[h1]Shanahan cites lack of intent in not suspending Lucic[/h1]
Monday, 11.14.2011 / 3:30 PM / News
[h3]By Dan Rosen - Senior Writer[/h3]TORONTO -- After a thorough review of the play, including a formal disciplinary hearing Monday, Brendan Shanahan, NHL Senior Vice President of Player Safety and Hockey Operations, has decided against any further discipline to Boston forward Milan Lucic for his hit on Buffalo goalie Ryan Miller in Saturday's game at TD Garden.
Shanahan held a hearing with Lucic via conference call because he had specific questions he wanted to ask before making a determination on potential supplemental discipline.

"I had the hearing because I did make an initial assessment of the play as I do with all plays, but I did have some questions for Milan and I wanted to hear directly from him," Shanahan told "They were regarding his intent; at what point did he know there was going to be a collision; and whether or not he felt he had the time to avoid the collision. I was satisfied with his answers."
Shanahan said the minor penalty for charging was the proper call in this case because it follows Rule 42.1, which reads "a goalkeeper is not fair game just because he is outside the goal crease area."
"The minor penalty called on the ice was the correct call," Shanahan said. "And, while it's unfortunate that Miller was hurt I saw nothing egregious about this hit that would elevate it to supplemental discipline."
Lucic was issued a minor penalty for charging when he skated into Miller with 6:48 remaining in the first period of Saturday's game. Both Lucic and Miller were going after a puck, and the collision occurred inside the faceoff circle. Miller stayed in for the remainder of the first period and played all of the second period before being replaced by Jhonas Enroth to start the third period. Miller allowed 3 goals on 10 shots in the second period.
According to the Sabres, Miller suffered a concussion and will not play Monday in Montreal.

suck it, miller
It's been very frustrating with Wheeler this year. I'm very happy we got a team back and realize that they aren't very good so I can tolerate losing right now because it's a young team with great potential that is trying to find they're way now. But what I don't like is a lack of effort, which is Wheeler's problem.
We can see Andrew Ladd and Bryan Little going into the corners, battling for pucks and hustling back on D, the Kane-Burmistrov-Antropov line works hard and generates chances and our other 2 forward lines battle and grind and contribute and the D may get caught out of position once in a while but they hustle back when that happens.
So even though we're losing I can't complain because they're working hard and want to get better. Except Wheeler, who hasn't scored this year and just doesn't seem to give a crap.
if miller suffered a concussion, why did he hang around to be interviewed and call looch a piece of *$*+?

shanny ripped on him for it too. dont remember the exact quote, but basically said it was uncalled for.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

if miller suffered a concussion, why did he hang around to be interviewed and call looch a piece of *$*+?

shanny ripped on him for it too. dont remember the exact quote, but basically said it was uncalled for.
Not to treat concussions lightly, but yeah, I thought the same thing.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Brad Richards is officially a new York ranger

seven in a row
Figures the minute I leave the gym, Richards scores.  
7th heaven, sucks we gotta wait until Saturday to play again. 
Byfuglien hits 104 in the hardest shot contest during the Jets skills competition tonight

Great win by the Jets yesterday, 5-2 over Tampa. Everybody played great and this game showed that we can be a very good team when we play to our potential.

at the Pens, and they don't even have Crosby right now
Yucky Duchene! 

I liked the one where he split the whole lineup against The Stars but this one is just pure nastiness.

My Bruins finding their stride and good to see the lower lines get a couple of points on the board. 
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