Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Stannis and the legion of L might owe them dragonstone to clear that debt

yeah, whats up with storm's end? is it up for grabs, looks like a cool spot. Im all about that beach front living.

Does it have a beach? I can't remember. I keep thinking it's just all rocks and a big cliff.

From what I remember, place looked depressing as hell on the show.

Fitting for a chump like Stannis.
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Killing someone just because they were brought back from the dead sounds like some hater stuff.

If they feel that way then they need to put down all those wights running around.
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I would like to think that Arya wouldn't kill Jon even if she was assigned to or whatever. For the little time we saw them together, they seemed a lot closer than any of the other siblings :nerd:
I know what you're saying. There's something hypocritical or disingenuous about them for me.

Yeah, out of all the other weird mysterious things in this show (ice zombies, dragons, shadow demons, resurrection, 500+ year old witches) these faceless men throw me off the most. I'd trust Little Finger before Jaqen ...or whatever his real name is.
Arya is cut from a different cloth. As much as Johnathan is my g, I would hope she would kill him if she had to.
Would depend if he loses his Jon Snow identity and maybe turns into the Azor Ahai hero.

Where is stannis' sword right now, Lightbringer? That's the sword that Azor is supposed to be using.
From what I remember, place looked depressing as hell on the show.

Fitting for a chump like Stannis.
I think you guys are remembering Dragon Stone. Did we get to see Storm's End in the show? Other then the outside of it where Renly was stationed when Cat visited him.
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thats a long reach fam imo...

but why would she kill him again?
why do they want him dead? 

I admit, I am reaching.

With that said, what could the endgame for her journey be? She's not exactly a background character, so if her overall fate isn't tied to anything major, why should anyone care about her?
Definitely something up with the Faceless men and Jaqen.

I wouldn't be shocked if he was Syrio Forel. Probably wouldn't be a positive reveal, though.
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I admit, I am reaching.

With that said, what could the endgame for her journey be? She's not exactly a background character, so if her overall fate isn't tied to anything major, why should anyone care about her?
Arya being sent to kill Jon isn't a huge stretch. It's a common prediction for where her story might end up, but wanting him dead because of the resurrection is wack IMO. Alt Shift X has a cool video on Arya and where her story my end up. 
I think you guys are remembering Dragon Stone. Did we get to see Storm's End in the show? Other then the outside of it where Renly was stationed when Cat visited him.
oh yeah, that's right it is Dragon Stone. Stannis was tight that Big Bobby Barath gave Storm's End to Renley.
From what I remember, place looked depressing as hell on the show.

Fitting for a chump like Stannis.
I mean almost everywhere looks pretty bleek.

Dorne, Highgarden and Illyrio's spot in Pentos are the only nice places I can think of.
Iron Bank might be the wealthiest entity in the entire planet and is definitely at least 1 of them so there's a good chance they have a working relationship with the faceless men to collect debts.  We don't know for sure if Stannis is dead yet, I'm still not ready to call anyone dead unless we actually see it happen.
Definitely something up with the Faceless men and Jaqen.

I wouldn't be shocked if he was Syrio Forel. Probably would be a positive reveal, though.
Jaqen is Ra's Al Ghul and the faceless men are the league of assassins. Arya is going to be asked to kill someone she feels shouldn't die causing her to question the legitimacy of the faceless men. She'll burn the house of black and white down and head to westeros to become a vigilante in a direwolf costume. 
Definitely something up with the Faceless men and Jaqen.

I wouldn't be shocked if he was Syrio Forel. Probably wouldn't be a positive reveal, though.:lol:  

I remember that Syrio theory going around. It could work and would give answers to some things, but would be corny as hell at the same time. :lol:
It'd be funny if Arya saw him chillin on the street somewhere and he's like yeah I escaped and took a boat back home.
The Lord Commander of the Nights Watch was killed and brought back to life. The realm will find out. Word spread to KL that Mormount was killed by mutineers north of the wall.  I'm sure word about Jon can spread at least through out the north.
I actually think it would've been better if in ep 1 rumor spread that Jon was dead. The traitors send message of some lie like Jon being betrayed by Wildlings. So then even though he comes back to life at the end and we see what happens with the Night watch every other scene elsewhere would be some reaction to it; Cersi smirks at another Stark being dead, Sam getting word on the boat somehow and being sad as ****, Brienne telling Sansa they can't go to the wall cuz Jon is dead, etc.

Then after he leaves the NW and ppl see him in the North they're all ******* shocked. Then word spreads even more how he came back life.

As it is now, he died and came back to life in a matter of days. At best we'll get a scene with Ramsey saying I heard you were dead but I guess it wasn't true. I don't know how many ppl are gonna actually believe he died now that they see him walking around as opposed to spending some time knowing he's dead and then seeing him alive.

^^^ Also, IIRC, Jon really made an effort to explain to Olly why he wanted to make an alliance with the Wildlings. Told him it was the only chance they had to survive. Sam backed him up. At the end of the day, Olly didn't want to believe it.
Wasn't about want, the wildlings killed his family. His anger and want of revenge was more than what's best for humanity. It's totally understandable why Olly was mad and wanted them dead.

He just became a ***** boy when he decided to kill Jon for it. Like it wasn't like the wildlings were still a threat. He just misplaced his anger and directed it towards Jon. Plus it's not like killing Jon changed anything. Jon was gonna let them pass. They killed him and instead the wildlings washed the NW up anyway and could've took control and went south of the wall.
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I wish there was some explanation of what happened to Benjen Stark. Sucks how he appeared and disappeared.
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