Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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House Targaryen



im down with ned stark, yall don't wanna see me in the streets...err forest.
I'm going to have to go with House Greyjoy. *Shrugs* WE DO NOT SOW!

Ezio Pyke. Yea I'm a bastard so what
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So the guy that let Theon go did it so he can get information out of him right? The people who he killed weren’t his men? That part confused me.
So the guy that let Theon go did it so he can get information out of him right? The people who he killed weren’t his men? That part confused me.

See that's what I didn't understand. I get that they tricked him just to get information, but what about those guys dude killed? Was it just a loss they were willing to take just for getting the info
Anyone read the latest book?
Were you surprised that the "Ned Stark" that was executed was a "Faceless Man" and Ned was alive all along, conspiring with Lord Varys?

How did you feel about Ned and Cersei's intimate scene? Damn.

Dany's death. Damn. 

Just kidding. 
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I mean, you guys can't wait an episode or two for them to explain it? :lol:

Again, not really a spoiler so I'll post it here. Click at your risk.

The guy is Roose Bolton's bastard. He's a real ******g freak. He enjoys torturing and flaying people. Those were his own people he killed. The guy enjoys the hunt so he let Theon go and gained his trust just so he could capture him again and bring him back to be tortured again. Can't look too deep into it, he's just ****** up in the head :lol: I doubt he even cares about the information.
Yeah, See Jorah not getting any play in both shows.

Rose Leslie with her sexy accent. I'd have her dress up as a wildling maid and keep me warm in my tent.
Yeah it's Simon :lol:

Almost all the main characters from the UK Skins and Misfits have roles in GoT
Been awhile since I watched skins, but I only recognized Gendry, did not recognize Gilly at all, but then again they put weight on her since she was pregnant, and she doesn't have many scenes.
Are there others or just those two? Cause only two I saw when I googled.
Yeah it's Simon :lol:

Almost all the main characters from the UK Skins and Misfits have roles in GoT
Been awhile since I watched skins, but I only recognized Gendry, did not recognize Gilly at all, but then again they put weight on her since she was pregnant, and she doesn't have many scenes.
Are there others or just those two? Cause only two I saw when I googled.

Yea I think that's it. Its just a joke. So far Skins has 2, Misfits is at 3, and Downton Abby is at 2 or 3 idk I don't watch DA
Yea I think that's it. Its just a joke. So far Skins has 2, Misfits is at 3, and Downton Abby is at 2 or 3 idk I don't watch DA

You should, it's a really interesting show. But I like period pieces like that. There are only 2 from there I believe
"...influence which you do not possess, at the moment .." - foreshadowing for Tyrion ?

Loving the parallel bt Jamie's current situation and Varys' story he tells Tyrion...

I also enjoyed the contrast between the image shown of Astador in the opening credits where those chained things come out of the city walls (representative of slavery) and the end of this episode, where the freed slaves are the ones in single file marching out the city walls after it has been destroyed
As much as everyone saw it coming, it was still satisfying as hell to see Khaleesi turn the unsullied against their former master.

The dragon scorching dude was icing on the cake.
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