make it 2/26 
^yeah he caught a stick in the eye.
he didn't go to the hospital, which i think is a pretty good sign (i hope
). he is seeing the eye specialist later.

but finally a good showing. and f the backup goalies
Pronger w. a visor??? That's like Sean Avery wearing Maurice Malone jeans in 2011...just doesn't seem right

Safety first tho...
It was an unfortunate situation, Grabo's stick went up Pronger's which caused him to hit Pronger in the eye area. Immediately you could hear Pronger yelling

This dude Jagr with the Salute after he snipes
Originally Posted by cquan05

It was an unfortunate situation, Grabo's stick went up Pronger's which caused him to hit Pronger in the eye area. Immediately you could hear Pronger yelling

This dude Jagr with the Salute after he snipes

maybe that jagov shoulda learned after last year... but no he was too tough for a visor... well look where bein oldschool got ya, could very well have cost him an eye (Manny Malhotra)

man these NHL players need to realize you can carry tradition n be tough but also smart... they need to take more ques from the NFL... players r jus too big n strong nowadays

being at the rink live n watching some of these shots come off 6'4 250 lbs dudes sticks is
... imagine taking a puck to the dome like mike green
, but gettin Casey Jonesd from Ninja Turtles in the face
hes going to be #$%$%% up, problem is he shoulda saw the specialist last night, cuz once that eye swells shut its be a *$!*+ to try n examine (scratched through my cornea once


Giroux is rediculous... reminds me of a better marc savard pre concussions


i hate that i actually like 2 flyers now

Max Talbot can goto hell tho, Benedict #%!!%## Arnold
Originally Posted by SCuse7

No fights yet in this Pens game? the !%%$?
we got em on a back 2 back... tonight will beat their $%$#$ and then theyll try n get even on Thursday...

if Gillies sees the ice Asham or Engelland better jump him... immediately

Wait...did I just hear Lecavalier correctly? He said that *gasp* Ryan Malone and Steve Downie fighting SPARKED the team out of the 0-2 hole tonight vs. the Sabres?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Wait...did I just hear Lecavalier correctly? He said that *gasp* Ryan Malone and Steve Downie fighting SPARKED the team out of the 0-2 hole tonight vs. the Sabres?


I saw that and thought of you 

Good win for the hawks
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Wait...did I just hear Lecavalier correctly? He said that *gasp* Ryan Malone and Steve Downie fighting SPARKED the team out of the 0-2 hole tonight vs. the Sabres?


I saw that and thought of you 

imagine that...
As we all know athletes are the smartest and most informed people on the game, thats obviously why players make the best GM's, and why Emmit Smith is an incredible analyst. Stop living in the stone age, baseball players also think bunting is good, and hit and runs makes sense but we know better. It's nice to think that fighting effects winning but it doesn't despite what macho jocks tell you.

If players had it there way they wouldn't be wearing helmets, In 97 Craig Mctavish still refused to wear a helmet. 
^ There are many things that athletes aren't experts in, but I would consider them experts in the game they've played their whole lives and currently do for a living. So I'm going to take their word for it over yours
Originally Posted by hawkflight6

^ There are many things that athletes aren't experts in, but I would consider them experts in the game they've played their whole lives and currently do for a living. So I'm going to take their word for it over yours

Like I said, we would have no helmets, and no face masks for goalies if hockey players had it there way. So you can hockey players to the gates of hell if you wish, the reason you have a league and rules commission.

you've got to be kidding me. you actually think they, and goalies in particular, would not wear helmets in today's game? just cause some nut who played in the 70s, 80s, and 90s did it, doesn't mean today's players would hit the ice without them.
i wish they would promote hockey more... ESPN really doesn't even show hockey highlights anymore.. that is some BS
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


you've got to be kidding me. you actually think they, and goalies in particular, would not wear helmets in today's game? just cause some nut who played in the 70s, 80s, and 90s did it, doesn't mean today's players would hit the ice without them.
Most players apposed helmets until NHL made them mandatory, only reason Mctavish had no helmet is because they grand fathered the rule in.

Jacques Plante was basically called a @#+*@ by the entire hockey community for being the first goalie to rock the mask...
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


you've got to be kidding me. you actually think they, and goalies in particular, would not wear helmets in today's game? just cause some nut who played in the 70s, 80s, and 90s did it, doesn't mean today's players would hit the ice without them.
Most players apposed helmets until NHL made them mandatory, only reason Mctavish had no helmet is because they grand fathered the rule in.
so you think today, if the NHL made them optional, most dudes would play without them? in today's NHL where concussion education is at an all time high, we'd see guys playing without helmets? goalies too? i dunno man, i don't see it happening. 10 years ago, maybe. not today.
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