Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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thought it was a little weak that varys's ultra-secret birds were just kids who could be bought out with candy.

Now that Qyburn has the kids/birds on his side, how do you think this will effect the information Varys is receiving?

And I think it's was a great idea to use the kids, they can move around without drawing any attention to themselves and listen out for all of the local gossip, nobody had a clue.
there will be a little bit of blowback but I think varys has a failsafe and will quickly find out. no way he's lasted this long without having more cards in his deck to play.
I just got to Season 4 of BB...Sometimes it gets me hooked and sometimes it doesn't. I hate Skylar. Annoying AF.
I've slacked and haven't caught the 3 'After the Thrones' specials that stream each Monday. You guys watching and enjoying or is it not worth the time?
They do give a lot of info but them negus are nerdy af. They won't outdo "Talking Dead' if they're not getting cast members as guests.
Now that Qyburn has the kids/birds on his side, how do you think this will effect the information Varys is receiving?

And I think it's was a great idea to use the kids, they can move around without drawing any attention to themselves and listen out for all of the local gossip, nobody had a clue.
The difference between Varys and Qyburn is that Varys has been cultivating a spy network for years. He has spies everywhere. The Little Birds have a huge part in the fifth book, I don't know how that's going to be adapted into the show or rather what changes will be made.  

Also, Varys' rich homie, Illyrio has clout
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I doubt someone like Varys has a spy network that consists solely of children.

They're just a gear in the machine.
where you at in the rewatch? I forgot how much of a ***** Dany's brother Viserys was 
Bout to start up season 3.

 Viserys is a straight punk.

Rewatching this and really seeing how much Catelyn Stark really is the one shooting the family in the foot, time and time again

where you at in the rewatch? I forgot how much of a ***** Dany's brother Viserys was :lol:

Bout to start up season 3.

:lol:  Viserys is a straight punk.

Rewatching this and really seeing how much Catelyn Stark really is the one shooting the family in the foot, time and time again :wow: .

were at the same point, all the Starks are incredibly dense but I cant believe the complete lack of common sense Sansa has :smh: its so frustrating to watch.

Arya is killing it though, her scenes with Tywin :smokin
Yall dudes even comparing BB to GoT are being dumb.

i love how the show just completely dropped little finger and his boringness for the 1st 3 episodes. 


We're 3 eps in. Littlefinger hasn't shown up and ppl who claim not to like him still riding Baelish **** and can't keep him off their mind. That's telling enough.

I would say read the books though. Petyr hasn't had a chapter focused on him yet. His influence and impact on this story is palpabale without even telling his story yet.

where you at in the rewatch? I forgot how much of a ***** Dany's brother Viserys was :lol:

Bout to start up season 3.

:lol:  Viserys is a straight punk.

Rewatching this and really seeing how much Catelyn Stark really is the one shooting the family in the foot, time and time again :wow: .

Man, after rewatching this show from the start, i don't even feel bad for Catelyn Stark dying because she pretty much started the war when she took Tyrion as her prisoner, :smh:
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