OFFICIAL Green Bay Packers @ Chicago Bears - NFC Championship Game

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Would any of yall Chicago NTers be willing to cop me the Tribune tomorrow? PM me if possible.

Originally Posted by youngmoney

and thats why i said scum...people like you...

I'm the nicest guy in the world.  I was honest and said no. If another Chitowner would like to help him , then by all means, but you call me scum without knowing me, and that's makes you an ignorant %!# Packer !+*+%%* fan. And thats why I hate you people.
Originally Posted by youngmoney

and thats why i said scum...people like you...

I'm the nicest guy in the world.  I was honest and said no. If another Chitowner would like to help him , then by all means, but you call me scum without knowing me, and that's makes you an ignorant %!# Packer !+*+%%* fan. And thats why I hate you people.
He can say !+!# about the Bears or my city, but attacking my character is something I have no patience for.
He can say !+!# about the Bears or my city, but attacking my character is something I have no patience for.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Yo AR lets get a game of madden in.

I just added you on XBL.

I would, but i got the red rings last week

Should get it back sometime soon.....hopefully.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Yo AR lets get a game of madden in.

I just added you on XBL.

I would, but i got the red rings last week

Should get it back sometime soon.....hopefully.

if you were "the nicest guy in the world" you'd help out a fellow NT regular...but instead of not replying at all you put nope...its whatever though.

believe me im a nice guy too...its like you met a few packer fans in real life and yall got into a heated argument...than you just assume all of us are ignorant.

and you dont know me why say that "I hate you people" ?

in all honesty packer fans are definitely on the nicer side of all NFL fans...i mean i have first hand experience...ive been to opposing stadiums where people throw beer on me and cuss at me...even when im just minding my own business...When i go to lambeau from what ive seen there are VERY FEW instances where i see packer fans being disrespecful to the opposing teams sure there are definitely some...but imo (which is biased
) we "look" like we're nice

again this is a message just saying %+$# to get it going...sorry for calling you scum.

one love.

t-minus 16 hours to kickoff
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