Official Heat vs Celtics Thread. The Wagon Lives On. Choo Choo!

Originally Posted by DubA169

i was taking it to the extreme because dc was saying competition is all about wanting to win as soon as possible and as easy as possible.
In the NBA, where winning is few and far between and NOT guaranteed, winning ASAP is what should be aimed for. I sitll don't understand the logic of going to a team where it will take 2+ years to be a serious contender when you can go to an instant contender. Makes no sense to me at all.

So yes that is the point of competiting. TO win right now. Especially when you have already failed 7 times.
at all the people going at lebron's neck now that he shut the celtics the ##*% up.

I mean, the guy even apologized for last years decision madness, and people are still salty and hating on him.
He showed up when they needed him to. He redeemed himself against boston and lived up to his title of the "Chosen One". He carried the team for 10 back to back unanswered points, pushing MIA to a 16-0 run in the end of the game.

What is there to hate? Some %+%$ that happened last year? How he was hyped coming into the league 8 years ago? Move the hell on. Lebron is in a position to win now. Cleveland couldn't do anything for him.

And the EASIEST place for him to go to get a ring would have been LA or Boston. Him going to Orlando would have been just as dominant as him going to Miami. Lebron and Howard would have been just as unstoppable of a force. Hell, ANYWHERE but cleveland would have been the easiest place to get a ring. Ohio is just slum. period.

Nobody hated KG and Ray for going to boston, the world embraced it. So why isn't the world embracing miami right now?

Because everyone who is mad made lebron out to be more than what he really was. If some of you didn't feel like he was going to become the next to the GOAT throne, you wouldn't be as pissed. Its the league, players aren't going to sit around and not progress. If you do, you wont get anywhere in your career. Nobody gave lebron the necessary pieces to be a champ. So lebron said ##*% it, and made his own pieces.

Mike was given the pieces, Magic was given the pieces, Bird was given the pieces. Whether they were fellow all stars or not, they had players going out every night determined to give all they got. The Cavs did not have that. Hell even now, OKC has a squad of players who aren't all allstars, but they're the right players to chase a ring. CLEVELAND DIDN'T HAVE ANY PEICES OUTSIDE OF LEBRON.

So get over it. He's the KING. He's the CHOSEN ONE. And he's playing in WADE COUNTY.
Look at the games, see who dominated on the Cavs, only one man did. He had no real support to get the job done when it mattered most. Lebron was the league scoring leader one year for goodness sake. And his number really didn't change the year after, nor were they really any different the years before. He was the Cavs source of dominance and offense. 
at all the people going at lebron's neck now that he shut the celtics the ##*% up.

I mean, the guy even apologized for last years decision madness, and people are still salty and hating on him.
He showed up when they needed him to. He redeemed himself against boston and lived up to his title of the "Chosen One". He carried the team for 10 back to back unanswered points, pushing MIA to a 16-0 run in the end of the game.

What is there to hate? Some %+%$ that happened last year? How he was hyped coming into the league 8 years ago? Move the hell on. Lebron is in a position to win now. Cleveland couldn't do anything for him.

And the EASIEST place for him to go to get a ring would have been LA or Boston. Him going to Orlando would have been just as dominant as him going to Miami. Lebron and Howard would have been just as unstoppable of a force. Hell, ANYWHERE but cleveland would have been the easiest place to get a ring. Ohio is just slum. period.

Nobody hated KG and Ray for going to boston, the world embraced it. So why isn't the world embracing miami right now?

Because everyone who is mad made lebron out to be more than what he really was. If some of you didn't feel like he was going to become the next to the GOAT throne, you wouldn't be as pissed. Its the league, players aren't going to sit around and not progress. If you do, you wont get anywhere in your career. Nobody gave lebron the necessary pieces to be a champ. So lebron said ##*% it, and made his own pieces.

Mike was given the pieces, Magic was given the pieces, Bird was given the pieces. Whether they were fellow all stars or not, they had players going out every night determined to give all they got. The Cavs did not have that. Hell even now, OKC has a squad of players who aren't all allstars, but they're the right players to chase a ring. CLEVELAND DIDN'T HAVE ANY PEICES OUTSIDE OF LEBRON.

So get over it. He's the KING. He's the CHOSEN ONE. And he's playing in WADE COUNTY.
Look at the games, see who dominated on the Cavs, only one man did. He had no real support to get the job done when it mattered most. Lebron was the league scoring leader one year for goodness sake. And his number really didn't change the year after, nor were they really any different the years before. He was the Cavs source of dominance and offense. 
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by DubA169
Except the Heat aren't playing scrub teams you *$%#%*+. Except maybe your team.
This guy is always mad
I could feel the anger from over here...

It's like he purposely tries to outdo xtopcetllkadl's Kobe/Lebron related trolling.
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by DubA169
Except the Heat aren't playing scrub teams you *$%#%*+. Except maybe your team.
This guy is always mad
I could feel the anger from over here...

It's like he purposely tries to outdo xtopcetllkadl's Kobe/Lebron related trolling.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.

Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.

Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.
I wonder if there will be any outrage about Pierce, Garnett, and Rondo walking off the court and not shaking anyone's hand.

Probably not, because LeBron didnt do it.
I was trying to keep up with the game while at work, and saw the Celtics up late in the 4th. Checked back and saw the Heat win by 10. Props to LeBron for hitting big shots to close that series out.
I wonder if there will be any outrage about Pierce, Garnett, and Rondo walking off the court and not shaking anyone's hand.

Probably not, because LeBron didnt do it.
I was trying to keep up with the game while at work, and saw the Celtics up late in the 4th. Checked back and saw the Heat win by 10. Props to LeBron for hitting big shots to close that series out.
Congratulations to the LeBron fans and the Heat fans. I know this is a big night for you guys. Good luck against the Bulls Mavs/Thunder. You're going to need it if Peja and Barea are still giving the Mavs 10+ a game off the bench.

Right now, I gotta seed the remaining playoff teams

a. Dallas
b. Miami
2. Chicago
3. OKC
Congratulations to the LeBron fans and the Heat fans. I know this is a big night for you guys. Good luck against the Bulls Mavs/Thunder. You're going to need it if Peja and Barea are still giving the Mavs 10+ a game off the bench.

Right now, I gotta seed the remaining playoff teams

a. Dallas
b. Miami
2. Chicago
3. OKC
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.
Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.
This dude's obsession with discrediting Bron is straight up comedy
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.
Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.
This dude's obsession with discrediting Bron is straight up comedy
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.
Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.

Not sure if you're trolling or actually serious.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by knightngale

So you are saying lebron had no help with the cavs? The cavs were the best team in 2009 and 2010. 2009 was a fluke loss cause Orlando was pulling 3s out of their +#% but still I remeber Pietrus of all people shutting him down during
some key possessions. They were the best team again last year until lebron quit.
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.
Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.

Not sure if you're trolling or actually serious.
Big J 33:
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.

Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.

This dude's obsession with discrediting Bron is straight up comedy
Completely agree with you, OneTrust.

I hope you've also see dudes equally dedicated to discrediting Kobe, though.

Like I said in a thread earlier today, I find both sides equally annoying.
Big J 33:
Great team defense + supremely talented player (Lebron) will beat most teams during the regular season, he is that good. But when Lebron struggles or if there's no one else offensively who can step up, then you're not going to win in the playoffs. Who was Lebron's best teammate? Mo "All-Star" Williams? Antawn Jamison at 33? Delonte West? Compare that to the 2nd best players on the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, etc.
I think Nolan brought up the comparison of the Cavs to this year's Bulls. Superior team defense and the MVP will cruise through the regular season, but face challenges come playoffs.

Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.

This dude's obsession with discrediting Bron is straight up comedy
Completely agree with you, OneTrust.

I hope you've also see dudes equally dedicated to discrediting Kobe, though.

Like I said in a thread earlier today, I find both sides equally annoying.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Congratulations to the LeBron fans and the Heat fans. I know this is a big night for you guys. Good luck against the Bulls Mavs/Thunder. You're going to need it if Peja and Barea are still giving the Mavs 10+ a game off the bench.

Right now, I gotta seed the remaining playoff teams

a. Dallas
b. Miami
2. Chicago
3. OKC
Honestly fam, I really see Miami and Dallas in the finals again. I want that game, and I want to see Miami victorious again. 
He quit when his team was dominating.

I haz confuse.

Wouldn't the fact the team was dominating be a strong indicator that he didn't quit?

The whole team quit at the end of the game 6 after the game was already decided if I remember correctly.

BTW I was just messing with you Rolaholic.

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