Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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i think bran will visit the time when ned visited the weirwood forest after beheading that guy from NW in the pilot 
I dont get it? nothing even happened
I'm not a book reader so I'm not sure, but how big is the Kings Landing army. Like the religious guys only have a couple hundred people. What's to stop Tommen( if he had any brains) or Cersei from just sending in the troops to clean up one night. The people of kings landing don't really like Cersei or the rulers anyway so public opinion wouldn't matter that much
the problem is half if not all of the city believe in the faith and the 7 pointed star.
The people will be furious. Revolt. You cant have that.
I'm not a book reader so I'm not sure, but how big is the Kings Landing army. Like the religious guys only have a couple hundred people. What's to stop Tommen( if he had any brains) or Cersei from just sending in the troops to clean up one night. The people of kings landing don't really like Cersei or the rulers anyway so public opinion wouldn't matter that much
the problem is half if not all of the city believe in the faith and the 7 pointed star.
The people will be furious. Revolt. You cant have that.
I'd argue that letting them live is already giving the people the courage to stand up to you. Like they paraded the queen around naked and their leader openly says no to the king. Those actions foster thoughts that revolt can actually happen. I'd rather crush them and send a message that you can try and revolt but you'll end up like them
I wonder if the Seven will show that their religion is real. You have some of the gods from other faiths showing what they got.
I'd argue that letting them live is already giving the people the courage to stand up to you. Like they paraded the queen around naked and their leader openly says no to the king. Those actions foster thoughts that revolt can actually happen. I'd rather crush them and send a message that you can try and revolt but you'll end up like them
Thats a valid point as well. But with cersi and margaery being "sinners" and the people already being shaky about the lannisters. So its a tough thing to just slaughter them. But im pretty sure the 7 pointed star is what everyone follows in that part. And the kings landing guard def dont have that many people. I dont quite remember numbers but i believe its less than 500 gold cloaks.
Yeah pretty much all of Westeros is dominated by the Seven religion wise besides the North where many still worship the old gods and the Iron Islands where they worship they drowned gods.  The Seven is so wack of a religion, Essos religions are much more interesting
Really good episode, great start to the season.

Tormund is beginning to be one of my favorite characters.

Not really interested in Sam/Gilly, or even Dany at this point. Hoping it picks up soon (maybe it will, that scene with Drogon flying overhead from the season trailer looks like it might be soon).

I actually didn't mind Tyrion's scene with Missandei and Grey Worm :lol:

Tower of Joy scene was crazy :wow: Ser Arthur Dayne :smokin dude was juggling like five guys with two swords, like someone said earlier, best swordsmanship on the show so far. I don't really understand why some people are mad that Howland Reed stabbed him in the back. I say anything goes. Like Bronn, gotta do what you gotta do, especially if Dayne is about to kill your boy.

Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven going back and forth is interesting. In the season trailer, it looks like Bran might be in the past or even future and the Night's King is able to touch him :smh:

I actually really enjoy Arya's story, she's always been one of my fave characters. I thought it was weird how they lingered on the Hound for a bit. I would love for him to be still alive and make the Cleganebowl happen, but I don't see why he would fight for the Faith/High Sparrow versus Ser Robert Strong. Also interesting in where she goes now.

I also thought Jon was gonna get all emotional and cut Olly down. It looked like he was having second thoughts once he cut the rope. But good for him, I would have lost a lot of respect if he did. I side with Jon but I also understand Ser Alliser and Olly's point of view as well.

"My watch is ended." View media item 2024692
I say Baelish comes through in the clutch with the Knights of the Vale. Hyped for the Bastardbowl.
Only thing is Arthur Dayne is supposed to fight just with Dawn from what I know rather than Dawn and a regular steel sword.  Also they should've gave Arthur Dayne and the other Kingsguard the Targaryen armor they're supposed to wear
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So are we going to have this thing now, where Salsa shows up to The Wall talmbout "my brother is Jon Snow and he is the Lord Commander!" and everyone at the wall just laughs?

Then they tell her that they have no idea where he went? :smh:
Only thing is Arthur Dayne is supposed to fight just with Dawn from what I know rather than Dawn and a regular steel sword.  Also they should've gave Arthur Dayne and the other Kingsguard the Targaryen armor they're supposed to wear
They're suppose to be wearing KG armor not Targ but I'm guessing they decided to do it this way so the audience knows who they fight for.
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Me and my co-workers were talking about this too, that theoretically no one know's that the Lord Commander died and then got resurrected. So technically, he would be an Oathbreaker...not sure how this is going to swing with all the Lords of the North...

Maybe since everything in the North seems to be going to hell, no one will care? 
And since Jon looks like he's doesnt give any dambs anymore, will do what he needs to do.
Funny how people are ignoring the fact that by Jon walking away from the Nights Watch, it's open season on him now. It is the duty of every Lord to behead him on sight.
True...But the Night's Watch currently doesn't have a Maester correct? So no word was announced that Jon Snow was initially killed?

But I suppose they would proclaim him a deserter the moment they find him away from Castle Black.
Funny how people are ignoring the fact that by Jon walking away from the Nights Watch, it's open season on him now. It is the duty of every Lord to behead him on sight.
True...But the Night's Watch currently doesn't have a Maester correct? So no word was announced that Jon Snow was initially killed?

But I suppose they would proclaim him a deserter the moment they find him away from Castle Black.

But wouldn't it be up to the Warden of the North to execute him?

Plus, I'm gonna assume word gets out that's he's been resurrected and the show probably won't delve into it any further than that :lol:

Arthur Dayne was looking like a Jedi Knight out there.

Dude was like a prequel character in Star Wars with all the twirling. I thought he was gonna do a backlip kick/twirl while he was at it :lol:
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Only thing is Arthur Dayne is supposed to fight just with Dawn from what I know rather than Dawn and a regular steel sword.  Also they should've gave Arthur Dayne and the other Kingsguard the Targaryen armor they're supposed to wear
They're suppose to be wearing KG armor not Targ but I'm guessing they decided to do it this way so the audience knows who they fight for.

Should've gave them Kingsguard armor but with the dragon sigil like they had.
But wouldn't it be up to the Warden of the North to execute him?

Plus, I'm gonna assume word gets out that's he's been resurrected and the show probably won't delve into it any further than that

Dude was like a prequel character in Star Wars with all the twirling. I thought he was gonna do a backlip kick/twirl while he was at it
You're right. Ned was Warden when he beheaded that deserter. Completely forgot about that.

Do you guys think the Umbers are really turning in Rickon or do you think there's something going on there?
Hey, I mean Jon Snow died for the Nights watch his contract is up and now he's a free agent and he should take his talents to the North

Word should've definitely spread that he was killed. I mean why wouldn't it
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But wouldn't it be up to the Warden of the North to execute him?

Plus, I'm gonna assume word gets out that's he's been resurrected and the show probably won't delve into it any further than that :lol:

Dude was like a prequel character in Star Wars with all the twirling. I thought he was gonna do a backlip kick/twirl while he was at it :lol:
You're right. Ned was Warden when he beheaded that deserter. Completely forgot about that.

Do you guys think the Umbers are really turning in Rickon or do you think there's something going on there?

Like I said before, it seemed a little convenient. I'm fully expecting some sort of flashback episode where the Umbers devise this plan. Sad that it had to be Shadggydog tho :smh:
Dude did say how much he disliked roose. Hard to think anyone could like his bastard either.
A little confused about who exactly the "Umbers" are? Can someone school me?
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A little confused about who exactly the "Umbers" are? Can someone school me?
Along with everything Millenial mentioned, it's important to remember Bran sent Rickon to the Umbers because they were always Stark allies
Greatjon was the real one who was one of the first to pledge fealty to Rob back in season 1. Proclaimed him in King in the North.
Can someone explain to me how the Sparrows gained so much power? Binged this show like crazy these pass couple of weeks and missed a few details along the way.
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