Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just when I was starting to think Ramsay wasn't really the same level is psycho as Joff...He's right there. The difference is really that Ramsay likes smashing and Joff didn't care.
Really law? Ramsey was doing some diabolical stuff man before tonight's episode 
Yeah the difference between Ramsey and Joffrey is joffrey would punish innocent people by the boatload. Ramsay didnt have that scale. People dont mind ramseys torturing because he dealt it to a traitro.
Yeah the difference between Ramsey and Joffrey is joffrey would punish innocent people by the boatload. Ramsay didnt have that scale. People dont mind ramseys torturing because he dealt it to a traitro.
True, but then again Joff was King

Give Ramsey that power and best believe some brazen **** will go down. Innocents would be killed and tortured for pleasure
I don't disagree that he put Sansa in harm's way, but how would there be trouble without him prodding stuff forward?

He needed a reason to split up the Lannister's and Bolton's. If he never arranges a marriage with a Stark how would he convince Cersei to condemn Roose? And why would he march on Winterfell AFTER Stannis hits there if he didn't first get a promise that he'd get something out of it?

Honestly I am not sure he is in love with Sansa like he puts on.

Like Varys said he would let the world burn just to be king of the ashes.

**** I dont remember him smashin anyone on the show. Seems to know a lot about eunuchs. Maybe its from experience.

jk on that last part but who knows with this guy.
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I don't disagree that he put Sansa in harm's way, but how would there be trouble without him prodding stuff forward?

He needed a reason to split up the Lannister's and Bolton's. If he never arranges a marriage with a Stark how would he convince Cersei to condemn Roose?
Good point on Sansa..

But Stannis is still marching that way.. And cersei is still royally screwing thing up in kings landing (the fallout with the tyrells).. Then whatever hapoens with Jaime being captured in dorne

All those things still happen if littlefinger is chilling in the vale
But again none of those things benefit him.

And if something happens in Kings Landing because of the sparrow business and he never officially gets given the north? No one on this show has benefited from watching from the sidelines. In fact, all those people have ended up dead or getting smashed by Ramsey Snow-Bolton.
Right. But how would that stop THEIR trials?
It will not but it would make Cersei answer for her actions. I was looking at it like a if I go down you're going down with me situation. I am sure Olenna has something up her sleeve.
Olenna will probably play her cards. She's already made it clear she's going to take her troops and money away. Truth be told the Martell's could just break Loras and Margaery out of jail and go home to High Garden and no one could do ****. And let's not forget for all the witnesses they can produce to show Loras is into guys, one of the ranking sparrows is Lancel Lannister. Who Cersei was getting it in with in season 2 or 3 and has already shown is completely committed to the cause. Her foresight is 20/500.
Olenna will probably play her cards. She's already made it clear she's going to take her troops and money away. Truth be told the Martell's could just break Loras and Margaery out of jail and go home to High Garden and no one could do ****. And let's not forget for all the witnesses they can produce to show Loras is into guys, one of the ranking sparrows is Lancel Lannister. Who Cersei was getting it in with in season 2 or 3 and has already shown is completely committed to the cause. Her foresight is 20/500.
Shes dumb as hell nothing good can come from jailing the queen and Heir to High Garden.
Huh? Ramsey was hunting innocent women and killing his own men for the lulz. He's been a psychopath since he first appeared.
Right, my point was to his point was that Ramsey wasn't doing this "by the boatload" because he wasn't King. If he was, best believe the number of kills would explode
didnt the old lady tell sansa to light a candle in one of the buildings if she ever is in trouble?
think ramsay gonna get off'd soon. psychopath needs to go
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But again none of those things benefit him.

And if something happens in Kings Landing because of the sparrow business and he never officially gets given the north? No one on this show has benefited from watching from the sidelines. In fact, all those people have ended up dead or getting smashed by Ramsey Snow-Bolton.

You think so?

Starks would have been way better off if they had stayed in winterfell.. Ditto oberyn and the martells in dorne
Ramsey's killed more people than Joffrey. Joff ordered the execution of Ned Stark, had a bunch of babies stabbed, and shot my bae Ros.

Aside from that though he never got his hands dirty.

Ramsey has talked about casually killing and flaying people at the start of almost every ep he's been in. Either he mentions it casually or someone else alludes to it.

It's what his house does.
But again none of those things benefit him.

And if something happens in Kings Landing because of the sparrow business and he never officially gets given the north? No one on this show has benefited from watching from the sidelines. In fact, all those people have ended up dead or getting smashed by Ramsey Snow-Bolton.
You think so?

Starks would have been way better off if they had stayed in winterfell.. Ditto oberyn and the martells in dorne
They couldn't. Once Ned was killed they had to ride out. You have to consider how it'd look to the other houses that support you if you didn't go get your revenge after the hnic of the north was killed. They wanted to go to war as badly as the Starks did.
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didnt the old lady tell sansa to light a candle in one of the buildings if she ever is in trouble?
think ramsay gonna get off'd soon. psychopath needs to go

The lady did say that. But I don't know who she was referring to. If it's just Brienne, I don't know what she can do right now. She sure ain't riding in there and taking out Ramsay. It there's others involved, who knows?
The lady did say that. But I don't know who she was referring to. If it's just Brienne, I don't know what she can do right now. She sure ain't riding in there and taking out Ramsay. It there's others involved, who knows?

I think Brienne will have the people of the north. She did talk to that guy who brought in water I believe and she asked him who his allegiance was to. The Bolton's do not have a lot of men guarding Winterfell according to Stannis, so if Brienne got a sizable amount of Notherners she could take Winterfell.
Looking on Twitter, seems like there is a LOT of outrage over that last scene. A lot of people might be jumping ship from the show, I still love it but this season hasn't lived up to the public perception's expectations.
But again none of those things benefit him.

And if something happens in Kings Landing because of the sparrow business and he never officially gets given the north? No one on this show has benefited from watching from the sidelines. In fact, all those people have ended up dead or getting smashed by Ramsey Snow-Bolton.

You think so?

Starks would have been way better off if they had stayed in winterfell.. Ditto oberyn and the martells in dorne

They couldn't. Once Ned was killed they had to ride out. You have to consider how it'd look to the other houses that support you if you didn't go get your revenge after the hnic of the north was killed. They wanted to go to war as badly as the Starks did.

I was including Ned within that group.. All of the Starks would have been better off
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