
6. Daario
7. Bronn
8. Barristen
9. Grey Worm
10. a. Jon Snow
10. b. Ramsey

Arya still has a lot to learn, most of her kills are cheap shots :lol
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Kaleesi's storyline is really boring to me. She's the only one in the show that doesn't really have to "play the game".

I think we mentioned before that Cercei is playing checkers

Tywinn is playing chinese checkers

Littlefinger and Varys are playing chess......

Kaleesi is playing nba jam with a game geenie and cheat codes, while talking trash

Kaleesi is outplaying all of them tho. While the rest are burning bridges and scheming for their own gain, Kaleesi is out here fighting for the people.

Right now, she's like late 2007 Obama. Not a real threat, but definitely has the competition's attention.
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Kaleesi's storyline is really boring to me. She's the only one in the show that doesn't really have to "play the game".

I think we mentioned before that Cercei is playing checkers

Tywinn is playing chinese checkers

Littlefinger and Varys are playing chess......

Kaleesi is playing nba jam with a game geenie and cheat codes, while talking trash

Kaleesi is outplaying all of them tho. While the rest are burning bridges and scheming for their own gain, Kaleesi is out here fighting for the people.

Right now, she's like late 2007 Obama. Not a real threat, but definitely has the competition's attention.

She's fighting for the people no one cares about though, right? Do people in Westoros really care what happens in Pentos?
She's burning bridges too, just in a different part of the world. Freeing slaves and having them like her is nice but unless the majority of them can be trained into decent fighters then they won't help much in getting back the Throne. Fans are already tired of her trying to free everyone.
Lol at a there being a GOT battle Power Rankings

Whenever Kaleesi comes on I'm always like "man hurry up and finish"

Her story is boring
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