Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Hopefully this season is the end of Littlefinger.

Can't wait to see that ****** get beheaded
Is that who I think it is towards the end with the two swords and Targaryen sigil on his armor? :nerd:

Aren't the Tyrell forces currently trying to retake Dragonstone or something?
If you're thinking Rhaegar than no I don't think it is. Armor is to wack for the prince. About the Tyrell's I think you might be thinking of the books. In the show they have no business in Dragonstone. Loras and Margaery are both on trial in KL.

Ah you're right, Loras didn't go to break the siege.

And I was thinking Kings Guard, not Rhaegar. The Sword of the Morning, perhaps :nerd:
A guy with a hummingbird sigil shouldn't rule Westeros.
He been manipulating **** from the shadows the whole time. Why not outright rule?

The hummingbird sigil got yall judging a book by its cover.

Peter Baelish is on his Frank Underwood grind. Manipulating and killing his way to the top :smokin

:x @ people endorsing house Baelish.. :smh:

Dragon Bae or Lawd Snow for ruler of realm.
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The Gawd :pimp:

Hope he and Khaleesi will get to rule from the Iron Throne side by side :smokin
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I'm glad we saw Reek and Sansa in that trailer so we can squash that stupid theory of them committing suicide by jumping into a snowbank :lol:
I'm glad we saw Reek and Sansa in that trailer so we can squash that stupid theory of them committing suicide by jumping into a snowbank :lol:

I thought common sense would tell people that jump wouldn't kill them. Guess not. It'll hurt but 2 characters aren't going to die by jumping on snow. Melisandrebae is going to jump on Snow too but that's to bring him back to life.
Not a big Ballish fan but he does stay winning

He does everything low key too
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I'm glad we saw Reek and Sansa in that trailer so we can squash that stupid theory of them committing suicide by jumping into a snowbank :lol:

I thought common sense would tell people that jump wouldn't kill them. Guess not. It'll hurt but 2 characters aren't going to die by jumping on snow. Melisandrebae is going to jump on Snow too but that's to bring him back to life.

Theon and Sansa are dead bro.

And there's no way Theon and Sansa are dead

Is there a trampoline down there, they essentially just jumped off from the same elevation that Myranda fell to her death right?

:rofl: :rofl:

I just read through 15 pages of tears and crying, and I couldn't be happier. hahaha

Let's get a few things straight...

Well first and foremost, the thirst for you people finally trying to get to the books....YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO READ THEM!!!!
yes and no this has caught up to the books, there is so much more details missed out but yes it's pretty close...

stop trying to resurrect your boy Snow. he GONE .... and remember Melisandre doesn't have the power to ressurrect. (if you remember her saying that to Thoros back in season 3)
all you only death can pay for life... lol that's not the philosophy behind her religion so just stop....
Ninjas stretching with the blood in the snow supposed to look like a wolf....

Dany and the Khalisar, that was all Drogo's old crew... they're not really pleased to see her. they think she's the reason drogo died in the first place.

Stannis that hurt, but I serve the Lord of light so Stannis is gone, but im still with the red priestess,

they didn't really do Melisandre's background well at all, book wise shes much more followed than what we believe in the show. those men aren't really Baratheon men majority are her puppets.

you people that are googling answer and looking at wiki's trying to figure out this and that... you realize none of that stuff is confirmed fact right???

what a glorious day, I gladly spent the 20 mins reading through all those pages to see these reactions... I wish I was still on facebook so I can share some of these memes I've collected.

had to rep the



The North remembers. You gonna regret those words of tyranny when you're paying the iron price.

“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.” Snowgawd will return with a vengence and the only knee that bends will be your own. Mark it.
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The most anticlimactic death ever for one of the remaining Starks? Naa bruh :lol:

They're both not throwaways...
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They don't really show it on the show but the snow is deep as hell all around Winterfall in talking stories high

You really think they would end the story arcs of those 2 characters by having them jump to their deaths :rofl:
I figured there was snow but regardless of how deep I just wasn't schooled in the laws of jumping into snow.

Then someone dropped a short video of some Australian jumping into like 4 foot of snow (real life) from like 10 stories or something crazy and he crawled out and walked away.

After that I was learned about how they probably survived.
Before that video, wasn't fathomable and just TV.
Them being dead was a pretty old view of mine, like seconds after the finale. What do I think now? Who cares, show is back soon and we will find out
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How anyone would've seriously expected them to kill off Reek and Sansa like that beats me :lol:

Bigger names have died in far less dramatic ways.
What's so special about those 2 that a 40 ft fall wouldn't kill them?
:lol: You don't just kill another member of the Stark family like that b. C'mon now.

This is basic story telling.

I honestly can't believe ppl really thought they died from that. **** don't even make sense.

I remember ppl posting the Russians jumping off apt buildings in to banks of snow and surviving when ppl tried to say they died right after ppl tried to say Sansa and Reek died.
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