Official Heat vs Celtics Thread. The Wagon Lives On. Choo Choo!

Originally Posted by doyung9

Congratulations to the LeBron fans and the Heat fans. I know this is a big night for you guys. Good luck against the Bulls Mavs/Thunder. You're going to need it if Peja and Barea are still giving the Mavs 10+ a game off the bench.

Right now, I gotta seed the remaining playoff teams

a. Dallas
b. Miami
2. Chicago
3. OKC
Honestly fam, I really see Miami and Dallas in the finals again. I want that game, and I want to see Miami victorious again. 
He quit when his team was dominating.

I haz confuse.

Wouldn't the fact the team was dominating be a strong indicator that he didn't quit?

The whole team quit at the end of the game 6 after the game was already decided if I remember correctly.

BTW I was just messing with you Rolaholic.

Originally Posted by The Bad Guy

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by DubA169
Except the Heat aren't playing scrub teams you *$%#%*+. Except maybe your team.
This guy is always mad
I could feel the anger from over here...

It's like he purposely tries to outdo xtopcetllkadl's Kobe/Lebron related trolling.

These fools provide great entertainment with their backwards logic. I enjoy it. If you would like to join in, please do. The more clowns that post around here the better
Originally Posted by The Bad Guy

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by DubA169
Except the Heat aren't playing scrub teams you *$%#%*+. Except maybe your team.
This guy is always mad
I could feel the anger from over here...

It's like he purposely tries to outdo xtopcetllkadl's Kobe/Lebron related trolling.

These fools provide great entertainment with their backwards logic. I enjoy it. If you would like to join in, please do. The more clowns that post around here the better
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by bilbo07

Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

No. You don't. Those weren't manufactured teams. This one is. It takes the spirit of competition and integrity and throws it out the window.
but boston was built on trades and free agents? nobody hates them.
Plenty of people dislike the Celtics for that reason, including me. I don't hate the Heat either, and as long as this doesn't become a trend I don't care much. They're entertaining as the "villain." But I don't know how someone could argue that manufacturing a team between players like that doesn't go against the traditional and historical aesthetic of building and developing an NBA team. If the Heat win the championship, so be it. They earned it. Fair or not, though, I doubt they'll be seen in the same light as previous winners.

But the Lakers have done it for the last decade now.  Why is it wrong all of a sudden?
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by bilbo07

Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

No. You don't. Those weren't manufactured teams. This one is. It takes the spirit of competition and integrity and throws it out the window.
but boston was built on trades and free agents? nobody hates them.
Plenty of people dislike the Celtics for that reason, including me. I don't hate the Heat either, and as long as this doesn't become a trend I don't care much. They're entertaining as the "villain." But I don't know how someone could argue that manufacturing a team between players like that doesn't go against the traditional and historical aesthetic of building and developing an NBA team. If the Heat win the championship, so be it. They earned it. Fair or not, though, I doubt they'll be seen in the same light as previous winners.

But the Lakers have done it for the last decade now.  Why is it wrong all of a sudden?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

In fairness, LeBron has struggled down the stretch all season. He came up big tonight though, so props.
Great point. His personal struggles were finally quenched. Great point. I am sure it felt so good to him to finally shut folks up that said he was Le-Un-Clutch. Even though he has showed in the past years that he could get it done in the clutch.

The dude can't win. Just like Kobe, he can't win for winning.

If he wins, he shouldn't celebrate as hard.
If he hits clutch baskets, those didn't count because there wasn't any real pressure.

I applaud those of you on here that aren't speaking from emotion.

He's starting to replace Kobe as most hated and both haters sound just as dumb when they're tryin to discredit them.

I understand people dislike what Bron did last summer but to keep saying he's not clutch its outta pure hatred.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

In fairness, LeBron has struggled down the stretch all season. He came up big tonight though, so props.
Great point. His personal struggles were finally quenched. Great point. I am sure it felt so good to him to finally shut folks up that said he was Le-Un-Clutch. Even though he has showed in the past years that he could get it done in the clutch.

The dude can't win. Just like Kobe, he can't win for winning.

If he wins, he shouldn't celebrate as hard.
If he hits clutch baskets, those didn't count because there wasn't any real pressure.

I applaud those of you on here that aren't speaking from emotion.

He's starting to replace Kobe as most hated and both haters sound just as dumb when they're tryin to discredit them.

I understand people dislike what Bron did last summer but to keep saying he's not clutch its outta pure hatred.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He proclaimed himself the Chosen one?

The kid has been proclaimed great since he was 16, I think his ego is actually pretty damn impressive consdering the world was slobbering him since he was in high school.  And #%*% outta here, every pro athlete has a huge ego.  No one ever talked about the ego until the decision, everyone liked the guy and he !@%+# up once and now everyone pretends that he is something that he wasn't.

Also love how no one has mentioned that the first thing he does when they interview him pregame is give head to the Celtics and talk about how great they are.  Yea, cause that is what people with huge ego's do
yes he did
He got that tattoo long after the nickname had been thrown around.  And the King James nickname came from Nike.

This guy can't win, people will vilify him for doing $#!% he didn't even do.  People are angry at his nicknames yet Shaq is celebrated for coming up with a new nickname for himself every damn year.  Kobe invented Black Mamba, no one called him that lame !!$ nickname before his swagless self invented it.

Aside from the Decision, the guy has done nothing wrong yet the whole world roots against him.  I'll never understand the double standard we hold athletes too, expecting them to be standards for some ambious morality that we ourselves don't even come close to reaching.
Tattoo was there in Summer 04. He drafted in 03. Your "The whole world root against Lebron..." is a reach. Maybe majority of Lakers fans and some bitter Cavs, Knicks fans root against him but to say the whole basketball world is a reach. There is really no double standards. Lebron chose to become the bad guy when he moved to Miami. Before that he wasn't hated as much. And Kobe didn't really invent the Black mamba nicknames. It was Nike marketing that did. And Kobe earn his nick name unlike Lebron.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He proclaimed himself the Chosen one?

The kid has been proclaimed great since he was 16, I think his ego is actually pretty damn impressive consdering the world was slobbering him since he was in high school.  And #%*% outta here, every pro athlete has a huge ego.  No one ever talked about the ego until the decision, everyone liked the guy and he !@%+# up once and now everyone pretends that he is something that he wasn't.

Also love how no one has mentioned that the first thing he does when they interview him pregame is give head to the Celtics and talk about how great they are.  Yea, cause that is what people with huge ego's do
yes he did
He got that tattoo long after the nickname had been thrown around.  And the King James nickname came from Nike.

This guy can't win, people will vilify him for doing $#!% he didn't even do.  People are angry at his nicknames yet Shaq is celebrated for coming up with a new nickname for himself every damn year.  Kobe invented Black Mamba, no one called him that lame !!$ nickname before his swagless self invented it.

Aside from the Decision, the guy has done nothing wrong yet the whole world roots against him.  I'll never understand the double standard we hold athletes too, expecting them to be standards for some ambious morality that we ourselves don't even come close to reaching.
Tattoo was there in Summer 04. He drafted in 03. Your "The whole world root against Lebron..." is a reach. Maybe majority of Lakers fans and some bitter Cavs, Knicks fans root against him but to say the whole basketball world is a reach. There is really no double standards. Lebron chose to become the bad guy when he moved to Miami. Before that he wasn't hated as much. And Kobe didn't really invent the Black mamba nicknames. It was Nike marketing that did. And Kobe earn his nick name unlike Lebron.
Props to the Heat and their fans on this board.

'Bron in the clutch
.. Pierce

Doc is a class act.  Good to see Lebron show respect to the C's.  I don't care how hype he was, this was the team that he couldn't get past.
Props to the Heat and their fans on this board.

'Bron in the clutch
.. Pierce

Doc is a class act.  Good to see Lebron show respect to the C's.  I don't care how hype he was, this was the team that he couldn't get past.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by cartune

Didnt MJ show similar emotion after finally beating Detroit?

lol not like Lebron. Unlike him, he saved his true emotions once he won his first.
Bull....MJ celebrated like crazy when he beat Cleveland in the first round....
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by cartune

Didnt MJ show similar emotion after finally beating Detroit?

lol not like Lebron. Unlike him, he saved his true emotions once he won his first.
Bull....MJ celebrated like crazy when he beat Cleveland in the first round....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Lebron was TOYING with the celtics last year. The cavs were clearly better than the celtics but lebron quit. Did you guys forget that? He quit when his team was dominating.
This dude's obsession with discrediting Bron is straight up comedy
Completely agree with you, OneTrust.

I hope you've also see dudes equally dedicated to discrediting Kobe, though.

Like I said in a thread earlier today, I find both sides equally annoying.

I lurk this forum frequently but don't post much, and I had a serious question to all those people who spend all day and night trying to discredit either kobe or lebron:

What do you get out of it at the end of the day? Is it the satisfaction that you proved to someone on the internet that a player they enjoy watching is over-rated? 
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