Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Those things have nothing to do with her rape doe.

She was a dumb young girl that made mistakes. I know you guys aren't saying she deserved it explicitly, but it sure seems like it is implied. Just saying

chill out man.

first off whatever i said was for the fact of i dont like her. nothing to do with her rape SCENE.

it was a SCENE. in a TV SHOW.

even the ACTRESS that played her seemed not only to like the scene but was somewhat happy about it.

i apologize if anyone you know was affected by rape. seriously.

but i was just talking about how i dont like Sansas character, not that i was happy she got raped.

Brah relax. Everyone is chill

Plus I was responding to dude you quote more than you anyway.
I realize that but didnt put 2 and 2 together because his actions are so spread apart I forget how much hes long gaming it. By the time each of those things was revealed I didnt think to connect it to his last action.
I don't know if he's necessarily doing that (long gaming it).. I just think he's moving pieces trying to create chaos and then pick up the pieces from there

he cant use force and he doesn't get it from birth.. my only issue with what he is doing now, is he is putting himself in harms way when he could have been sitting pretty in the vale while the chaos happened
I don't know if he's necessarily doing that (long gaming it).. I just think he's moving pieces trying to create chaos and then pick up the pieces from there

he cant use force and he doesn't get it from birth.. my only issue with what he is doing now, is he is putting himself in harms way when he could have been sitting pretty in the vale while the chaos happened

But it wasn't his idea to go to King's Landing, was it? I thought Cersei called for him to come back after the incident when the High Septon (sp?) got nabbed in the brothel by the zealots. He had to go.
Brah relax. Everyone is chill

Plus I was responding to dude you quote more than you anyway.
alright my bad.

i just seen you post your frustration a few times about the scene.

my point is i dont get why people would get so upset. its a tv show. and its on premium cable. theres been a lot of uncomfortable stuff on HBO.

it shouldnt bother you that much unless youve been affected by rape somehow, then i guess i understand.

just my opinion.
A lot of people feel that the scene had no purpose :lol:  

I found it disturbing, but definitely served a purpose. Cemented how much of a psycho Ramsay is and shows he has no respect for Sansa whatsoever, which could come back to bit him. And humanized Reek, suggesting that maybe some kind of redemption for him is possible.
I don't know if he's necessarily doing that (long gaming it).. I just think he's moving pieces trying to create chaos and then pick up the pieces from there

he cant use force and he doesn't get it from birth.. my only issue with what he is doing now, is he is putting himself in harms way when he could have been sitting pretty in the vale while the chaos happened
But it wasn't his idea to go to King's Landing, was it? I thought Cersei called for him to come back after the incident when the High Septon (sp?) got nabbed in the brothel by the zealots. He had to go.
I don't think he should have gone to winterfell.. If were him I would have stayed in the vale

let stannis go to war with the boltons.. and let cersei screw things up when left to her own devices

then you pull a tywin and step in when things become clearer.. and there is substantially less risk/danger involved

cant remember the exact context of why he was requested back in kings landing
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I've read some criticism saying the opposite. Placing the camera on Theon seems to suggest it's his struggle and pain rather than Sansa's. Of course, you could say "Well her pain is obvious, it's showing how much it's affecting him too" and that wouldn't be wrong, but it's a curious decision.

Also deciding to end the episode on that scene felt abrupt and uncomfortable. Again "Maybe that's the whole point" but the show has been criticized for their handling of their rape scenes, and this one probably won't be any differently. You can explain a lot of the thought process behind it, but I don't think the audience is wrong to feel tired by another rape being thrown onto one of the characters... especially one who was finally appearing to gain some sort of agency after a very long time. We'll find out what it means for Sansa soon enough, I'm sure/

Awful things happen in life and Game of Thrones has no problems showcasing those terrible things, but it's how they go about it and what it means to the show and what we're supposed to take away from it as an audience... that's where it's open to debate and where the show might be struggling.
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I found it disturbing, but definitely served a purpose. Cemented how much of a psycho Ramsay is and shows he has no respect for Sansa whatsoever, which could come back to bit him. And humanized Reek, suggesting that maybe some kind of redemption for him is possible.
But all of that already existed before that scene. Especially after the dinner. She new he was a psycho then and Reek has been humanized a few times. In the dog kennels and at the dinner during his apology.

I personally think the Sansa rape had a negative effect. The bath scene made it seem like she wasn't taking **** from anyone anymore and was about to make some G moves, then all of that was brought down with the rape. 
Those things have nothing to do with her rape doe.

She was a dumb young girl that made mistakes. I know you guys aren't saying she deserved it explicitly, but it sure seems like it is implied. Just saying
I just I have no sympathy for the character honestly

I almost can't stand Sansa as much as I did Lori from Walking Dead. And that's pretty high.

But yup you are right, that had nothing to do with her rape, but her dumb decisions put her in bad situations.
and then with cersei, she has to remember her cousin is with them dudes.. I mean I realize she is stupid and thinks she is untouchable somehow.. but she cant be that naïve to think there wont be consequences for messing with the tyrells

as lady olenna pointed out, they can simply squeeze her out.. cut off the money and supplies that they provide to the crown
Unfortunately this season has been very slow paced. The Sansa scene is the only powerful scene thus far. I'm all for character development but I also need that wow factor other seasons provided. Hopefully in the up and coming episodes we get some scenes like that.
While I agree that this season seems to be dragging, you have to keep in mind that the show has pretty long story arcs which are touched upon during the course of the season.   They made a point several time this season that the crown aka Lannisters owes the Iron Bank a ton of money - so much so that they can only afford to pay less than 25% if I recall correctly.  Cersei used that as an opportunity to send Mace Tyrell away from Kings Landing to negotiate with the bank of the crown's debt.  With him out of the way, Cersei was able to hatch her plot against his children -  Loras and Margaery Tyrell.

Lady Olenna Tyrell, their grandmother, then points out to Cersei that the Tyrells provide their kingdom with money and food, which supplies are inevitably going to be pulled after what just happened to Loras and Margaery.  Without  the Tyrells' funding, the Lannisters are going to have more difficulties repaying their debt to the Iron Bank - which I'm expecting to have dire consequences against them...something Cersei hasn't looked far enough ahead to consider.
Brah relax. Everyone is chill

Plus I was responding to dude you quote more than you anyway.

alright my bad.

i just seen you post your frustration a few times about the scene.

my point is i dont get why people would get so upset. its a tv show. and its on premium cable. theres been a lot of uncomfortable stuff on HBO.

it shouldnt bother you that much unless youve been affected by rape somehow, then i guess i understand.

just my opinion.

I never said i had a problem with any TV program having a rape scene

I was inquiring to why dude didn't feel sorry for the character that got rape. And pointing out his words were implying she somehow deserved it, or at the very least didn't deserve sympathy for having that happening to her. That's it

I'm believe dude is trying to say that he wrote her off a long time ago, and that prevents him from having sympathy now. Which is understandable to a degree

I'm not up in arms because they had a rape scene
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But all of that already existed before that scene. Especially after the dinner. She new he was a psycho then and Reek has been humanized a few times. In the dog kennels and at the dinner during his apology.
I personally think the Sansa rape had a negative effect. The bath scene made it seem like she wasn't taking **** from anyone anymore and was about to make some G moves, then all of that was brought down with the rape. 

Very fair points.
well the good about everything messed up Ramsey does is you know his death will be epic if/when it happens.

like you know they aint gonna have the dude die in his sleep.

look how they did Joffrey.

i feel like the more they make you hate a character, the worse his death is.
The writer producer also confirmed that, for those suspecting Littlefinger might have known about Ramsay’s sadism, that Baelish was definitely ignorant of the situation. “The difference between the Ramsay Snow of the books and the show is the Ramsay of the show is not a famous psycho,” he said. “He’s not known everywhere as a psycho. So Littlefinger doesn’t have the intelligence on him. He knows they’re scary and creepy and not to be folly trusted and it’s part of a larger plan.”

I always felt LF was BS'n with Ramsay about not knowing much about him but I guess not.

Doesnt fit someone like LF's profile to me when he knows everything about everyone else *shrugs*
well the good about everything messed up Ramsey does is you know his death will be epic if/when it happens.

like you know they aint gonna have the dude die in his sleep.

look how they did Joffrey.

i feel like the more they make you hate a character, the worse his death is.

My sister wants a Wildling giant to chap Ramsey's cheeks to death. :x :smh: :x

She says that is only thing that will bring her satisfaction

I just want ole boy to be flayed :lol:
well the good about everything messed up Ramsey does is you know his death will be epic if/when it happens.

like you know they aint gonna have the dude die in his sleep.

look how they did Joffrey.

i feel like the more they make you hate a character, the worse his death is.

My sister wants a Wildling giant to chap Ramsey's cheeks to death. :x :smh: :x

She says that is only thing that will bring her satisfaction

I just want ole boy to be flayed :lol:

Ramsey the type to get the last laugh if it was something quick and/or violent tho. You gotta just put him in a cage and lock him up somewhere high on the Iron Islands and just let the buzzards feed on him slowly :lol:
littlefinger reminds me of loki.. good at being mischievous and taking advantage of others.. but I don't see a realistic end game right now..

I get that through creating chaos and taking down powerful families and strategically allying yourself with the right people at the right time will help him get into a far greater position than he could have ever dreamed.. but he still has to remember he cant operate by force and has to eventually find his puppet to align himself with (think **** cheney)

hell, the way they made it seem was cersei was calling him back because he was in trouble.. which can obviously end very badly given how crazy she is.. don't remember the exact specifics though

as soon as he is aware of stannis' intent on attacking winterfell.. and what cersei is doing and allowing to happen in kings landing (and with the tyrells) you let the lannisters drown on their own

dude should have pumped the brakes and chilled out and watched from the sidelines.. and if he's making moves it's with little to no danger, send ravens.. go speak with the tyrells

but that doesn't make for good tv
excuse my ignorance but theres so much going on in the series i may miss some things.

does anyone know Stannis is on his way to attack? lol

and how long does it take for him to get there?
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