Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Never forget what joffery did to roz.

Joffery but not by much.

If only you guys knew what ramsay was actually capable of though.
definitely feel bad for salsa, I don't care for her character at all but no one should have to go thru that. pretty sure that's only a hint of whats to come too smh.

Starks were ruling the north for 100s of years and then Ned and his crew came along and now they legendary for catching L's. Dat legacy :smh:
From being upset at Dany for not being naked anymore to treating a rape scene like it was for ***** and giggles, I'm starting to believe ya'll are really some weirdo neckbeards.

No one is actually upset about her not being naked. Those are jokes. Of course we are disappointed but we dislike Dany because she's a little naive ***** not because we can't see her overrated yambs. Calm down white knight.
You can still Hold your head up high.
"Sansa’s anguished screaming as she was violently assaulted by her new husband was hideous, full stop. But it was almost worse the way Jeremy Podeswa’s camera lingered on Alfie Allen’s tear-filled eyes, as if his violation was somehow equal to Sansa’s; as if this disgusting act was somehow part of Theon’s long and ugly path to redemption, not a brutal and unwarranted violation. Five seasons in, Game of Thrones is long past the point of earning gold stars simply by showing us the worst possible thing. There’s a fine line between exposing the dirty truth of the world and wallowing in it." -- Andy Greenwald
the red wedding scene was worse than the rape

And that fight scene was trash. They looked so weak and slow. IMO they should do the fight scenes at night to make them look faster. The only fighter that looked real at all has been Oberyn. They could've done better than this.
Little Finger is my dude, he always has the killer comebacks

Never forget the ether he gave Renly in season 1 , and that comeback he had with Cercei's nephew was on point too
i'm not sure if its the changes from the books the show is making, but this season has been sort of a let down so far :\
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When I first started reading the novels 4-5 years ago I couldn't put them down, I was addicted.

I blasted through the first 3 insanely quick, starting reading about all the history and back stories of all families, all of it was just so detailed and intriguing

I then hit an absolute wall with the 4th book. It just didn't do it for me whatsoever, wasn't drawn to any of the new characters and didn't love what was happening with the usual suspects. I read about a third of it and never picked it back up

That's why I didn't have any expectations for this season, I honestly think we've seen the best of this show already. Nothing is going to top Book 3 (seasons 3/4)...
It irks me how people like little finger.
he is a ***** and I can't wait for him to get got.

I hope arya does it.
It irks me how people like little finger.
he is a ***** and I can't wait for him to get got.

I hope arya does it.

Exactly where I'm at. Dudes always been a clown ...Ned was a idiot but he ain't deserve to get sold out like that

Still tryna figure out why this Sparrow dude aint made Cersei answer for her sins yet

Dude got her nephew on the team he gotta know
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When I first heard of the Sand Snakes... they sounded awesome. Maybe my imagination got ahead of myself, but I imagined bad *** female versions of Oberyn, who would come in and flex their muscle and be enacting their revenge.

Not this. Of course, it could change and I'd love that, but so far it's been a few scenes of talking and one bland fight scene. 
It irks me how people like little finger.
he is a ***** and I can't wait for him to get got.

I hope arya does it.
Littlefinger is an interesting character because as they've described in the show, look at what he's accomplished with where he started? He's Lord of the Vale and is now seeking to be Warden of the North.. that's  interesting. Same with his powerplays with Varys, I like them both as characters because I want to see how far they can scheme and betray.

Now I'd love for him to die a miserable and suffering death for what he's done, but until that happens he'll remain one of the more interesting characters on the show.
Exactly where I'm at. Dudes always been a clown ...Ned was a idiot but he ain't deserve to get sold out like that

Still tryna figure out why this Sparrow dude aint made Cersei answer for her sins yet

Dude got her nephew on the team he gotta know

I really think all of this is heading in that direction. I think it's pretty apparent the writers are setting up cerseis demise by letting her plans backfire on her.
I just watch the episode on GO. :x

Mannn Theon gonna let a girl that was basically his sister at one time get done like that.

I hope word gets back to Jon so he can ride on Ramsey ***** ***. I hate dude so ******* much right now
 @ dudes feeling sorry for Sansa, she is the reason her family is dead. I don't feel sorry for her one bit, she put herself in that situation.

I feel Cersei is gonna get hers probably near the end of the season.

Lord Friendzone, I don't see him making it to season 6, probably get killed in the last episode.

kinda happy I didn't see Dany this episode, I get tired of her power struggles.

curious to see what happens with Jamie and the Martells.

The Tyrells are about to flourish in the next couple episodes, I just know it.

and for ol boy that snitched on Margery batty boy brother, yeah he is gonna die.
the only good part about the sand snakes scene was when big black showed his axe skill and said something like "it woulda been a good fight if you were still a whole man".
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