soon enough.

tomorrow is game 5 and they'll most likely lose that.
Kinda late, I know... but better late than never. Sorry, I haven't been on a lot.

In our basketball league, we have offbad(3) and menace(4) battling it out for 1st and 2nd. And we have acid(2) and What up(1) battling it out for 3rd place.

Refresh my memory, we're doing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place payments like last year? 12 teams and $10 each. So that's $120. 1st gets $60, 2nd gets $20, and 3rd gets $10 (adds up to $90 because winners do not pay themselves).

When the dust settles, I'll organize who pays who via Paypal.

Good luck.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Kinda late, I know... but better late than never. Sorry, I haven't been on a lot.

In our basketball league, we have offbad(3) and menace(4) battling it out for 1st and 2nd. And we have acid(2) and What up(1) battling it out for 3rd place.

Refresh my memory, we're doing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place payments like last year? 12 teams and $10 each. So that's $120. 1st gets $60, 2nd gets $20, and 3rd gets $10 (adds up to $90 because winners do not pay themselves).

When the dust settles, I'll organize who pays who via Paypal.

Good luck.
I'm happy I'm not paying again this year. too bad Rondo caught an injury this last week and the Heat is sitting Bosh out.
Question, I'm sure at least 1 of you have had your wisdom teeth pulled, and I remember some threads in general, but on a scale of 1-10 how screwed am I? I wasn't really nervous at first, but after hearing different stories, I'm starting to be
how many are you getting taken out?

i got all 4 of mine done at once and i was in a bit of pain at first. couldnt fully close my mouth due to the swelling and what not. the blood drying up in my mouth was not the bidness. all i ate for like a week was soupy food. lost like 5-8 pounds as well.

have fun.
I had mine taken out last year and if anything the first couple days are the worst with the blood and swelling. But the mess should help with that. After 5 days or so it became better you just have to make sure you don't get an infection.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Question, I'm sure at least 1 of you have had your wisdom teeth pulled, and I remember some threads in general, but on a scale of 1-10 how screwed am I? I wasn't really nervous at first, but after hearing different stories, I'm starting to be
Screwed as in...How painful it'll be? I was put to sleep, but woke up in the middle of the operation and asked "Am I suppose to be asleep?" and knocked out again

But, to answer your question, it's not that bad (IMO). Post operation, I had a huge headache, but that's about it. Be prepared to see a lot of blood, take your meds, and use ice.

You'll more than likely lose a lot of weight, being that you can't eat solid foods for a while. I took all 4 out at once if it matters.
I only need 2 out, but I'm getting all 4 taken out on Tuesday. I'm good with pain, but I always get nervous. I'm getting put to sleep, but I'll just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Thanks for the different takes..
Originally Posted by daprescription

I only need 2 out, but I'm getting all 4 taken out on Tuesday. I'm good with pain, but I always get nervous. I'm getting put to sleep, but I'll just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Thanks for the different takes..
same; mine were the 2 bottom impacted, but i got all 4 at once. it was tolerable pain I suppose. Mostly dull and achy more than anything. just stay on your meds, ice, and gauze and you'll be okay.
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